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SOS e Voice For Justice & SOS e Clarion of Dalit
Wednesday, 27 December 2017
Reservation - Right or Wrong ?

DALIT   ONLINE   –  e  News  Weekly


Spreading the light of humanity freedom

Editor: Nagaraja.M.R.. Vol.13..Issue.52........31 / 12 / 2017


PIL –  Reservation for Dalits & Muslims






editor  Indian’s  Diary  &  Dalit’s Diary ,
# LIG 2 , No 761 ,, HUDCO First Stage , Laxmikantanagar ,
Hebbal , Mysore – 570017 , Karnataka State


Honourable Chief Secretary , Government of Karnataka ,

Honourable Pricipal Cabinet Secretary , GOI  & Others



To ,
Hon'ble The Chief Justice of India and His Lordship's Companion
Justices of the Supreme Court of India. The Humble petition of the
Petitioner above named.


1. Facts of the case:

   Dalits & backward caste people  have suffered innumerably for centuries  at the hands of forward caste people. It  was nothing but APARTHEID policy.

   Muslims and other  people  whoes numbers were minor  also suffered persecution.

   Our constitutional framers  to provide  equal oppurtunity to all indian citizens gave certain transient  measures like reservation in schools , college , jobs , etc to these persecuted people.

   Now even after 70 years of independence &  reservation , affirmative policies of government still  many dalits , minorities are  suffering. Creamy layers of  dalits , muslims  with political connections  have over used , reservation benefits to the maximum denying their own dalit , muslim brothers , sisters of reservation benefits. As  a result  few dalits , muslims  have become well educated , rich while their  poor brothers suffer in ghettos , slums.

   Private sector   which  enjoys loans , subsidies , other benefits from government  , public banks  are not bound  by reservation policy , are not bound by social obligation to provide reservation to dalits & muslims.

   Successive governments  are indirectly  segregating people with new names & using them as vote banks. Affirmative actions of government  are creating inequalities in society, while constitution of india mandates to treat all citizens as equals.


2. Question(s) of Law:

Why NOT  reservation policy  cover all dalits , muslims & minorities ?  Why NOT uniform civil code ?

3. Grounds:

Request for  Protection of Fundamental & Human Right of Equality of all Indian Citizens  in all spheres..


4. Averment: 
a . Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to  enact UNIFORM CIVIL CODE.

b.  to  give reservation benefits like job reservation , subsidized loan , preferrential industrial / residential site allotment , etc  only once , only one benefit  that too to only one family member. This  avoids  a single dalit with political connections using multiple reservation benefits and  same  family members using reservation benefits. Once a dalit gets reservation benefit he must come up on his own and must strive to bring  up his other family members. This way reservation benefit will  reach other poor dalit families  who have not received  a single reservation policy benefit.
c. to order government to stop appeasing one minority community  by subsidized pilgrimage ,  marriage support , etc while denying the same to other community.
d. The intent of our constitutional framers was to  bring oppressed  on par with forward caste  people towards a dignified life  but never to  put them above others  crushing , oppressing  poor forward caste people. This goes against constitution & creates new  way of  APARTHEID & new outcasts.
e. to order government  to enforce reservation policy in job , school seats , to private sector also.


In the above premises, it is prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased:

a . Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to perform their duties & to legally enforce  Uniform Civil Code.

b.  to  give reservation benefits like job reservation , subsidized loan , preferrential industrial / residential site allotment , etc  only once , only one benefit  that too to only one family member. This  avoids  a single dalit with political connections using multiple reservation benefits and  same  family members using reservation benefits. Once a dalit gets reservation benefit he must come up on his own and must strive to bring  up his other family members. This way reservation benefit will  reach other poor dalit families  who have not received  a single reservation policy benefit.
c. to order government to stop appeasing one minority community  by subsidized pilgrimage ,  marriage support , etc while denying the same to other community.
d. The intent of our constitutional framers was to  bring oppressed  on par with forward caste  people towards a dignified life  but never to  put them above others  crushing , oppressing  poor forward caste people. This goes against constitution & creates new  way of  APARTHEID & new outcasts.
e. to order government  to enforce reservation policy in job , school seats , to private sector also.


f. to pass such other orders and further orders as may be deemed necessary on the facts and in the circumstances of the case. 



Dated : 05.12.2017          ………………..FILED BY: NAGARAJA.M.R.

Place : Mysuru , India…………………….PETITIONER-IN-PERSON 



Editorial :  Birth  of   DALIT  ONLINE

    Dalit  means  “ Oppressed  Person” .  DALIT  term  refers to all  Oppressed  human beings  irrespective of caste , religion , region , ideology  they belong to.  It doesn’t refer  to a particular  caste alone. Nowadays human beings are treated worse than animals on the basis of their caste or  religion  or poverty  or social status.  Dalits  must be respected , their human rights protected , towards this end  Baba Saheb Dr.B R Ambedkar  drafted our Indian constitution. He has personally suffered  untouchability , oppression throught his life , seen many dalits undergoing the grind. To alleviate their sufferings , to provide them a dignified life , to protect their human rights he drafted our constitution  envisioning equality for all. He  never intended  to uplift somebody by pushing down , suppressing others.  He wanted to uplift downtrodden to the level of dignity.

  To  air grievances of Dalits to the authorities  and to appeal  for justice “ DALIT  ONLINE” e news weekly is born on UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHTS DAY ( 10.12.2017 ).  All our  three publications Indian’s Diary , Dalit’s Diary & Dalit Online  merges herewith and the name of merged entity , publication is “ DALIT ONLINE” with weekly periodicity. Let us strive towards an  equitable society as  eulogized below  by Rabindranath Tagore :

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls
Where words come out from the depth of truth
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit
Where the mind is led forward by thee
Into ever-widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.


HUMAN  RIGHTS  , Independence to Dalits , commoners  ?


   Even after  70 years of independence , dalits  are not treated as human beings. They have not got the INDEPENDENCE , FREEDOM  envisioned  by our freedom fighters , martyrs. Least of all their HUMAN RIGHTS ar not respected , as  first of all DALITs are not treated as human beings.  Indian  APARTEID.

    Criminalization of police , judiciary ,  public service has taken place. The corrupt persons within the police , judiciary are meting out injustices to commoners. Constitutional rights, human rights of commoners are not respected and  commoners are not allowed to do their  fundamental constitutional duties.

    Read the following articles. Chief Justice of India , Public servants , Various state Director Generals of Police & Home Secretaries are not answering our RTI queries since years. They are afraid of TRUTH , as it will vindicate their crimes. Hereby , we urge them once again to fully answer following RTI Questions and urge CJI to admit following PILs , pass orders accordingly. The delay in taking action by police & judges with respect to RTI appeals , PILs is aiding criminals and causing deaths of innocents. Intentional negligence of duties by above mentioned public servants does not make the following cases time barred and will make them personally responsible for all the resulting crimes.


True  INDEPENDENCE , FREEDOM  .  HUMAN RIGHTS can be achieved only through  transparent DEMOCRACY.

    Hope  on this  Universal  Human Rights Day  Indian Authorities will  learn to respect all Human Beings. With this fond hope  “ DALIT  ONLINE ? e news weekly is born today.  Jai hind. Vande Mataram.









PIL - Atrocities against Dalits by Government







editor SOS e Clarion of Dalit & SOS e Voice for Justice

# LIG 2 , No 761 ,, HUDCO First Stage , Laxmikantanagar ,

Hebbal , Mysore – 570017 , Karnataka State



Cabinet Secretary , Government of India , Chief Secretary , Government of Karnataka & Others





To ,

Hon'ble The Chief Justice of India and His Lordship's Companion

Justices of the Supreme Court of India. The Humble petition of the

Petitioner above named.



1. Facts of the case:

"Power will go to the hands of rascals, , rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight among themselves for power and will be lost in political squabbles . A day would come when even air & water will be taxed." Sir Winston made this statement in the House of Commons just before the independence of India & Pakistan. Sadly , the forewarning of Late Winston Churchill has been proved right by some of our criminal , corrupt public servants.


In  India  dalits  , tribals  are oppressed in various ways by the influential people with the  aid of authorities  and  by authorities , police themselves.

India  is a democratic country  with people’s self governance. Here  laws must be framed as per the wishes of people. MPs , MLAs , MLCs  are  just postmans of  public  passing on the message of people’s aspirations  in the respective  houses , parliament , legislative assembly.

MPs , MLAs , MLCs  don’t have legal , moral , democratic right to impose  any laws  much against the wishes of their own people. It  is illegal.  When people in a specified area doesn’t want  a bauxite mining company in their area  as it affects the local ecology ,  their livelihood , their health , life  how can  MPs , MLAs  give legal sanction to establishment of such companies ? How can MPs , MLAs impose such projects on people much against their wishes ?

These type  of  functioning by ruling MPs , MLAs since decades favoring the rich  , suppressing the  poor   has given rise to various people movements  including naxalism. Ofcourse  , as the act of our MPs , MLAs are illegal , some acts of  these movements are also illegal.  Instead the  people  associated with these movements must take up non violent path for expressing their disagreements with the government actions.

The government  by  misusing it’s powers , police machinery  is illegally arresting , torturing innocents , murdering innocents  to suppress the voices seeking justice. The government  is also  illegally  aiding  various  terrorist outfits like salwa judum , salwa judum-2 , Jharkhand jan mukti parishad , etc all to silence  voices seeking justice.

The government  is  targeting , illegally arresting , torturing journalists , lawyers  who are  legally supporting the voices seeking justice. The government has gone to the extreme  of   SUMMARILY  DISMISSING A SITTING  JUDGE  as  he  legally did his duty & upheld the rule of law.



2. Question(s) of Law:

Are NOT Dalits , Tribals  citizens of India ? Don’t Dalit’s , Tribals  have constitutional rights & human rights to be treated equally ? Why not criminal prosecution of high & mighty practicing dalit atrocities, atrocities against dalits , tribals ?



3. Grounds:

Requests for equitable justice , Protection of Fundamental & Human Rights of all DALITs & TRIBALs.



4. Averment:


Corrupt people within Government  in their greed for money are framing illegal , unjust laws much against the aspirations of people. Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the Government of india  and all state governments  to  protect the constitutional rights , human rights of all dalits , tribals in india and to strictly work , legislate laws as per the wishes , aspirations of people.



In the above premises, it is prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased:


 Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants  of government of india and all state governments in the following cases to perform their duties.

 To immediately reinstate Mr. Prabhakar Gwal , Chief Judicial Magistrate , Sukma , Chattisgarh into judicial service.

 To make posting at the same place , same court of Sukma , so that he can  complete the cases concerning the  powers that be to the logical end.

 To initiate  criminal legal prosecution  against  district collector , police officials , public servants  who directly & indirectly interfered  in the judicial duties performed by Mr. GWAL.

 To initiate criminal legal  prosecution against  Chhattisgarh  High Court Judges  who instead of upholding rule of law , supporting Mr. Gwal in his duties  took sides with criminal nexus , powers that be and repeatedly transferred him and now dismissed him from service without  enquiry.

 To reopen all the  buried cases which were dealt by Mr. Gwal and buried by transfer of  judge  Mr. Gwal. To take action against ministers , public servants  involved in those cases.

To initiate  criminal action against  sukma district collector , police officials  and Chhattisgarh  High Court  Judges  on  charges of Atrocities against  DALIT  Mr. Gwal  who  was repeatedly  harassed  by  them.

 To initiate  criminal  prosecution under anti terror laws ,  against  present  and past  chattisgarh state government ministers , central government  ministers , other state government ministers of jharkand , bihar , Andhra Pradesh , odisha , west Bengal , etc  and   police officials , public servants  of those governments who  were and are  responsible for creation  of terror outfits like SALWA JUDUM  , it’s recent  terror child salwa judum – 2 , Jharkhand mukti parishad , etc. These public servants   have indulged in terror acts of salwa judum , other outfits  by aiding & sponsoring it , which is against law.

To immediately  annul all the laws , orders passed  by government of india , other state governments  authorizing land acquisition , establishment of big industries , mines  much  against the wishes , aspirations of people.

To immediately annul Imposition of big projects on people by MPs , MLAs much against the resistance of  people.

To  order  authorities to release  lawyers , journalists who are illegally detained for  legally supporting people seeking justice.

To  immediately arrest , legally prosecute Mr.Ajit Doval for showing contempt of court  , interfering , influencing the judicial process  in the name of discussion with judges. Government itself is the biggest litigant in the country.

To pass such other orders and further orders as may be deemed necessary on the facts and in the circumstances of the case.




Dated : 06th  May 2016……………………………………….. FILED BY: NAGARAJA.M.R.


Place : Mysuru , India………………………….. …………………..PETITIONER-IN-PERSON



PIL - Atrocities against Dalits by Government of Karnataka & Others












editor SOS e Clarion of Dalit & SOS e Voice for Justice

# LIG 2 , No 761 ,, HUDCO First Stage , Laxmikantanagar ,

Hebbal , Mysore – 570017 , Karnataka State






Cabinet Secretary , Government of India , Chief Secretary , Government of Karnataka & Others










To ,

Hon'ble The Chief Justice of India and His Lordship's Companion

Justices of the Supreme Court of India. The Humble petition of the

Petitioner above named.



1. Facts of the case:

"Power will go to the hands of rascals, , rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight among themselves for power and will be lost in political squabbles . A day would come when even air & water will be taxed." Sir Winston made this statement in the House of Commons just before the independence of India & Pakistan. Sadly , the forewarning of Late Winston Churchill has been proved right by some of our criminal , corrupt public servants.


In Karnataka dalits are oppressed in various ways by the influential people ,


1. In the recruitment process at Karnataka State Open University , vice chancellor / vested interests recruited unfit candidates belonging to their own community sidelining the deserving dalit candidates .


2. In the recruitment process at Mysore University , vice chancellor / vested interests recruited unfit candidates belonging to their own community sidelining the deserving dalit candidates .


3. In the recruitment process at Hassan , Mandya , Mysore & Shimoga Medical Colleges , vested interests recruited unfit candidates belonging to their own community sidelining the deserving dalit candidates .


4. In the recruitment process of KPSC for gazetted officers , vested interests recruited unfit candidates belonging to their own community sidelining the deserving dalit candidates .


5. In Karnataka , many privately managed Industrial Training Institutes , Polytechnics have mushroomed and are getting state government grant. The managements have recruited people belonging to their own communities completely disregarding the recruitment rules of the government. Still they are enjoying government grant without any legal prosecution of those guilty.


6. The Karnataka government officials immediately evict temporary hutments built by tribals , dalits on government land and demolish those hutments. Whereas they allow huge buildings , complexes to be built on government land by influential upper caste people. The government has kept those illegal buildings intact for years , allowed the encroachers to earn lakhs of rupees and now in the process of regularizing those illegal encroachments.


The honourable governor of Karnataka , instead of taking legal action and legally prosecuting the guilty has taken side with the guilty themselves. He has approved AKRAMA SAKRAMA scheme of the government , no action was taken against vice chancellors of KSOU & Mysore University, etc. This is nothing but indirect way of atrocities against dalits , by supporting perpetrators of atrocities.


As a result , Since years unfit people are working as KAS officers , unfit people are working in KSOU , Mysore University , Unfit people are working in medical colleges of Madya / Hassan / Mysore / Shimoga and earning thousands of rupees monthly salary. Influential upper caste people are earning lakhs of rupees as rent from land encroachments and are on the verge of becoming legal owners of encroached lands.


Even in other states also Dalits are oppressed. See the recent suicide of doctoral student in University of Hyderabad , few moths back we saw dalit atrocity in IIT Chennai.


The poor dalits although talented & deserving are without seats , facilities in educational institutions , jobs , without livelihood & shelter.




2. Question(s) of Law:

Are NOT Dalits , citizens of India ? Don’t Dalit’s have constitutional rights & human rights to be treated equally ? Why not criminal prosecution of high & mighty practicing dalit atrocities ?



3. Grounds:

Requests for equitable justice , Protection of Fundamental & Human Rights of all DALITs.



4. Averment:


Corrupt people within Government of Karnataka are violating government norms during recruitment various educational institutions and while demolishing illegal structures. Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to perform their duties.





In the above premises, it is prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased:



(i) Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to perform their duties.


(ii) To criminally prosecute government of Karnataka chief secretary & governor of Karnataka , for all the above mentioned recruitment scandals , for their failure of duties.


(iii) To immediately evict land encroachers & prosecute them irrespective of the caste they belong to. Only eviction of dalits , tribals , downtrodden people & demolition of hutments belonging to them while sparing big buildings belonging to rich , influential forward caste people should not be done.


(iv) To annul the moves by Government of Karnataka to regularize big illegal structures built by rich , influential forward caste people without rehabilitating the evicted dalits , tribals , downtrodden. To declare it as illegal.


(v) To recover monetary gains made by the encroachers.


(vi) To terminate the services of unfit candidates selected in the above mentioned recruitment processes.


(vii) To legally prosecute the recruiting authority officials in all the above recruitments.


(viii) To make proper appointments with due consideration to dalits , backward class people in all the above institutions , as per law.


(ix) To pass such other orders and further orders as may be deemed necessary on the facts and in the circumstances of the case.


(x) To take action against those responsible for atrocities against Dalits in University of Hyderabad & IIT Chennai.




Kindly read full details at following web page :






Dated : 19TH January 2015……………………………………….. FILED BY: NAGARAJA.M.R.


Place : Mysuru , India………………………….. …………………..PETITIONER-IN-PERSON


Allegations of dalit atrocities and nepotism against CV Nagarjuna Reddy J. of Andhra Pradesh


The Campaign for Judicial Accountability and Reforms (CJAR) has written to Chief Justice of India TS Thakur seeking initiation of in-house proceedings against Justice CV Nagarjuna Reddy for alleged atrocities against members of Dalit community.

In a 9-page letter written on August 30 this year, the CJAR has detailed various allegations against the sitting judge including a detailed account of “criminal misconduct” against a dalit magistrate.

According to the letter, one Rama Krishna, a Principal Junior Civil judge in Kadappa District, was forced by Justice Nagarjuna Reddy to remove the name of Pavan Kumar Reddy from a dying declaration recorded by Rama Krishna when he was posted as a magistrate. Pavan Reddy  happens to be the brother of Justice Reddy.

As per the dying declaration given by the victim, Pavan Reddy had doused the victim with petrol and set him of fire when he refused to sign on a blank paper.

“Soon thereafter, on 30.11.2012, it is alleged by Mr. Rama Krishna that Justice Nagarjuna Reddy rang him up, and directed him to remove his brother’s name from the dying declaration. Mr. Rama Krishna also alleges that he was threatened and abused by the said judge when he refused to accede to his request.”

It has also been alleged that the Magistrate was later summoned to Justice Nagarjuna Reddy’s house where,

“….Pavan Reddy and Justice C.V. Nagarjuna Reddy abused him and beat him up. He further alleges that Justice C. V. Nagarjuna Reddy kicked him with his shoes and abused his caste”.

It is Rama Krishna’s allegation that he was victimised following this incident by “unexplained” transfers and suspensions.

Another allegation against the judge is the abuse of power to get that very Pavan Reddy appointed as Additional Public Prosecutor.

“Mr. Pavan Kumar Reddy was appointed as Additional Public Prosecutor in the year 2006 for a period of three years in contravention of the law that mandates seven years of continuous practice as an advocate prior to appointment as an Additional Public Prosecutor.”

Based on the above, CJAR has not only sought an in-house enquiry but has also asked for the suspension of judicial work assigned to Justice Reddy. Chief Justice Thakur has not responded to CJAR’s representation yet.

This is the second such allegation against a sitting judge of High Court of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

In 2015, an Additional District judge from Andhra Pradesh had approached the Supreme Court under Article 32 alleging caste discrimination by a sitting High Court judge, Justice M Satyanarayana Murthy.

The Supreme Court had, however, refused to admit the matter with a Bench presided by then Chief Justice Dattu likening the case to a service matter and observing that the case was a grievance of an individual and cannot be considered as a case pertaining to Fundamental rights.



Editorial :   Atrocities against Dalits by Judges

-          An Appeal to Honourable Supreme Court of India, National Human Rights Commission & National Commission  for  Scheduled  Castes  /  Scheduled  Tribes

        The track record of apex court is not clean. There is secrecy involved in selection , promotion , transfer of judges to high court & supreme court. Supreme court judges take huge pay , perks from public exchequer ( now on the verge of getting triple fold increase in pay ) but are not accountable to public. They don’t give information to public , concerning judges and national security , public welfare.

   Consider the case of Dalit judge of sukma , chattisgarh , he was removed for being honest , for upholding law ?  Take the case of Dalit Judge Ramakrishna  of Andhra Pradesh  he was victimized  by upper caste high court  judge  Nagarjuna  for not giving favorable orders  to cover up a crime. Now, Justice Karnan a whistle blower is being victimized. Apex court is not looking seriously  at issues  raised by justice karnan but concentrating on silencing him.

  When other high ranking judges  ( having  influence  & belonging to upper castes )  were accused of more grave crimes like  involvement  in sex racket , sex crimes against women , national security crimes  , etc , they were treated with kid gloves , cases hush hushed , white washed.  Inspite of  fervent  appeals  even  apex court didn’t bother to  conduct a public , transparent enquiry. Now apex court  has  initiated  suo motto  “contempt proceedings “ against  Justice Karnan as he  is a  DALIT  , without influence of powers that be.

  When  a  poor  dalit person  or  person  belonging to  weaker section , SC / ST  builds  a temporary hutment  on government land  , officials  , police take suo motto  action , evicts that person & razes down that hutment immediately.  Where as when a rich person belonging to upper caste , having influence of powers that be   builds  huge buildings usurping government land , lake bed , etc no suo motto action by police . Officials , police don’t  take action  inspite of repeated appeals by concerned public.  The courts of justice instead of upholding public cause , gives stay orders  protecting rich land grabbers but in the same fashion  judges don’t come to the rescue of poor  dalit  hut dwellers.  Even  when  land grabbings were brought to the notice  of apex court at the very early stage  itself,  apex court  instead of preventing  the land grabbing  silently allowed  the grabbers to continue  with their land crimes.  The enactments of laws by various state governments  including   government of Karnataka  regularizing illegal land constructions  is solely to benefit  greedy , rich land grabbers belonging  to upper castes. Inspite of repeated appeals the apex court has not annulled those  illegal laws of various state governments.


Just  consider the prison population in  india ,  80% of prisoners are under trials and  majority of them are dalits, tribals  , belongs to weaker sections , SC / ST. Most of  them cann’t afford lawyers , most of them are implicated by their  upper caste masters , land lords .  Even within the prison  , their rights are not respected by authorities , are treated worse than animals.  Where as   deadly criminals   convicted of gravest crimes ( but  rich , belongs to upper castes)  enjoys many luxuries within the prison.  It proves the vulnerability of the  dalits , weakers sections in india.

  So many dalits , weaker section people   were  cheated  of  their job oppurtunities in mysuru university , KSOU , Various Government  Medical  colleges , Government aided  ITIs , Polytechnics in Karnataka state  by scheming  upper caste officials.  Inspite of repeated appeals , why apex court has not taken legal prosecution to logical end and ensured justice to  aggrieved dalits ?  What action supreme court has taken against  KPSC , VYAPAM members who denied  job oppurtunities to merited candidates , dalit & weaker section candidates ?  ? let alone take  suo motto action . No action to logical end. 



Day in day out  there are rampant atrocities against dalits , weaker sections of people  by public servants , judges are not doing their duties properly. Supreme court judges are enjoying lakhs of rupees pay , perks , 5 star bungalows  , foreign trips , weeks long summer / winter  paid  vacations  , proposed triple  fold salary hike  all at tax payer’s expense.  These judges must be first booked for “Atrocities against Dalits , Weaker sections”  under SC / ST Atrocities Prevention Act.

   If at all , Supreme Court of India is impartial , without bias , let it come out clean :

1.                   To immediately  stay contempt proceedings against Justice Karnan and Order impartial enquiry against  judges accused of corruption , impropriety by Justice Karnan and all other issues raised by him. Take the help of Justice Karnan in collecting evidences.

2.                   Order impartial enquiry against almost half of former chief justices of india accused of corruption by NGOs.

3.                   Immediately give justice to past Sukma Dalit Judge who was unjustly removed.

4.                   Immediately  give truthful , full  information , answers  to RTI questions sent to Supreme Court of India by our publication years ago. Inspite of several appeals , majority of questions are unanswered & for few questions got ambiguous answers.

5.                   Immediately take action  to protect fundamental rights , human rights of whistle blowers , RTI Activists & Human Rights Activists.

6. Immediately  take action against  KPSC , VYAPAM   members responsible for illegal recruitments , cancel  all those illegal recruitments and   conduct recruitments afresh  with old candidates.

7.  Immediately  take action against  KSOU , Mysuru University , Government Medical Colleges , Government Aided Polytechnics , ITI officials  responsible for illegal recruitments , cancel  all those illegal recruitments and   conduct recruitments afresh  with old candidates.

8. Immediately  annul laws  enacted  by various state governments in  india  regularizing illegal constructions by  land grabbers .

9. Make public the  names  of  all land grabbers , majority of them belongs to upper castes and  are rich , greedy.

10.  Protect  the rights of prisoners in india  irrespective of their caste affiliations.

11. Ensure speedy justice ,  legal aid  to  under trials  belonging to weaker sections , SC & ST.

12.  Fix lower amount  for bail surety or create a corpus to  give bail  amount  to under trials belonging to SC , ST , Weaker sections , Dalits.  Many  dalits who are poor  are unable to pay bail amount  and suffer in jail for years much more than  the legally stipulated punishment even if convicted.

13. Enforce uniform rules , uniform food , uniform health care , uniform   prison cell  to all prisoners  irrespective of  their caste , whether he is  an ex chief minister ,  ex managing director of a big company , ex religious guru or  an ordinary person , a dalit , a tribal.  Ensure equality  , equal treatment in prisons , jails.

14.    Immediately admit PILs  presented before supreme court of india by our publication . Read full details at following web pages ;

Traitors  in  Judiciary &  Police

https://www.scribd.com/document/329980170/Traitors-in-Judiciary-Police  ,


Crimes  by  Khaki



FIRST  Answer  Judges  Police



“There is a higher court than the court of justice and that is the court of conscience It supercedes all other courts. ”

- Mahatma Gandhi


“Contempt  Proceedings”  should not be used as a weapon to silence voices seeking  justice , accountability of judiciary. Respect of judiciary doesn’t come out of fear rather spontaneously it comes out of a person’s heart  when  he sees a honest judge doing his duties honestly.


Jai Hind. Vande Mataram.


Your’s ,

Nagaraja Mysuru Raghupathi





Name : ...........................NAGARAJA.M.R. 

Address : ...................LIG-2 / 761 , HUDCO FIRST STAGE , OPP

Old  Titles :  Dalit’s Diary , Indian’s  Diary  & Dalit Online


Title  of New  Paper  formed by merger of above three news weeklies :  DALIT  ONLINE

Periodicity : WEEKLY


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It is the duty of Supreme Court of India to Protect , Guard the constitutional rights , fundamental rights of every Indian citizen . Since 25 years  I am  appealing  to SCI  about  issues concerning public welfare , national security , etc and as a result suffering injustices , my constitutional rights , human rights are repeatedly violated  but SCI is mum even when repeated appeals were made to it. Paradoxically , after these appeals for justice , I have suffered more injustices , attempts on my life were made ,  physically assaulted , livelihood  / jobs were  denied , news publication closed , press accreditation denied ,  received threatening  calls , blank calls, even to date  rough elements follow us , rough elements  scout  near home at mid night. Does  not these indicate some ties between rough elements & SCI  Judges ?


Public Interest Litigation is an appeal  for justice  to the courts , to redress  the injustices meted out to  the public.  Individual cases of injustices  pertaining to an individual are not covered under PIL, however  an individual an activist  who  is fighting for public causes  suffering  injustices  as a result of   his struggle  ,caused by powers that be to silence him  can club  his individual case under the public causes  (PIL ) he is  appealing.


Nowadays people of questionable character , integrity  are being selected to public posts , end result is present day india.  In the following web sites I have shown  few actual cases of crimes by judges & police , just imagine what type of justice common man gets.

Traitors  in   Indian  Judiciary & Police


Crimes  by  Khaki

https://www.scribd.com/document/334590032/Crimes-by-Khaki  ,

 Police show full bravery , courage , use  full might of law while acting against innocents , commoners. Even  takes suo motto action. Frequently crosses legal limits  while acting against commoners like 3rd degree torture , arrest / search  , seizure without warrant , arrest in mid night , etc . While they are supposed to take action against rich crooks , their own corrupt colleagues  no suo motto action , delayed action inspite of complaint  allowing time for rich crook to get anticipatory bail , no 3rd degree torture on him , no arrest , search , seizure without warrant. Where is the bravery , courage of police ?

Judges show their full wisdom , apply rigid law book while  judging cases of commoners , take suo motto action  where as  cases involving rich crooks comes before them inspite of repeated PILs they don’t consider it , let alone take suo motto action. Judges make far fetched interpretations of law , ultimately benefitting the rich crook. Where is the wisdom of Judges ?

I ,NAGARAJA.M.R. hereby do declare that information given above are true to the best of my knowledge & belief. If i am repeatedly called to police station or else where for the sake of investigations , the losses i do incurr as a result like loss of wages , transportation , job , etc must be borne by the government. prevoiusly the police / IB personnel repeatedly called me the complainant (sufferer of injustices) to police station for questioning , but never called the guilty culprits , rich crooks , criminals even once to police station for questioning , as the culprits are high & mighty . this type of one sided questioning must not be done by police or investigating agencies . if anything untoward happens to me or to my family members like loss of job , meeting with hit & run accidents , loss of lives , death due to improper medical care , etc , the jurisdictional police together with above mentioned accussed public servants will be responsible for it. Even if criminal nexus levels fake charges , police file fake cases against me or my dependents to silence me , this complaint is & will be effective. 

   Powers that  be , higher ups have referred all my previous cases to police although in most of the cases  police don’t  have jurisdiction over it.  It  sends  a subtle message by police force to  the  complainant  to keep silent . In the remaining cases  which are under their jurisdiction police  don’t act against higher ups , high & mighty. In such cases police lack  practical powers , their hands are tied although they  are  honest.  As a end result , police  have repeatedly called   me to police station  number of  times  ( have never called guilty  influential persons even once)  took  statement  from  me and closed  the files.  Hereby , I do make it clear  the statements made by me  in my original petitions , PILs , news papers  , etc  while I was in  a free & fair atmosphere  are  TRUE  , over rides , prevails over all the statements made by me before police  earlier and  which will be made by me  in future before police.

If I or my family members or my dependents are denied our fundamental rights , human rights , denied proper medical care for ourselves , If anything untoward happens to me or to my dependents or to my family members - In such case Chief Justice of India together with the jurisdictional revenue & police officials will be responsible for it , in such case the government of india is liable to pay Rs. TWO crore as compensation to survivors of my family. if my whole family is eliminated by the criminal nexus ,then that compensation money must be donated to Indian Army Welfare Fund. Afterwards , the money must be recovered by GOI as land arrears from the salary , pension , property , etc of guilty police officials , Judges , public servants & Constitutional functionaries. 

On this Universal Human Rights Day  all our three news weeklies  DALIT’S  DIARY ,  INDIAN’S  DIARY  & DALIT  ONLINE  are merged  to form a single  news weekly  with  name of  DALIT  ONLINE.


date :  10.12..2017…………………………..Your's sincerely,

place : India…………………………………...Nagaraja.M.R. 



Edited, printed , published owned by NAGARAJA.M.R. @  # LIG-2   No  761, HUDCO  FIRST  STAGE , OPP WATER WORKS , LAXMIKANTANAGAR , HEBBAL ,MYSURU – 570017  KARNATAKA  INDIA


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Contact  :  editor@dalitonline.in


Posted by naghrw at 8:08 PM
Monday, 11 December 2017
Dalit Online

Indian’s  Diary  –  e  News  Weekly

Spreading the light of humanity freedom

Editor: Nagaraja.M.R.. Vol.13..Issue.50........16  / 12 / 2017


Editorial :  HUMAN  RIGHTS  , Independence to Dalits , commoners  ?


   Even after  70 years of independence , dalits  are not treated as human beings. They have not got the INDEPENDENCE , FREEDOM  envisioned  by our freedom fighters , martyrs. Least of all their HUMAN RIGHTS are  not respected , as  first of all DALITs are not treated as human beings.  Indian  APARTHEID.

    Criminalization of police , judiciary ,  public service has taken place. The corrupt persons within the police , judiciary are meting out injustices to commoners. Constitutional rights, human rights of commoners are not respected and  commoners are not allowed to do their  fundamental constitutional duties.

    Read the following articles. Chief Justice of India , Public servants , Various state Director Generals of Police & Home Secretaries are not answering our RTI queries since years. They are afraid of TRUTH , as it will vindicate their crimes. Hereby , we urge them once again to fully answer following RTI Questions and urge CJI to admit following PILs , pass orders accordingly. The delay in taking action by police & judges with respect to RTI appeals , PILs is aiding criminals and causing deaths of innocents. Intentional negligence of duties by above mentioned public servants does not make the following cases time barred and will make them personally responsible for all the resulting crimes.


True  INDEPENDENCE , FREEDOM  .  HUMAN RIGHTS can be achieved only through  transparent DEMOCRACY.

    Hope  on this  Universal  Human Rights Day  Indian Authorities will  learn to respect all Human Beings. With this fond hope  “ DALIT  ONLINE “  e news weekly is born today.  Jai hind. Vande Mataram.




DALIT  ONLINE     homepage :










PIL - Atrocities against Dalits by Government







editor SOS e Clarion of Dalit & SOS e Voice for Justice

# LIG 2 , No 761 ,, HUDCO First Stage , Laxmikantanagar ,

Hebbal , Mysore – 570017 , Karnataka State



Cabinet Secretary , Government of India , Chief Secretary , Government of Karnataka & Others





To ,

Hon'ble The Chief Justice of India and His Lordship's Companion

Justices of the Supreme Court of India. The Humble petition of the

Petitioner above named.



1. Facts of the case:

"Power will go to the hands of rascals, , rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight among themselves for power and will be lost in political squabbles . A day would come when even air & water will be taxed." Sir Winston made this statement in the House of Commons just before the independence of India & Pakistan. Sadly , the forewarning of Late Winston Churchill has been proved right by some of our criminal , corrupt public servants.


In  India  dalits  , tribals  are oppressed in various ways by the influential people with the  aid of authorities  and  by authorities , police themselves.

India  is a democratic country  with people’s self governance. Here  laws must be framed as per the wishes of people. MPs , MLAs , MLCs  are  just postmans of  public  passing on the message of people’s aspirations  in the respective  houses , parliament , legislative assembly.

MPs , MLAs , MLCs  don’t have legal , moral , democratic right to impose  any laws  much against the wishes of their own people. It  is illegal.  When people in a specified area doesn’t want  a bauxite mining company in their area  as it affects the local ecology ,  their livelihood , their health , life  how can  MPs , MLAs  give legal sanction to establishment of such companies ? How can MPs , MLAs impose such projects on people much against their wishes ?

These type  of  functioning by ruling MPs , MLAs since decades favoring the rich  , suppressing the  poor   has given rise to various people movements  including naxalism. Ofcourse  , as the act of our MPs , MLAs are illegal , some acts of  these movements are also illegal.  Instead the  people  associated with these movements must take up non violent path for expressing their disagreements with the government actions.

The government  by  misusing it’s powers , police machinery  is illegally arresting , torturing innocents , murdering innocents  to suppress the voices seeking justice. The government  is also  illegally  aiding  various  terrorist outfits like salwa judum , salwa judum-2 , Jharkhand jan mukti parishad , etc all to silence  voices seeking justice.

The government  is  targeting , illegally arresting , torturing journalists , lawyers  who are  legally supporting the voices seeking justice. The government has gone to the extreme  of   SUMMARILY  DISMISSING A SITTING  JUDGE  as  he  legally did his duty & upheld the rule of law.



2. Question(s) of Law:

Are NOT Dalits , Tribals  citizens of India ? Don’t Dalit’s , Tribals  have constitutional rights & human rights to be treated equally ? Why not criminal prosecution of high & mighty practicing dalit atrocities, atrocities against dalits , tribals ?



3. Grounds:

Requests for equitable justice , Protection of Fundamental & Human Rights of all DALITs & TRIBALs.



4. Averment:


Corrupt people within Government  in their greed for money are framing illegal , unjust laws much against the aspirations of people. Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the Government of india  and all state governments  to  protect the constitutional rights , human rights of all dalits , tribals in india and to strictly work , legislate laws as per the wishes , aspirations of people.



In the above premises, it is prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased:


 Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants  of government of india and all state governments in the following cases to perform their duties.

 To immediately reinstate Mr. Prabhakar Gwal , Chief Judicial Magistrate , Sukma , Chattisgarh into judicial service.

 To make posting at the same place , same court of Sukma , so that he can  complete the cases concerning the  powers that be to the logical end.

 To initiate  criminal legal prosecution  against  district collector , police officials , public servants  who directly & indirectly interfered  in the judicial duties performed by Mr. GWAL.

 To initiate criminal legal  prosecution against  Chhattisgarh  High Court Judges  who instead of upholding rule of law , supporting Mr. Gwal in his duties  took sides with criminal nexus , powers that be and repeatedly transferred him and now dismissed him from service without  enquiry.

 To reopen all the  buried cases which were dealt by Mr. Gwal and buried by transfer of  judge  Mr. Gwal. To take action against ministers , public servants  involved in those cases.

To initiate  criminal action against  sukma district collector , police officials  and Chhattisgarh  High Court  Judges  on  charges of Atrocities against  DALIT  Mr. Gwal  who  was repeatedly  harassed  by  them.

 To initiate  criminal  prosecution under anti terror laws ,  against  present  and past  chattisgarh state government ministers , central government  ministers , other state government ministers of jharkand , bihar , Andhra Pradesh , odisha , west Bengal , etc  and   police officials , public servants  of those governments who  were and are  responsible for creation  of terror outfits like SALWA JUDUM  , it’s recent  terror child salwa judum – 2 , Jharkhand mukti parishad , etc. These public servants   have indulged in terror acts of salwa judum , other outfits  by aiding & sponsoring it , which is against law.

To immediately  annul all the laws , orders passed  by government of india , other state governments  authorizing land acquisition , establishment of big industries , mines  much  against the wishes , aspirations of people.

To immediately annul Imposition of big projects on people by MPs , MLAs much against the resistance of  people.

To  order  authorities to release  lawyers , journalists who are illegally detained for  legally supporting people seeking justice.

To  immediately arrest , legally prosecute Mr.Ajit Doval for showing contempt of court  , interfering , influencing the judicial process  in the name of discussion with judges. Government itself is the biggest litigant in the country.

To pass such other orders and further orders as may be deemed necessary on the facts and in the circumstances of the case.




Dated : 06th  May 2016……………………………………….. FILED BY: NAGARAJA.M.R.


Place : Mysuru , India………………………….. …………………..PETITIONER-IN-PERSON



PIL - Atrocities against Dalits by Government of Karnataka & Others












editor SOS e Clarion of Dalit & SOS e Voice for Justice

# LIG 2 , No 761 ,, HUDCO First Stage , Laxmikantanagar ,

Hebbal , Mysore – 570017 , Karnataka State






Cabinet Secretary , Government of India , Chief Secretary , Government of Karnataka & Others










To ,

Hon'ble The Chief Justice of India and His Lordship's Companion

Justices of the Supreme Court of India. The Humble petition of the

Petitioner above named.



1. Facts of the case:

"Power will go to the hands of rascals, , rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight among themselves for power and will be lost in political squabbles . A day would come when even air & water will be taxed." Sir Winston made this statement in the House of Commons just before the independence of India & Pakistan. Sadly , the forewarning of Late Winston Churchill has been proved right by some of our criminal , corrupt public servants.


In Karnataka dalits are oppressed in various ways by the influential people ,


1. In the recruitment process at Karnataka State Open University , vice chancellor / vested interests recruited unfit candidates belonging to their own community sidelining the deserving dalit candidates .


2. In the recruitment process at Mysore University , vice chancellor / vested interests recruited unfit candidates belonging to their own community sidelining the deserving dalit candidates .


3. In the recruitment process at Hassan , Mandya , Mysore & Shimoga Medical Colleges , vested interests recruited unfit candidates belonging to their own community sidelining the deserving dalit candidates .


4. In the recruitment process of KPSC for gazetted officers , vested interests recruited unfit candidates belonging to their own community sidelining the deserving dalit candidates .


5. In Karnataka , many privately managed Industrial Training Institutes , Polytechnics have mushroomed and are getting state government grant. The managements have recruited people belonging to their own communities completely disregarding the recruitment rules of the government. Still they are enjoying government grant without any legal prosecution of those guilty.


6. The Karnataka government officials immediately evict temporary hutments built by tribals , dalits on government land and demolish those hutments. Whereas they allow huge buildings , complexes to be built on government land by influential upper caste people. The government has kept those illegal buildings intact for years , allowed the encroachers to earn lakhs of rupees and now in the process of regularizing those illegal encroachments.


The honourable governor of Karnataka , instead of taking legal action and legally prosecuting the guilty has taken side with the guilty themselves. He has approved AKRAMA SAKRAMA scheme of the government , no action was taken against vice chancellors of KSOU & Mysore University, etc. This is nothing but indirect way of atrocities against dalits , by supporting perpetrators of atrocities.


As a result , Since years unfit people are working as KAS officers , unfit people are working in KSOU , Mysore University , Unfit people are working in medical colleges of Madya / Hassan / Mysore / Shimoga and earning thousands of rupees monthly salary. Influential upper caste people are earning lakhs of rupees as rent from land encroachments and are on the verge of becoming legal owners of encroached lands.


Even in other states also Dalits are oppressed. See the recent suicide of doctoral student in University of Hyderabad , few moths back we saw dalit atrocity in IIT Chennai.


The poor dalits although talented & deserving are without seats , facilities in educational institutions , jobs , without livelihood & shelter.




2. Question(s) of Law:

Are NOT Dalits , citizens of India ? Don’t Dalit’s have constitutional rights & human rights to be treated equally ? Why not criminal prosecution of high & mighty practicing dalit atrocities ?



3. Grounds:

Requests for equitable justice , Protection of Fundamental & Human Rights of all DALITs.



4. Averment:


Corrupt people within Government of Karnataka are violating government norms during recruitment various educational institutions and while demolishing illegal structures. Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to perform their duties.





In the above premises, it is prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased:



(i) Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to perform their duties.


(ii) To criminally prosecute government of Karnataka chief secretary & governor of Karnataka , for all the above mentioned recruitment scandals , for their failure of duties.


(iii) To immediately evict land encroachers & prosecute them irrespective of the caste they belong to. Only eviction of dalits , tribals , downtrodden people & demolition of hutments belonging to them while sparing big buildings belonging to rich , influential forward caste people should not be done.


(iv) To annul the moves by Government of Karnataka to regularize big illegal structures built by rich , influential forward caste people without rehabilitating the evicted dalits , tribals , downtrodden. To declare it as illegal.


(v) To recover monetary gains made by the encroachers.


(vi) To terminate the services of unfit candidates selected in the above mentioned recruitment processes.


(vii) To legally prosecute the recruiting authority officials in all the above recruitments.


(viii) To make proper appointments with due consideration to dalits , backward class people in all the above institutions , as per law.


(ix) To pass such other orders and further orders as may be deemed necessary on the facts and in the circumstances of the case.


(x) To take action against those responsible for atrocities against Dalits in University of Hyderabad & IIT Chennai.




Kindly read full details at following web page :






Dated : 19TH January 2015……………………………………….. FILED BY: NAGARAJA.M.R.


Place : Mysuru , India………………………….. …………………..PETITIONER-IN-PERSON


Allegations of dalit atrocities and nepotism against CV Nagarjuna Reddy J. of Andhra Pradesh


The Campaign for Judicial Accountability and Reforms (CJAR) has written to Chief Justice of India TS Thakur seeking initiation of in-house proceedings against Justice CV Nagarjuna Reddy for alleged atrocities against members of Dalit community.

In a 9-page letter written on August 30 this year, the CJAR has detailed various allegations against the sitting judge including a detailed account of “criminal misconduct” against a dalit magistrate.

According to the letter, one Rama Krishna, a Principal Junior Civil judge in Kadappa District, was forced by Justice Nagarjuna Reddy to remove the name of Pavan Kumar Reddy from a dying declaration recorded by Rama Krishna when he was posted as a magistrate. Pavan Reddy  happens to be the brother of Justice Reddy.

As per the dying declaration given by the victim, Pavan Reddy had doused the victim with petrol and set him of fire when he refused to sign on a blank paper.

“Soon thereafter, on 30.11.2012, it is alleged by Mr. Rama Krishna that Justice Nagarjuna Reddy rang him up, and directed him to remove his brother’s name from the dying declaration. Mr. Rama Krishna also alleges that he was threatened and abused by the said judge when he refused to accede to his request.”

It has also been alleged that the Magistrate was later summoned to Justice Nagarjuna Reddy’s house where,

“….Pavan Reddy and Justice C.V. Nagarjuna Reddy abused him and beat him up. He further alleges that Justice C. V. Nagarjuna Reddy kicked him with his shoes and abused his caste”.

It is Rama Krishna’s allegation that he was victimised following this incident by “unexplained” transfers and suspensions.

Another allegation against the judge is the abuse of power to get that very Pavan Reddy appointed as Additional Public Prosecutor.

“Mr. Pavan Kumar Reddy was appointed as Additional Public Prosecutor in the year 2006 for a period of three years in contravention of the law that mandates seven years of continuous practice as an advocate prior to appointment as an Additional Public Prosecutor.”

Based on the above, CJAR has not only sought an in-house enquiry but has also asked for the suspension of judicial work assigned to Justice Reddy. Chief Justice Thakur has not responded to CJAR’s representation yet.

This is the second such allegation against a sitting judge of High Court of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

In 2015, an Additional District judge from Andhra Pradesh had approached the Supreme Court under Article 32 alleging caste discrimination by a sitting High Court judge, Justice M Satyanarayana Murthy.

The Supreme Court had, however, refused to admit the matter with a Bench presided by then Chief Justice Dattu likening the case to a service matter and observing that the case was a grievance of an individual and cannot be considered as a case pertaining to Fundamental rights.



Editorial :   Atrocities against Dalits by Judges

-          An Appeal to Honourable Supreme Court of India, National Human Rights Commission & National Commission  for  Scheduled  Castes  /  Scheduled  Tribes

        The track record of apex court is not clean. There is secrecy involved in selection , promotion , transfer of judges to high court & supreme court. Supreme court judges take huge pay , perks from public exchequer ( now on the verge of getting triple fold increase in pay ) but are not accountable to public. They don’t give information to public , concerning judges and national security , public welfare.

   Consider the case of Dalit judge of sukma , chattisgarh , he was removed for being honest , for upholding law ?  Take the case of Dalit Judge Ramakrishna  of Andhra Pradesh  he was victimized  by upper caste high court  judge  Nagarjuna  for not giving favorable orders  to cover up a crime. Now, Justice Karnan a whistle blower is being victimized. Apex court is not looking seriously  at issues  raised by justice karnan but concentrating on silencing him.

  When other high ranking judges  ( having  influence  & belonging to upper castes )  were accused of more grave crimes like  involvement  in sex racket , sex crimes against women , national security crimes  , etc , they were treated with kid gloves , cases hush hushed , white washed.  Inspite of  fervent  appeals  even  apex court didn’t bother to  conduct a public , transparent enquiry. Now apex court  has  initiated  suo motto  “contempt proceedings “ against  Justice Karnan as he  is a  DALIT  , without influence of powers that be.

  When  a  poor  dalit person  or  person  belonging to  weaker section , SC / ST  builds  a temporary hutment  on government land  , officials  , police take suo motto  action , evicts that person & razes down that hutment immediately.  Where as when a rich person belonging to upper caste , having influence of powers that be   builds  huge buildings usurping government land , lake bed , etc no suo motto action by police . Officials , police don’t  take action  inspite of repeated appeals by concerned public.  The courts of justice instead of upholding public cause , gives stay orders  protecting rich land grabbers but in the same fashion  judges don’t come to the rescue of poor  dalit  hut dwellers.  Even  when  land grabbings were brought to the notice  of apex court at the very early stage  itself,  apex court  instead of preventing  the land grabbing  silently allowed  the grabbers to continue  with their land crimes.  The enactments of laws by various state governments  including   government of Karnataka  regularizing illegal land constructions  is solely to benefit  greedy , rich land grabbers belonging  to upper castes. Inspite of repeated appeals the apex court has not annulled those  illegal laws of various state governments.


Just  consider the prison population in  india ,  80% of prisoners are under trials and  majority of them are dalits, tribals  , belongs to weaker sections , SC / ST. Most of  them cann’t afford lawyers , most of them are implicated by their  upper caste masters , land lords .  Even within the prison  , their rights are not respected by authorities , are treated worse than animals.  Where as   deadly criminals   convicted of gravest crimes ( but  rich , belongs to upper castes)  enjoys many luxuries within the prison.  It proves the vulnerability of the  dalits , weakers sections in india.

  So many dalits , weaker section people   were  cheated  of  their job oppurtunities in mysuru university , KSOU , Various Government  Medical  colleges , Government aided  ITIs , Polytechnics in Karnataka state  by scheming  upper caste officials.  Inspite of repeated appeals , why apex court has not taken legal prosecution to logical end and ensured justice to  aggrieved dalits ?  What action supreme court has taken against  KPSC , VYAPAM members who denied  job oppurtunities to merited candidates , dalit & weaker section candidates ?  ? let alone take  suo motto action . No action to logical end. 



Day in day out  there are rampant atrocities against dalits , weaker sections of people  by public servants , judges are not doing their duties properly. Supreme court judges are enjoying lakhs of rupees pay , perks , 5 star bungalows  , foreign trips , weeks long summer / winter  paid  vacations  , proposed triple  fold salary hike  all at tax payer’s expense.  These judges must be first booked for “Atrocities against Dalits , Weaker sections”  under SC / ST Atrocities Prevention Act.

   If at all , Supreme Court of India is impartial , without bias , let it come out clean :

1.                   To immediately  stay contempt proceedings against Justice Karnan and Order impartial enquiry against  judges accused of corruption , impropriety by Justice Karnan and all other issues raised by him. Take the help of Justice Karnan in collecting evidences.

2.                   Order impartial enquiry against almost half of former chief justices of india accused of corruption by NGOs.

3.                   Immediately give justice to past Sukma Dalit Judge who was unjustly removed.

4.                   Immediately  give truthful , full  information , answers  to RTI questions sent to Supreme Court of India by our publication years ago. Inspite of several appeals , majority of questions are unanswered & for few questions got ambiguous answers.

5.                   Immediately take action  to protect fundamental rights , human rights of whistle blowers , RTI Activists & Human Rights Activists.

6. Immediately  take action against  KPSC , VYAPAM   members responsible for illegal recruitments , cancel  all those illegal recruitments and   conduct recruitments afresh  with old candidates.

7.  Immediately  take action against  KSOU , Mysuru University , Government Medical Colleges , Government Aided Polytechnics , ITI officials  responsible for illegal recruitments , cancel  all those illegal recruitments and   conduct recruitments afresh  with old candidates.

8. Immediately  annul laws  enacted  by various state governments in  india  regularizing illegal constructions by  land grabbers .

9. Make public the  names  of  all land grabbers , majority of them belongs to upper castes and  are rich , greedy.

10.  Protect  the rights of prisoners in india  irrespective of their caste affiliations.

11. Ensure speedy justice ,  legal aid  to  under trials  belonging to weaker sections , SC & ST.

12.  Fix lower amount  for bail surety or create a corpus to  give bail  amount  to under trials belonging to SC , ST , Weaker sections , Dalits.  Many  dalits who are poor  are unable to pay bail amount  and suffer in jail for years much more than  the legally stipulated punishment even if convicted.

13. Enforce uniform rules , uniform food , uniform health care , uniform   prison cell  to all prisoners  irrespective of  their caste , whether he is  an ex chief minister ,  ex managing director of a big company , ex religious guru or  an ordinary person , a dalit , a tribal.  Ensure equality  , equal treatment in prisons , jails.

14.    Immediately admit PILs  presented before supreme court of india by our publication . Read full details at following web pages ;

Traitors  in  Judiciary &  Police

https://www.scribd.com/document/329980170/Traitors-in-Judiciary-Police  ,


Crimes  by  Khaki



FIRST  Answer  Judges  Police



“There is a higher court than the court of justice and that is the court of conscience It supercedes all other courts. ”

- Mahatma Gandhi


“Contempt  Proceedings”  should not be used as a weapon to silence voices seeking  justice , accountability of judiciary. Respect of judiciary doesn’t come out of fear rather spontaneously it comes out of a person’s heart  when  he sees a honest judge doing his duties honestly.


Jai Hind. Vande Mataram.


Your’s ,

Nagaraja Mysuru Raghupathi


PIL –  Reservation for Dalits & Muslims






editor  Indian’s  Diary  &  Dalit’s Diary ,
# LIG 2 , No 761 ,, HUDCO First Stage , Laxmikantanagar ,
Hebbal , Mysore – 570017 , Karnataka State


Honourable Chief Secretary , Government of Karnataka ,

Honourable Pricipal Cabinet Secretary , GOI  & Others 



To ,
Hon'ble The Chief Justice of India and His Lordship's Companion
Justices of the Supreme Court of India. The Humble petition of the
Petitioner above named.


1. Facts of the case:

   Dalits & backward caste people  have suffered innumerably for centuries  at the hands of forward caste people. It  was nothing but APARTHEID policy.

   Muslims and other  people  whoes numbers were minor  also suffered persecution.

   Our constitutional framers  to provide  equal oppurtunity to all indian citizens gave certain transient  measures like reservation in schools , college , jobs , etc to these persecuted people.

   Now even after 70 years of independence &  reservation , affirmative policies of government still  many dalits , minorities are  suffering. Creamy layers of  dalits , muslims  with political connections  have over used , reservation benefits to the maximum denying their own dalit , muslim brothers , sisters of reservation benefits. As  a result  few dalits , muslims  have become well educated , rich while their  poor brothers suffer in ghettos , slums.

   Private sector   which  enjoys loans , subsidies , other benefits from government  , public banks  are not bound  by reservation policy , are not bound by social obligation to provide reservation to dalits & muslims.

   Successive governments  are indirectly  segregating people with new names & using them as vote banks. Affirmative actions of government  are creating inequalities in society, while constitution of india mandates to treat all citizens as equals.


2. Question(s) of Law:

Why NOT  reservation policy  cover all dalits , muslims & minorities ?  Why NOT uniform civil code ?

3. Grounds:

Request for  Protection of Fundamental & Human Right of Equality of all Indian Citizens  in all spheres..


4. Averment:  

a . Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to  enact UNIFORM CIVIL CODE.

b.  to  give reservation benefits like job reservation , subsidized loan , preferrential industrial / residential site allotment , etc  only once , only one benefit  that too to only one family member. This  avoids  a single dalit with political connections using multiple reservation benefits and  same  family members using reservation benefits. Once a dalit gets reservation benefit he must come up on his own and must strive to bring  up his other family members. This way reservation benefit will  reach other poor dalit families  who have not received  a single reservation policy benefit.

c. to order government to stop appeasing one minority community  by subsidized pilgrimage ,  marriage support , etc while denying the same to other community.

d. The intent of our constitutional framers was to  bring oppressed  on par with forward caste  people towards a dignified life  but never to  put them above others  crushing , oppressing  poor forward caste people. This goes against constitution & creates new  way of  APARTHEID & new outcasts.

e. to order government  to enforce reservation policy in job , school seats , to private sector also.


In the above premises, it is prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased:

a . Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to perform their duties & to legally enforce  Uniform Civil Code.

b.  to  give reservation benefits like job reservation , subsidized loan , preferrential industrial / residential site allotment , etc  only once , only one benefit  that too to only one family member. This  avoids  a single dalit with political connections using multiple reservation benefits and  same  family members using reservation benefits. Once a dalit gets reservation benefit he must come up on his own and must strive to bring  up his other family members. This way reservation benefit will  reach other poor dalit families  who have not received  a single reservation policy benefit.

c. to order government to stop appeasing one minority community  by subsidized pilgrimage ,  marriage support , etc while denying the same to other community.

d. The intent of our constitutional framers was to  bring oppressed  on par with forward caste  people towards a dignified life  but never to  put them above others  crushing , oppressing  poor forward caste people. This goes against constitution & creates new  way of  APARTHEID & new outcasts.

e. to order government  to enforce reservation policy in job , school seats , to private sector also.


f. to pass such other orders and further orders as may be deemed necessary on the facts and in the circumstances of the case. 



Dated : 05.12.2017          ………………..FILED BY: NAGARAJA.M.R.

Place : Mysuru , India…………………….PETITIONER-IN-PERSON 




Take recent cases of Maryada  Murders or  Honour killings , rape cases of women . Decades old case of rape victim, SMT. Imraana has proved that how inhuman , illogical the fatwa & shariat laws of muslim community are. It remindsus of medieval times. The so-called ardent followers of shariat laws, only force it on their women folk. The shariat laws with respect to men folk like prohibition on drinking, smoking, adultery,etc & the punishments like public stoning to death are not enforced. The muslim men are authorised by shariat to marry more women but they must look after all their needs as per shariat. They can divorce their wives by triple talaq if they are not satisfied with them. This part of shariat is carried out by menfolk however the other part of shariat which stipulates paying back of dukthari, woman's belongings,her properties all to her after talaq are not at all followed.

The male chauvinists in muslim community are the worst violators of shariat. They are suitably manipulating shariat to supress muslim women. The central government is also dancing to the tunes to safeguard it's vote bank. Take the case of shaa banoo during P.M. Rajiv gandhi's regime. Inspite of supreme court ruling to pay living expenses to her by her ex-husband, the govt passed a bill annulling the SC verdict.

The govt gives subsidy to haj pilgrims, does it give the same amount of subsidy to kashi pilgrims, bodhgaya pilgrims, bethleham & Jerusalem pilgrims ? The women folk of different religions don't enjoy same property rights in their parent's property. The govt has enacted
various laws which are itself unequal, illogical & violative of fundamental rights of citizens, all to appease a votebank.

All religions are based on humanity & equitable justice, are good, great & lead to the same supreme power. It is the subsequent interpretations which are inhuman. According to times, the medieval rituals which may be right at that time, at that place but now inhuman, illogical at this time & at this place-india, should be dropped. The religion must be within the confines of home. Before law, everybody is equal & must be treated as equals, both women & men.

Hereby, HRW urges the honourable supreme court of india to order the govt of india to enact uniform civil code within a time frame. JAI HIND. VANDE MATARAM.

Your's sincerely,

Nagaraja. M. R .


Raped at gunpoint by father-in-law, clerics order to treat her husband as her son


In a chilling reminder of the Imrana case, yet another young woman from Muzaffarnagar who allegedly fell victim to her father-in-law’s sexual assault faces a bleak future after mullahs declared that the husband of the victim will be treated as her son.

The 28-year-old victim alleged that her husband has been working in Dubai for the last two years and her father-in-law has been sexually assaulting her at gun point since 2013.

She remained silent because he used to threaten to kill her. He also video recorded his act and threatened to make it public if she opened her mouth.

When she told her husband about it, he blamed her for making a false allegation against his father.

When she finally told her parents, they suggested her to take legal action against her rapist father-in-law.

She created ruffles in the local administration and the Muslim community on Thursday by moving an application before District Magistrate Kaushal Raj Sharma to arrest her father-in-law and allow her to abort her seven-month pregnancy.

After the application by the victim, clerics jumped into the case and declared that the husband of the victim will be treated as her son.

Avoiding any comment against the father-in-law who repeatedly raped and blackmailed the victim, Maulana Mohammad Nazar of Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind said: “As per the Sharia law, the baby in her womb is her husband’s brother. Her husband must divorce her, even if his father looked at his wife with lust.”

In 2007, Imrana's case, which was broadly similar with the clerics declaring her marriage null and void after she was raped by her father-in-law, had led to a tsunami of criticism of the mullahs who have been treading cautiously on inter-personal issues ever since.


Supreme Court calls for common civil code


 The Supreme Court has expressed distress over the government's failure in enacting a common civil code to end discrimination between various religious communities in the areas of marriage, succession and property and felt that such a code would help in removing contradictions based on religious ideologies. 

The court also declared as unconstitutional section 118 of the Indian Succession Act, 1925, which applies to Christians alone and not any other community and imposes restrictions on the community from bequeathing their property for religious and charitable purposes by will. 

This is not the first time that the apex court has drawn the law makers' attention towards the unfulfilled constitutional obligation to give effect to Article 44 of the Constitution. This provision says: ``The state shall endeavour to secure for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India.'' 



In the famous Shah Bano case and later in a judgment relating to a Hindu husband converting to Islam in order to legally justify bigamy and avoid penal action, the court had hoped that Parliament would enact a common civil code. 

The present judgment is a fall out of a writ petition filed by a Roman Catholic priest, John Vallamattom, filed six years ago challenging the constitutional validity of section 118 of the Indian Succession Act on the ground of discrimination. 

Section 118 says that a person having a nephew or niece or any near relative cannot bequeath his property for religious or charitable purposes unless the will is executed not less than 12 months before his death, or the will is deposited within six months from its execution to a place provided by law and it remains in such deposit till his death. 

Justice A R Lakshmanan described the provision as ``undue, harsh and special burden on the Christian testor alone''. Chief Justice V N Khare said that the period of 12 months could not have been linked to the object of performing the philanthropic act. ``As the charitable purposes are philanthropic and since a person's freedom to dispose off property for such purposes has nothing to do with religious influence, section 118 treating bequests for both religious and charitable purposes is discriminatory and violative of Article 14 of the Constitution,'' he added. 

Justice Lakshmanan said despite the Kerala High Court declaring the provision unconstitutional as far back as 1998, Parliament had not removed it and hence the apex court must declare it as unconstitutional. 

In another significant observation dealing with the arguments against a common civil code, CJI Khare said: ``It is no matter of doubt that marriage, succession and the like matters of secular character cannot be brought within the guarantee enshrined under Articles 25 and 26 of the Constitution (right to freedom of religion).''



In india , rich people belonging to forward castes form educational trusts , proclaiming that they want to serve the society by providing education to all irrespective of caste or creed. By this declaration they get Civic Amenity sites from government authorities at concessional rates. Further they get tax , duty
exemptions on materials , machines they import for the educational institution. However , while admitting students they are purely  commercial minded , the highest bidder gets the seats.



Some institutions like industrial training institutes ( I.T.I) , polytechnics , engineering colleges & medical
colleges run by trusts floated by forward castes lack basic infrastructure , to teach students properly , they only appoint staff belonging to thier castes. Dalits , minorities , weaker section people are not at all selected. They don't publicly advertise for vacancies. They fill all posts with thier own caste people & finally even get government grant in aid. How ? These institutions are getting affiliations , yearly approvals form the government , how ? actually they should have been shut.  These trusts want government backing for tax exemptions , lands at concessional rates ,monetary benefits , etc , however the same trusts are not willing to implement the social welfare objectives of the government , by providing seats to weaker sections , by providing appointments to dalits  few posts in all category of positions ( not just group D - dalits are also brilliant & capable of performing all jobs, they have proved it ).


Hereby , we urge honourable prime minister of india , government of india  &  honourable chief minister of karnataka ,  government of karnataka to :

1. before giving lands at concessional rate , tax exemptions , to any educational trusts the government must ensure that the trust must adhere to the social welfare norms of the government from day one.
2. Before giving affiliations to educational institutions the govt must ensure , are the institutions are providing sufficient infrastructure to students ?
3. Before giving grant in aid to any institution , the government must ensure have the management provided jobs to dalits , minorities , etc as per norms from the day one . if not grant in aid should be
rejected. Here there is no meaning in giving reservation of jobs in future appointments in those institutions , as all the posts are presently filled with forward castes , there is no expansion projects.
So , dalits have to wait for another 30-40 years to get the vacancies in those institutions after the retirement of forward caste employees , which is not at all practical or realistic .
4. In karnataka state , numerous Industrial Training Institutes ( ITI) have mushroomed , some don't even have basic infrastructure. Still they are running the show , how ? these ITIs run by forward caste people have appointed only their caste people to all posts , not even a single dalit is there. Still they have got government grant in aid , how ? we urge honourable chief minister of karnataka , to look into this & in future to provide grant in aid in aid to only those I.T.Is which have proper infrastructure & dalits , weaker section employees on their pay-rolls.
5. To order all educational institutions to make public announcement of vacancies in their institutions even though not covered under grant in aid , as they have already taken sufficient monetary
benefits from the government.
6. To order all educational institutions , to admit students as per government rates of fees. Some institutions are fleecing higher fees from the students , but are giving receipts for lesser amount only.
7. If any educational institutions don't agree with the government  norms , those institutions must be asked to be registered as commercial bodies , no tax exemptions , lands at concessional rates ,
allotment of CA sites should be given to them by the government.

By these measures alone poor & weaker section people will get justice . you are aware of merited but poor  students committing suicides year after year , CET fiasco - due to their financial inability to join medical or engineering colleges. Numerous similar cases are there with regard to admission to ITIs .
polytechnics. The greed  &  casteism of these educational institutions is reigning high. In the positive hope that you will be kind enough to  put an end to this menace.




-         an appeal to honourable supreme court of India



        In India, since independence certain affirmative actions by the government like job reservations , reservations in educational institutions , loan facilities , etc are extended to the backward class , oppressed people. However , the persons who have economically, socially become stronger on the basis of these government affirmative actions are not letting their own brethren – scavenging community  to utilize the same. The politicians are just making noises about  sub caste reservation for scheduled castes & tribes , but doing nothing. As a result , today we find some sub-castes & tribes of SC / ST better off than their previous generation, some other sub-castes & tribes of SC / ST are reeling under utter  poverty , social ostracism , etc.

       A human being can be in a civilized form , healthy -  if we have scavengers to clean our toilets , drainages , if we have barbers to cut our hairs. The very same people who keep us healthy & civilized are not treated in a civilized manner by the society , why ? most of the town municiapalities , city corporations are employing scavengers on daily wages without any statuotary benefits & are paid less than the statuotary minimum wages. every  towns & cities in India are bursting with population growth , however the number of scavengers has not been increased in proportion to the growth of population , In most of the cases the existing scavengers are overburdened with the work load. ,  Most of them are suffering from occupational health hazards , are dying at young ages leaving their families in the lurch.

      Hereby, we appeal to honourable supreme court of  India to treat this as a PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION & to order government of India , all state governments , statuotary bodies

1.      to regularize the jobs of all scavengers , to provide all statuotary benefits like ESI,PF, etc.

2.      to take all necessary steps to eradicate manual scavenging – carrying human excreta on heads.

3.      to take all necessary steps to protect their health & occupational safety.


Bottomline : all the citizens , the society must learn to respect their brethren who keeps them healthy , tidy & civilized. JAI HIND.VANDE MATARAM.


Your's sincerely,



Private Sector – Its obligations to Dalits

-- By Rajindar Sachar

A lively but in my view, ill-informed, discussion is taking place in public on the question of job quota in the private sector. The controversy has become sharper by the weight of legal opinion of the Attorney General that it was not possible to provide reservation for SCs and STs in the private sector without amending the Constitution. I have my reservation on the correctness of this view. I realize that emphasis is made on job quota possibility because of our feudal and hierarchical social system which puts a job in an office whether inprivate or public sector as the highest achievement. However, I feel that though emphasis on job may be kept up, the real battle dalits need to fight is to have a share in the expanding business opportunities and that too in proprietary capacity. It is in this context that I put forward an alternative which is immediately available and which can give more affluence, recognition and opportunities to dalits not only for jobs in private sector but for expanding the opportunities to share in the growth of Indian economy, and that too without amending the Constitution. 

It is well known that Central and State Governments award thousands of crores worth of public works and contracts to the private sector. All these activities flow from the Government playing a very crucial and significant role either to make a particular avenue open to the private sector like the privatization and modernization of airports, express highways Public Works Department, Delhi Development Authority (DDA), Delhi and similar ones in number of other States for roads or even construction of Govt. properties which are to be executed by the private contractors. I am of the view that if proper steps available even under the present legal set up are taken, a very large segment ofdalits population can be absorbed and can take benefit of the rising economy. 

It is in this context that a reference to USA legislation called the "Public Works Employment Act of 1997" would be apt. That Act had a minority business enterprise clause which provided that 10% (minority population of USA) of the federal funds granted for local public works projects must be used by state and local grantees to procure services or supplies from business owned and controlled by "minority group members", the latter being defined in the Act as United States citizens who are "Negroes, Spanish-speaking, Orientals…….".

This provision was challenged as denying an equal protection clause provided under the 14th amendment of the US Constitution (from which Article 14 of our Constitution has been adopted). The Court upheld the validity of the legislation as it contained provisions designed to uplift those socially-economically disadvantaged persons to a level where they may effectively participate in the business mainstream of USA economy. 

The arguments raised as to why the private contractors should be compelled and limit their choice in this particular manner as to from where the supplies will be received and whom they will sub-contract was rejected, by holding that "legislation When effectuating a limited and properly tailored remedy to cure the effects of prior discrimination, such "a sharing of the burden by innocent parties is not impermissible".

Question of constitutional objection is totally off the mark. After 44th amendment Right to Property is no longer a fundamental right. Only Parliamentary legislation is necessary to deprive a person of it without compensation. It is also well settled that Article 19 confers no right on an individual to carry on business with the Govt. – if it wishes it has to be on terms settled by Govt. As such, no objection can be taken by the private sector to the provision making it incumbent on it to share proportionately with Dalits the funds given to it by the Govt. or local body agencies.

Similarly, governments could prescribe conditions as a part of scheme of disinvestment of public sector. It would then be permissible for the Central and State Governments to provide that out of these amounts the private contractor will have to ensure that a certain percentage which, to start with, could be fixed at 10% (though it is low as compared to the dalits population of 15-16%) to be made available to them either in the matter of sub-contracting or executing some works or in the matter of employment. Such a course would require not only no constitutional amendment but not even an Act of Parliament. The reason being that the Government, being the spending authority, it is permissible for it by executive orders to direct that a certain portion of this money available will be utilized either for providing employment or for sub-contracts to the dalits. This is what was done in USA and which while upholding the said legislation very eloquently observed – "if we are ever to become a fully integrated society, one in which the colour of a person's skin will not determine the opportunities available to him or her, we must be willing to take steps to open those doors." The same principle aptly applies to the position of dalits in our country.

Our Supreme Court has held that "economic empowerment of the poor, in particular the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, as is enjoined under Article 46, is a constitutional objective as basic human and fundamental right to enable the labourer, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to raise their economic empowerment."

I see no reason why our Supreme Court which is far more progressive and poor-oriented than the USA's Supreme Court, will not reject similar challenge. But of course the overriding question still remains – is there a political will and determination in the Central and State Governments to take on the combined forces of Big Business.

I am convinced that it is not only jobs but business opportunities that need to be opened to Dalits, to make a real change in their social and economic set up.


Legal  Notice  to  Honourable Chief Justice of India



Honourable Chief Justice of India,


New Delhi.


Honourable Sir ,

Subject : Legal Notice to Chief Justice of India

Are  Judges , Police  PERFECT ? Satya Harishchandra ?

Hereby , I challenge Chief Justice of India  in the exercise of my FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES  as a citizen of india , that subject to conditions  I will  legally prove the crimes of  few  judges , police , public servants within  the government service and other  criminals.  Is the CJI ready  to book those criminals , traitors , anti nationals ?

Since 25 years I am appealing to apex court for justice concerning various public issues , no justice in sight but injustices meted out  one after another. But the same  judges are  SHAMELESSLY  taking huge pay perks for years  now are also  poised to  get  almost  triple fold  salary increase.  Parasites  feeding  on  Indian  Public. Whenever questions of accountability are asked  judges level contempt charges  against  the  questioner  or police  fix  him in  fake cases or he is silenced by threats , murders , denial of jobs , etc.  Since 25 years  in many  ways they  are trying to silence me. Just take the recent example of Justice Karnan  who leveled corruption  charges  against specific judges  with CJI. Instead of  conducting a fair investigation into the matter , CJI  tried to silence him by  serving  him contempt notice.

Our Judges , Police are  NOT  Perfect  Not Satya Harischandras . There are  criminals  as well as honest people  side by side  in  judiciary & police.  We  whole heartedly respect honest few in judiciary , police & public service. But  we  detest  corrupt  judges , corrupt police. Honest  Judges & Police are not coming into open to  prosecute their corrupt colleagues,  why ? silenced ?

Criminalization of  all wings of government has taken place , unfit people  are in the positions of power. Corruption in judiciary , police , CBI , CVC , Public service is rampant. Now MAFIA is at work.  Only few scandals , scams become public , many  are buried. If one criminal public servant is caught  other public servant who is also a criminal conducts name sake investigation , gives  report , clean chit. Law courts rely on the government reports as evidences , courts are not bothered about credibility of reports or investigations. It is quid pro quo. Therefore technically criminal public servants are never proved for their crimes & convicted , as investigation itself is not fair.

A Crime may happen without the knowledge of police  but  cann’t  continue for years without the connivance of police.  A  Crime reported to court  cann’t  continue  for years without  connivance of judges.

At the bottom  of  the paper , I have given web sites about  few  ACB raids on government officials  and unearthing of crores worth property.  How they have earned it , by misusing their official positions. Therefore  government reports , records  prepared by these officials , investigations conducted by  corrupt police  are suspect.  But  Law courts in various cases , considers government reports , records  , statements of government officials as sacrosanct . Therefore  in many cases  injustice is meted out by court  , as they depend on  reports of corrupt government officials , corrupt police.

The public servants & the government must be role models in law abiding acts , for others to emulate & follow. if a student makes a mistake it is excusable & can be corrected by the teacher. if the teacher himself makes a mistake , all  his students will do the same mistake. if a thief steals , he can be caught  , legally punished & reformed . if a police himself commits crime , many thieves go scot-free under his patronage.  even if a police , public servant commits a crime , he can be legally prosecuted & justice can be sought by the aggrieved.  just think , if a judge himself that too  of apex court of the land  himself  commits crime - violations of RTI Act , constitutional rights & human rights of public  and obstructs the public from performing their constitutional fundamental duties , what happens ?       

"Power will go to the hands of rascals, , rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts.  They will fight among themselves for power and will be lost in political squabbles . A day would come when even air & water will be taxed." Sir Winston made this statement in the House of Commons just before the independence of India & Pakistan. Sadly , the  forewarning of  Late Winston Churchill  has been proved right by  some of our  criminal , corrupt people’s representatives , police , public servants &  Judges. 

I don’t know whether secretariat staff of CJI office & DARPG / DPG officials are forwarding my appeals for justice , e-mails to you or not. They will be held accountable for their lapses if any. This notice is against the repeated failure of constitutional duties & indirect collusion with criminals by previous CHIEF JUSTICEs OF INDIA. Notice is served against them , to the office of CJI , NOT personally against you.

Please refer my appeal for justice through DARPG ;



In india democracy is a farce , freedom a mirage. the most basic freedom RIGHT TO INFORMATION & EXPRESSION , is not honoured by the government,as the information opens up the crimes of 
V.V.I.Ps & leads to their ill-gotten wealth. The public servants are least bothered about the lives of people or justice to them. these type of fat cats , parasites are a drain on the public exchequer . these people want ,wish me to see dead , wish to see HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH closed . so that, a voice against injustices is silenced forever , the crimes of V.V.I.Ps closed , buried forever.

To my numerous appeals , HRW’s appeals to you ,you have not yet replied. It clearly shows that you are least bothered about the lives of people or justice to them .it proves that you are hell bent to protect the criminals at any cost. you are just pressurising the police to enquire me ,to take my statement, to repeatedly call me to police station all with a view to silence me.all of you enjoy “legal immunity privileges” ,why don’t you have given powers to the police / investigating officer to summon all of you for enquiry ?or else why don’t all of you are not appearing before the police voluntarily for enquiry ?at the least why don’t all of you are not sending your statement about the case to the police either through legal counsel or through post? you are aiding criminals ,by denying me job oppurtunities in R.B.I CURRENCY NOTE PRESS mysore , city civil court ,bangalore , distict court , mysore ,etc & by illegally closing my newspaper. Even  Press  accreditation  to me as a web journalist is denied till date.  there is a gross, total mismatch between your actions and your oath of office. this amounts to public cheating & moral turpitude on your part.

1.you are making contempt of the very august office you hold.
2.you are making contempt of the constitution of india.
3.you are making contempt of citizens of india.
4.you are sponsoring & aiding terorrism & organized crime.
5.you are violating the fundamental & human rights of the citizens of india and of neighbouring countries.
6.you are violating & making contempt of the U.N HUMAN RIGHTS CHARTER to which india is a signatory.
7.you are obstructing me from performing my fundamental duties as a citizen of india.
8. As a result of your gross negligence of constitutional duties you have caused me damages / losses to the tune of RUPEES TWO CRORE ONLY.

9. You are responsible for  crime cover ups mentioned in my RTI Appeals , PILs and continuation of those crimes unabated.

10. You are  responsible  for denial of information,  which  vindicates the crimes of powers that be.

11. You are responsible for physical assaults , murder attempts on me.

12. You are responsible for  job denials to me at NIE , PES Engineering college , RBI Press , Mysore , Bangalore Courts.

13. You are responsible for my  illegal retrenchment from RPG Cables ,  denial of  medical care to  me towards occupational  health  problems.

14. You are responsible for denying me legal aid.

15. You are responsible for illegal closure of my news paper.

16. You are responsible for  denial of press accreditation  to me as a web journalist till date.

17. You are responsible for repeatedly  passing on my appeals to police. So that  they can  take  statements , close the file under the threat of police power.

18. You  have violated my Human Rights & Fundamental Rights.

19. In terms  of  Integrity , Honesty  You & other public servants are  nowhere near  Baba Saheb B R Ambedkar , Mahatma Gandhi  &  Satya Harishchandra . Many Public servants are  UNFIT to be in their posts.

You are hereby called upon to Pay damages to me and SHOW-CAUSE within 30 days , why you cann’t be legally prosecuted for the above mentioned crimes . If you don’t answer  it  will be admission of the  charges  by you.   It will amount to confession of crimes on your own.

If i am repeatedly called to police station or else where for the sake of investigations , the losses i do incurr as a result like loss of wages , transportation , job , etc must be borne by the government. prevoiusly the police / IB personnel repeatedly called me the complainant (sufferer of injustices) to police station for questioning , but never called the guilty culprits even once to police station for questioning , as the culprits are high & mighty . this type of one sided questioning must not be done by police or investigating agencies . if anything untoward happens to me or to my family members like loss of job , meeting with hit & run accidents , loss of lives , etc , the jurisdictional police together with above mentioned accussed public servants , Chief Justice of India & Jurisdictional District Magistrate will be responsible for it. Even if criminal nexus levels fake charges , police file fake cases against me or my dependents to silence me , this complaint is & will be effective.

if anything untoward happens to me or my dependents , the government of india is liable to pay Rs. TWO crore as compensation to survivors of my family. if my whole family is eliminated by the criminal nexus ,then that compensation money must be donated to Indian Army Welfare Fund. afterwards , the money must be recovered by GOI as land arrears from the salary , pension , property , etc of guilty judges , police officials , public servants & Constitutional fuctionaries.

Thanking you. Jai Hind , Vande Mataram.


Send  reply to :

Nagaraja Mysuru Raghupathi

Editor , SOS e Voice for Justice & SOS e Clarion of Dalit,

LIG 2 , NO 761 , HUDCO First Stage,

Laxmikantanagar , Hebbal ,

Mysuru – 570017.

Date : 07.09.2017……………..your’s sincerely,
Place : Mysore , India   ……….Nagaraja  Mysuru Raghupathi


Judge’s  MAFIA  - Accountability  of  Judges

      Now in  India ,  along with criminalization of politics , police and executive  criminalization of Judiciary is also evident.  However  Judges  who take lakhs of rupees salary & perks  from  public exchequer  are not  accountable to public. Judges don’t respond to RTI queries  nor  reply  to legal  notices  nor  the decisions of  transfer of judges , elevation or non elevation of judges  are made public. If a judge  has adverse  observations  from Intelligence Bureau or any other statutory body  which makes him unfit for elevation in such a circumstance  that judge is even unfit  to continue in his existing post. 

    The collegiums of Judges  is behaving like a MAFIA  in league with powers that be.  The honest judges who don’t favor mafia  face dismissal  , arrest , non elevation , transfer , etc.  Judge’s  MAFIA   has time & again  sent  such  subtle message to honest  judges.  Judges  who  have committed crimes but  has the blessings of MAFIA get promotions , favorable postings , enquiries  against them will be manipulated  to save them.

      Few judges  although have committed crimes  are technically staying as INNOCENTS by manipulating  fair investigation , prosecution  against  them.  This is an appeal  to  HONEST few in judiciary to  demand  accountability of their corrupt  colleagues.

      Judges , Police – Learn Honesty

     Life of illegally terminated judge  Mr.Gwal  is a lesson of honesty for all judges & police. Inspite of being  HONEST  in his duties , Mr.Gwal  is suffering at the hands of powers that be & judicial mafia. Mr.Gwal could have choosen the easy , luxurious path of  favoring powers and could have enjoyed luxurious life with his family. He  rightly chose the path to uphold constitution ended  up even without money to pay his children’s school fees. Even  apex  court didn’t come to his rescue. SHAME  SHAME .  Except  for few  honest judges & police , many of them are leading lifestyles beyond the sources  of their legal income.  Few of  them  are successful in  manipulating legal process to continue in service , get promotions despite  grave criminal allegations against them. Some  judges  have  even entered supreme court , what a shame ? They  must learn righteousness  honesty  from  Mr.Gwal.

     There are fake lawyers ,  advocates  with uncle judge connections  who are  leading  life styles   beyond the legal sources of their income.  These advocates  are cheating the public & court  as well making contempt of them. Why not criminal prosecutions against those guilty  lawyers , advocates ?

    Above all these type of  corrupt  people in gowns of judges , advocates &  corrupt  police preach others  about honesty , integrity and prosecute  other criminals  while they themselves are criminals. It is like a PROSTITUTE  preaching about virginity , chastity to a young girl.

     Our whole hearted respects to  few honest judges , police & advocates  in public service. It is an appeal to them to prosecute their corrupt colleagues.  We once again offer our conditional services to SCI  , to apprehend legally  prosecutes criminal judges , criminal police & criminals in public service.  Is CJI  ready ?

    Jai Hind. Vande Mataram.


Your’s ,

Nagaraja Mysuru Raghupathi


PIL –   JAIL  Dipak Mishra Unfit Judge & Others

An Appeal to Honourable Supreme Court of India  &  H.E. Honourable President  of India









editor   , Indian’s  Diary  &  Dalit’s  Diary ,

# LIG 2 , No 761 ,, HUDCO First Stage , Laxmikantanagar ,

Hebbal , Mysore – 570017 , Karnataka State





Honourable  Chief   Justice  of  India   &  Others





To ,

Hon'ble The Chief Justice of India and His Lordship's Companion

Justices of the Supreme Court of India. The Humble petition of the

Petitioner above named.




1. Facts of the case:


"Power will go to the hands of rascals, , rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight among themselves for power and will be lost in political squabbles . A day would come when even air & water will be taxed." Sir Winston made this statement in the House of Commons just before the independence of India & Pakistan. Sadly , the forewarning of Late Winston Churchill has been proved right by some of our criminal , corrupt public servants.

In his death  note  Former Arunachal Pradesh  Chief Minister Mr.Kalikho  Pul  has clearly  alleged involvement of CJI Khehar , Dipak Mishra , President Mukherjee & others in the crime. 

Justice  Dipak  Mishra  has a criminal past of fraud ,  cheating the authorities   to get land allotment. . He is unfit even to be a munsiff judge let alone CJI. He has managed the crime cover up well.

 He and present CJI Khehar have helped the union government   in their  unjust  illegal  actions like  unjust  imposition of president  rule and change of chief miniser   in few states,  cover up of Corporate scams like  Birla - Sahara ,  lake , forest , revenue land encroachments by  powerful ,  etc. In turn  as a payout  Union government has made them Chief Justice of India and  helped  the judges in cover up of their own crimes. Quid Pro Quo.

  CJI Khehar & Dipak Mishra have  effectively stalled proper investigations  into crimes committed by them. They have even stalled the legal prosecution. All through Union Government and respective state governments have helped them inspite of clinching evidences  against two  judges.

  Nowadays   judges  who don't  dance to the  tune of corrupt  higher judges , corrupt ministers  , don't get promotions. Even may  loose their jobs  or land up  in jail for upholding justice.

  If  Dipak Mishra  is made CJI , it  will be  roaring business for corrupt mafia. Innocents , commoners will be sent  to jail , may even be hanged while the rich criminals roams free.

    Since 20 years  we are appealing  to Chief Justice of India   concerning public issues  , seeking justice from him. Till date  no action instead more injustices meted out  to silence me after appealing to supreme court and authorities. This  itself proves the criminal nexus of judges , police and public sevants.

   Police show full bravery , courage , use  full might of law while acting against innocents , commoners. Even  takes suo motto action. Frequently crosses legal limits  while acting against commoners like 3rd degree torture , arrest / search  , seizure without warrant , arrest in mid night , etc . While they are supposed to take action against rich crooks , their own corrupt colleagues  no suo motto action , delayed action inspite of complaint  allowing time for rich crook to get anticipatory bail , no 3rd degree torture on him , no arrest , search , seizure without warrant. Where is the bravery , courage of police ?

Judges show their full wisdom , apply rigid law book while  judging cases of commoners , take suo motto action  where as  cases involving rich crooks comes before them inspite of repeated PILs they don’t consider it , let alone take suo motto action. Judges make far fetched interpretations of law , ultimately benefitting the rich crook. Where is the wisdom of Judges ?



2. Question(s) of Law:

 As per constitution of India , are not all citizens of india equal before  law ?  Why no action against JS Khehar , Dipak Mishra & Pranab Mukherjee ? Are they special ? WHERE IS THE BRAVERY , COURAGE OF POLICE ? Before  big crooks CBI , Police are zeroes.


3. Grounds:

Requests for equitable justice. Prosecution of  corrupt  Judges , CJI  J S Khehar ,  Supreme Court Judge Dipak Mishra , Former President  Mukherjee    &  Corrupt  Public  Servants.


4. Averment:

Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the  cases to perform their duties.




In the above premises, it is prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased:

 a . Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants , in the case to perform their duties.

b. To register FIR  against Chief Justice of India JS Khehar, Supreme Court Judge Dipak Mishra , Former President of India Mukherjee & others and arrest them for legal prosecution with respect to Orissa Land allotment scam , Arunachal Pradesh Chief minister change over , death of CM Kalikho Pul, Cover up of  Birla Sahara Scam ,  Reliance Oil Basin Scam , Lake & Land Encroachments in bangalore , Karnataka., etc.

c. To constitute an impartial  investigation team to investigate the crimes. The team must be accountable to the public.

d. Till investigation is over , hold the promotion of Dipak Mishra  to the post of Chief Justice of India.

e . to pass such other orders and further orders as may be deemed necessary on the facts and in the circumstances of the case.




Dated 12th    August  2017 …………………. FILED BY: NAGARAJA.M.R.


Place : Mysuru , India…………………….      PETITIONER-IN-PERSON


PIL –   Collegium  or  Judge’s  Mafia ?

An Appeal to Honourable Supreme Court of India  &  H.E. Honourable President  of India









editor   , Indian’s  Diary  &  Dalit’s  Diary ,

# LIG 2 , No 761 ,, HUDCO First Stage , Laxmikantanagar ,

Hebbal , Mysore – 570017 , Karnataka State





Honourable  Chief   Justice  of  India   &  Others





To ,

Hon'ble The Chief Justice of India and His Lordship's Companion

Justices of the Supreme Court of India. The Humble petition of the

Petitioner above named.




1. Facts of the case:

       Now in  India ,  along with criminalization of politics , police and executive  criminalization of Judiciary is also evident.  However  Judges  who take lakhs of rupees salary & perks  from  public exchequer  are not  accountable to public. Judges don’t respond to RTI queries  nor  reply  to legal  notices  nor  the decisions of  transfer of judges , elevation or non elevation of judges  are made public. If a judge  has adverse  observations  from Intelligence Bureau or any other statutory body  which makes him unfit for elevation in such a circumstance  that judge is even unfit  to continue in his existing post. 

    The collegiums of Judges  is behaving like a MAFIA  in league with powers that be.  The honest judges who don’t favor mafia  face dismissal  , arrest , non elevation , transfer , etc.  Judge’s  MAFIA   has time & again  sent  such  subtle message to honest  judges.  Judges  who  have committed crimes but  has the blessings of MAFIA get promotions , favorable postings , enquiries  against them will be manipulated  to save them.

      Few judges  although have committed crimes  are technically staying as INNOCENTS by manipulating  fair investigation , prosecution  against  them.  This is an appeal  to  HONEST few in judiciary to  demand  accountability of their corrupt  colleagues.


2. Question(s) of Law:

 As per constitution of India , are not all citizens of india equal before  law ?  Why  no action against Judge’s MAFIA ? Are they special ? WHERE IS THE BRAVERY , COURAGE OF POLICE ? Before  big crooks CBI , Police are zeroes.


3. Grounds:

Requests for equitable justice. Prosecution of  corrupt  Judges  &  Corrupt  Public  Servants.


4. Averment:

Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the  cases to perform their duties.




In the above premises, it is prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased:

 a . Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants , in the case to perform their duties.

b. to make public  the  Judge’s collegium decision first to transfer  Justice Jayant Patel from Gujarath High Court to Karnataka High Court and  afterwards from  Karnataka High Court to  Allahabad High Court.

c. to make public  the  Judge’s collegium decision  NOT  to  elevate Uttarakhand chief  Justice K M Joseph , Orissa High Court Judge  B P Das , Karnataka High Court Judge Jayant Patel.

d. to make public  collegium’s decision against Justice Karnan & Sukma Judge Prabhakar Gwal.

e. certain judges although facing grave criminal charges ,  allegations  but in favorable terms with ruling establishment are elevated example Justice  Dinakaran , Justice Dipak Mishra , Mysore Roost Resort  SEX  scandal fame  Judges , etc. What  is  so special about those judges  which deserves promotion. Also  fair investigation , enquiry , prosecution  against such special judges are stalled , buried  by higher judges , ruling government , why ? make the reasons for stalling investigations , prosecution public .  what is   so SPECIAL ?  Make that special collegium’s decision public.

f. Is It  not shameful to collegium judges that they are  public servants , taking huge salaries , perks from public exchequer  but unaccountable to public. To make  it mandatory accountability of judges to public , accountability of Judge’s collegium to public..

g. to make public  the list of judges  since independence till date  who faced   allegations , actions  taken or not taken against them with reasons thereof.

h. To build  safeguarding mechanism  which  reassures  HONEST  JUDGEs that they will not be victimized , persecuted by higher judges , judge’s collegium or ruling government.

i. In many instances  relatives  of  judges  are being  appointed as judges  from bar. To make public the selection criteria for appointment of judges  from bar.

j. In many  instances  the senior advocates get a patient hearing in courts while  fair hearing is no given to  junior lawyers. Sometimes although junior lawters are making logical argument  presiding judge makes harsh comment  as though  judge himself is more brilliant , wise in the universe.  It is unjust & against law. To make public criteria adopted for designating  lawyers  as seniors &  allocating time for  senior lawyers / junior lawyers.


k. to pass such other orders and further orders as may be deemed necessary on the facts and in the circumstances of the case.




Dated  30th September 2017 …………………. FILED BY: NAGARAJA.M.R.


Place : Mysuru , India…………………….      PETITIONER-IN-PERSON


 Edited, printed , published owned by NAGARAJA.M.R. @  # LIG-2   No  761, HUDCO  FIRST  STAGE , OPP WATER WORKS , LAXMIKANTANAGAR , HEBBAL ,MYSURU – 570017  KARNATAKA  INDIA


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Posted by naghrw at 5:14 PM
Dalit Online

Dalit’s  Diary  -   e  News   Weekly  

Working  For  The  Rights  &  Survival  Of  The Oppressed

Editor: NAGARAJA.M.R… VOL.11 issue.48… . 13 / 12 / 2017


Editorial :  HUMAN  RIGHTS  , Independence to Dalits , commoners  ?


   Even after  70 years of independence , dalits  are not treated as human beings. They have not got the INDEPENDENCE , FREEDOM  envisioned  by our freedom fighters , martyrs. Least of all their HUMAN RIGHTS ar not respected , as  first of all DALITs are not treated as human beings.  Indian  APARTEID.

    Criminalization of police , judiciary ,  public service has taken place. The corrupt persons within the police , judiciary are meting out injustices to commoners. Constitutional rights, human rights of commoners are not respected and  commoners are not allowed to do their  fundamental constitutional duties.

    Read the following articles. Chief Justice of India , Public servants , Various state Director Generals of Police & Home Secretaries are not answering our RTI queries since years. They are afraid of TRUTH , as it will vindicate their crimes. Hereby , we urge them once again to fully answer following RTI Questions and urge CJI to admit following PILs , pass orders accordingly. The delay in taking action by police & judges with respect to RTI appeals , PILs is aiding criminals and causing deaths of innocents. Intentional negligence of duties by above mentioned public servants does not make the following cases time barred and will make them personally responsible for all the resulting crimes.


True  INDEPENDENCE , FREEDOM  .  HUMAN RIGHTS can be achieved only through  transparent DEMOCRACY.

    Hope  on this  Universal  Human Rights Day  Indian Authorities will  learn to respect all Human Beings. With this fond hope  “ DALIT  ONLINE “  e news weekly is born today.  Jai hind. Vande Mataram.




DALIT  ONLINE     homepage :










PIL - Atrocities against Dalits by Government







editor SOS e Clarion of Dalit & SOS e Voice for Justice

# LIG 2 , No 761 ,, HUDCO First Stage , Laxmikantanagar ,

Hebbal , Mysore – 570017 , Karnataka State



Cabinet Secretary , Government of India , Chief Secretary , Government of Karnataka & Others





To ,

Hon'ble The Chief Justice of India and His Lordship's Companion

Justices of the Supreme Court of India. The Humble petition of the

Petitioner above named.



1. Facts of the case:

"Power will go to the hands of rascals, , rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight among themselves for power and will be lost in political squabbles . A day would come when even air & water will be taxed." Sir Winston made this statement in the House of Commons just before the independence of India & Pakistan. Sadly , the forewarning of Late Winston Churchill has been proved right by some of our criminal , corrupt public servants.


In  India  dalits  , tribals  are oppressed in various ways by the influential people with the  aid of authorities  and  by authorities , police themselves.

India  is a democratic country  with people’s self governance. Here  laws must be framed as per the wishes of people. MPs , MLAs , MLCs  are  just postmans of  public  passing on the message of people’s aspirations  in the respective  houses , parliament , legislative assembly.

MPs , MLAs , MLCs  don’t have legal , moral , democratic right to impose  any laws  much against the wishes of their own people. It  is illegal.  When people in a specified area doesn’t want  a bauxite mining company in their area  as it affects the local ecology ,  their livelihood , their health , life  how can  MPs , MLAs  give legal sanction to establishment of such companies ? How can MPs , MLAs impose such projects on people much against their wishes ?

These type  of  functioning by ruling MPs , MLAs since decades favoring the rich  , suppressing the  poor   has given rise to various people movements  including naxalism. Ofcourse  , as the act of our MPs , MLAs are illegal , some acts of  these movements are also illegal.  Instead the  people  associated with these movements must take up non violent path for expressing their disagreements with the government actions.

The government  by  misusing it’s powers , police machinery  is illegally arresting , torturing innocents , murdering innocents  to suppress the voices seeking justice. The government  is also  illegally  aiding  various  terrorist outfits like salwa judum , salwa judum-2 , Jharkhand jan mukti parishad , etc all to silence  voices seeking justice.

The government  is  targeting , illegally arresting , torturing journalists , lawyers  who are  legally supporting the voices seeking justice. The government has gone to the extreme  of   SUMMARILY  DISMISSING A SITTING  JUDGE  as  he  legally did his duty & upheld the rule of law.



2. Question(s) of Law:

Are NOT Dalits , Tribals  citizens of India ? Don’t Dalit’s , Tribals  have constitutional rights & human rights to be treated equally ? Why not criminal prosecution of high & mighty practicing dalit atrocities, atrocities against dalits , tribals ?



3. Grounds:

Requests for equitable justice , Protection of Fundamental & Human Rights of all DALITs & TRIBALs.



4. Averment:


Corrupt people within Government  in their greed for money are framing illegal , unjust laws much against the aspirations of people. Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the Government of india  and all state governments  to  protect the constitutional rights , human rights of all dalits , tribals in india and to strictly work , legislate laws as per the wishes , aspirations of people.



In the above premises, it is prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased:


 Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants  of government of india and all state governments in the following cases to perform their duties.

 To immediately reinstate Mr. Prabhakar Gwal , Chief Judicial Magistrate , Sukma , Chattisgarh into judicial service.

 To make posting at the same place , same court of Sukma , so that he can  complete the cases concerning the  powers that be to the logical end.

 To initiate  criminal legal prosecution  against  district collector , police officials , public servants  who directly & indirectly interfered  in the judicial duties performed by Mr. GWAL.

 To initiate criminal legal  prosecution against  Chhattisgarh  High Court Judges  who instead of upholding rule of law , supporting Mr. Gwal in his duties  took sides with criminal nexus , powers that be and repeatedly transferred him and now dismissed him from service without  enquiry.

 To reopen all the  buried cases which were dealt by Mr. Gwal and buried by transfer of  judge  Mr. Gwal. To take action against ministers , public servants  involved in those cases.

To initiate  criminal action against  sukma district collector , police officials  and Chhattisgarh  High Court  Judges  on  charges of Atrocities against  DALIT  Mr. Gwal  who  was repeatedly  harassed  by  them.

 To initiate  criminal  prosecution under anti terror laws ,  against  present  and past  chattisgarh state government ministers , central government  ministers , other state government ministers of jharkand , bihar , Andhra Pradesh , odisha , west Bengal , etc  and   police officials , public servants  of those governments who  were and are  responsible for creation  of terror outfits like SALWA JUDUM  , it’s recent  terror child salwa judum – 2 , Jharkhand mukti parishad , etc. These public servants   have indulged in terror acts of salwa judum , other outfits  by aiding & sponsoring it , which is against law.

To immediately  annul all the laws , orders passed  by government of india , other state governments  authorizing land acquisition , establishment of big industries , mines  much  against the wishes , aspirations of people.

To immediately annul Imposition of big projects on people by MPs , MLAs much against the resistance of  people.

To  order  authorities to release  lawyers , journalists who are illegally detained for  legally supporting people seeking justice.

To  immediately arrest , legally prosecute Mr.Ajit Doval for showing contempt of court  , interfering , influencing the judicial process  in the name of discussion with judges. Government itself is the biggest litigant in the country.

To pass such other orders and further orders as may be deemed necessary on the facts and in the circumstances of the case.




Dated : 06th  May 2016……………………………………….. FILED BY: NAGARAJA.M.R.


Place : Mysuru , India………………………….. …………………..PETITIONER-IN-PERSON



PIL - Atrocities against Dalits by Government of Karnataka & Others












editor SOS e Clarion of Dalit & SOS e Voice for Justice

# LIG 2 , No 761 ,, HUDCO First Stage , Laxmikantanagar ,

Hebbal , Mysore – 570017 , Karnataka State






Cabinet Secretary , Government of India , Chief Secretary , Government of Karnataka & Others










To ,

Hon'ble The Chief Justice of India and His Lordship's Companion

Justices of the Supreme Court of India. The Humble petition of the

Petitioner above named.



1. Facts of the case:

"Power will go to the hands of rascals, , rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight among themselves for power and will be lost in political squabbles . A day would come when even air & water will be taxed." Sir Winston made this statement in the House of Commons just before the independence of India & Pakistan. Sadly , the forewarning of Late Winston Churchill has been proved right by some of our criminal , corrupt public servants.


In Karnataka dalits are oppressed in various ways by the influential people ,


1. In the recruitment process at Karnataka State Open University , vice chancellor / vested interests recruited unfit candidates belonging to their own community sidelining the deserving dalit candidates .


2. In the recruitment process at Mysore University , vice chancellor / vested interests recruited unfit candidates belonging to their own community sidelining the deserving dalit candidates .


3. In the recruitment process at Hassan , Mandya , Mysore & Shimoga Medical Colleges , vested interests recruited unfit candidates belonging to their own community sidelining the deserving dalit candidates .


4. In the recruitment process of KPSC for gazetted officers , vested interests recruited unfit candidates belonging to their own community sidelining the deserving dalit candidates .


5. In Karnataka , many privately managed Industrial Training Institutes , Polytechnics have mushroomed and are getting state government grant. The managements have recruited people belonging to their own communities completely disregarding the recruitment rules of the government. Still they are enjoying government grant without any legal prosecution of those guilty.


6. The Karnataka government officials immediately evict temporary hutments built by tribals , dalits on government land and demolish those hutments. Whereas they allow huge buildings , complexes to be built on government land by influential upper caste people. The government has kept those illegal buildings intact for years , allowed the encroachers to earn lakhs of rupees and now in the process of regularizing those illegal encroachments.


The honourable governor of Karnataka , instead of taking legal action and legally prosecuting the guilty has taken side with the guilty themselves. He has approved AKRAMA SAKRAMA scheme of the government , no action was taken against vice chancellors of KSOU & Mysore University, etc. This is nothing but indirect way of atrocities against dalits , by supporting perpetrators of atrocities.


As a result , Since years unfit people are working as KAS officers , unfit people are working in KSOU , Mysore University , Unfit people are working in medical colleges of Madya / Hassan / Mysore / Shimoga and earning thousands of rupees monthly salary. Influential upper caste people are earning lakhs of rupees as rent from land encroachments and are on the verge of becoming legal owners of encroached lands.


Even in other states also Dalits are oppressed. See the recent suicide of doctoral student in University of Hyderabad , few moths back we saw dalit atrocity in IIT Chennai.


The poor dalits although talented & deserving are without seats , facilities in educational institutions , jobs , without livelihood & shelter.




2. Question(s) of Law:

Are NOT Dalits , citizens of India ? Don’t Dalit’s have constitutional rights & human rights to be treated equally ? Why not criminal prosecution of high & mighty practicing dalit atrocities ?



3. Grounds:

Requests for equitable justice , Protection of Fundamental & Human Rights of all DALITs.



4. Averment:


Corrupt people within Government of Karnataka are violating government norms during recruitment various educational institutions and while demolishing illegal structures. Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to perform their duties.





In the above premises, it is prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased:



(i) Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to perform their duties.


(ii) To criminally prosecute government of Karnataka chief secretary & governor of Karnataka , for all the above mentioned recruitment scandals , for their failure of duties.


(iii) To immediately evict land encroachers & prosecute them irrespective of the caste they belong to. Only eviction of dalits , tribals , downtrodden people & demolition of hutments belonging to them while sparing big buildings belonging to rich , influential forward caste people should not be done.


(iv) To annul the moves by Government of Karnataka to regularize big illegal structures built by rich , influential forward caste people without rehabilitating the evicted dalits , tribals , downtrodden. To declare it as illegal.


(v) To recover monetary gains made by the encroachers.


(vi) To terminate the services of unfit candidates selected in the above mentioned recruitment processes.


(vii) To legally prosecute the recruiting authority officials in all the above recruitments.


(viii) To make proper appointments with due consideration to dalits , backward class people in all the above institutions , as per law.


(ix) To pass such other orders and further orders as may be deemed necessary on the facts and in the circumstances of the case.


(x) To take action against those responsible for atrocities against Dalits in University of Hyderabad & IIT Chennai.




Kindly read full details at following web page :






Dated : 19TH January 2015……………………………………….. FILED BY: NAGARAJA.M.R.


Place : Mysuru , India………………………….. …………………..PETITIONER-IN-PERSON


Allegations of dalit atrocities and nepotism against CV Nagarjuna Reddy J. of Andhra Pradesh


The Campaign for Judicial Accountability and Reforms (CJAR) has written to Chief Justice of India TS Thakur seeking initiation of in-house proceedings against Justice CV Nagarjuna Reddy for alleged atrocities against members of Dalit community.

In a 9-page letter written on August 30 this year, the CJAR has detailed various allegations against the sitting judge including a detailed account of “criminal misconduct” against a dalit magistrate.

According to the letter, one Rama Krishna, a Principal Junior Civil judge in Kadappa District, was forced by Justice Nagarjuna Reddy to remove the name of Pavan Kumar Reddy from a dying declaration recorded by Rama Krishna when he was posted as a magistrate. Pavan Reddy  happens to be the brother of Justice Reddy.

As per the dying declaration given by the victim, Pavan Reddy had doused the victim with petrol and set him of fire when he refused to sign on a blank paper.

“Soon thereafter, on 30.11.2012, it is alleged by Mr. Rama Krishna that Justice Nagarjuna Reddy rang him up, and directed him to remove his brother’s name from the dying declaration. Mr. Rama Krishna also alleges that he was threatened and abused by the said judge when he refused to accede to his request.”

It has also been alleged that the Magistrate was later summoned to Justice Nagarjuna Reddy’s house where,

“….Pavan Reddy and Justice C.V. Nagarjuna Reddy abused him and beat him up. He further alleges that Justice C. V. Nagarjuna Reddy kicked him with his shoes and abused his caste”.

It is Rama Krishna’s allegation that he was victimised following this incident by “unexplained” transfers and suspensions.

Another allegation against the judge is the abuse of power to get that very Pavan Reddy appointed as Additional Public Prosecutor.

“Mr. Pavan Kumar Reddy was appointed as Additional Public Prosecutor in the year 2006 for a period of three years in contravention of the law that mandates seven years of continuous practice as an advocate prior to appointment as an Additional Public Prosecutor.”

Based on the above, CJAR has not only sought an in-house enquiry but has also asked for the suspension of judicial work assigned to Justice Reddy. Chief Justice Thakur has not responded to CJAR’s representation yet.

This is the second such allegation against a sitting judge of High Court of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

In 2015, an Additional District judge from Andhra Pradesh had approached the Supreme Court under Article 32 alleging caste discrimination by a sitting High Court judge, Justice M Satyanarayana Murthy.

The Supreme Court had, however, refused to admit the matter with a Bench presided by then Chief Justice Dattu likening the case to a service matter and observing that the case was a grievance of an individual and cannot be considered as a case pertaining to Fundamental rights.



Editorial :   Atrocities against Dalits by Judges

-          An Appeal to Honourable Supreme Court of India, National Human Rights Commission & National Commission  for  Scheduled  Castes  /  Scheduled  Tribes

        The track record of apex court is not clean. There is secrecy involved in selection , promotion , transfer of judges to high court & supreme court. Supreme court judges take huge pay , perks from public exchequer ( now on the verge of getting triple fold increase in pay ) but are not accountable to public. They don’t give information to public , concerning judges and national security , public welfare.

   Consider the case of Dalit judge of sukma , chattisgarh , he was removed for being honest , for upholding law ?  Take the case of Dalit Judge Ramakrishna  of Andhra Pradesh  he was victimized  by upper caste high court  judge  Nagarjuna  for not giving favorable orders  to cover up a crime. Now, Justice Karnan a whistle blower is being victimized. Apex court is not looking seriously  at issues  raised by justice karnan but concentrating on silencing him.

  When other high ranking judges  ( having  influence  & belonging to upper castes )  were accused of more grave crimes like  involvement  in sex racket , sex crimes against women , national security crimes  , etc , they were treated with kid gloves , cases hush hushed , white washed.  Inspite of  fervent  appeals  even  apex court didn’t bother to  conduct a public , transparent enquiry. Now apex court  has  initiated  suo motto  “contempt proceedings “ against  Justice Karnan as he  is a  DALIT  , without influence of powers that be.

  When  a  poor  dalit person  or  person  belonging to  weaker section , SC / ST  builds  a temporary hutment  on government land  , officials  , police take suo motto  action , evicts that person & razes down that hutment immediately.  Where as when a rich person belonging to upper caste , having influence of powers that be   builds  huge buildings usurping government land , lake bed , etc no suo motto action by police . Officials , police don’t  take action  inspite of repeated appeals by concerned public.  The courts of justice instead of upholding public cause , gives stay orders  protecting rich land grabbers but in the same fashion  judges don’t come to the rescue of poor  dalit  hut dwellers.  Even  when  land grabbings were brought to the notice  of apex court at the very early stage  itself,  apex court  instead of preventing  the land grabbing  silently allowed  the grabbers to continue  with their land crimes.  The enactments of laws by various state governments  including   government of Karnataka  regularizing illegal land constructions  is solely to benefit  greedy , rich land grabbers belonging  to upper castes. Inspite of repeated appeals the apex court has not annulled those  illegal laws of various state governments.


Just  consider the prison population in  india ,  80% of prisoners are under trials and  majority of them are dalits, tribals  , belongs to weaker sections , SC / ST. Most of  them cann’t afford lawyers , most of them are implicated by their  upper caste masters , land lords .  Even within the prison  , their rights are not respected by authorities , are treated worse than animals.  Where as   deadly criminals   convicted of gravest crimes ( but  rich , belongs to upper castes)  enjoys many luxuries within the prison.  It proves the vulnerability of the  dalits , weakers sections in india.

  So many dalits , weaker section people   were  cheated  of  their job oppurtunities in mysuru university , KSOU , Various Government  Medical  colleges , Government aided  ITIs , Polytechnics in Karnataka state  by scheming  upper caste officials.  Inspite of repeated appeals , why apex court has not taken legal prosecution to logical end and ensured justice to  aggrieved dalits ?  What action supreme court has taken against  KPSC , VYAPAM members who denied  job oppurtunities to merited candidates , dalit & weaker section candidates ?  ? let alone take  suo motto action . No action to logical end. 



Day in day out  there are rampant atrocities against dalits , weaker sections of people  by public servants , judges are not doing their duties properly. Supreme court judges are enjoying lakhs of rupees pay , perks , 5 star bungalows  , foreign trips , weeks long summer / winter  paid  vacations  , proposed triple  fold salary hike  all at tax payer’s expense.  These judges must be first booked for “Atrocities against Dalits , Weaker sections”  under SC / ST Atrocities Prevention Act.

   If at all , Supreme Court of India is impartial , without bias , let it come out clean :

1.                   To immediately  stay contempt proceedings against Justice Karnan and Order impartial enquiry against  judges accused of corruption , impropriety by Justice Karnan and all other issues raised by him. Take the help of Justice Karnan in collecting evidences.

2.                   Order impartial enquiry against almost half of former chief justices of india accused of corruption by NGOs.

3.                   Immediately give justice to past Sukma Dalit Judge who was unjustly removed.

4.                   Immediately  give truthful , full  information , answers  to RTI questions sent to Supreme Court of India by our publication years ago. Inspite of several appeals , majority of questions are unanswered & for few questions got ambiguous answers.

5.                   Immediately take action  to protect fundamental rights , human rights of whistle blowers , RTI Activists & Human Rights Activists.

6. Immediately  take action against  KPSC , VYAPAM   members responsible for illegal recruitments , cancel  all those illegal recruitments and   conduct recruitments afresh  with old candidates.

7.  Immediately  take action against  KSOU , Mysuru University , Government Medical Colleges , Government Aided Polytechnics , ITI officials  responsible for illegal recruitments , cancel  all those illegal recruitments and   conduct recruitments afresh  with old candidates.

8. Immediately  annul laws  enacted  by various state governments in  india  regularizing illegal constructions by  land grabbers .

9. Make public the  names  of  all land grabbers , majority of them belongs to upper castes and  are rich , greedy.

10.  Protect  the rights of prisoners in india  irrespective of their caste affiliations.

11. Ensure speedy justice ,  legal aid  to  under trials  belonging to weaker sections , SC & ST.

12.  Fix lower amount  for bail surety or create a corpus to  give bail  amount  to under trials belonging to SC , ST , Weaker sections , Dalits.  Many  dalits who are poor  are unable to pay bail amount  and suffer in jail for years much more than  the legally stipulated punishment even if convicted.

13. Enforce uniform rules , uniform food , uniform health care , uniform   prison cell  to all prisoners  irrespective of  their caste , whether he is  an ex chief minister ,  ex managing director of a big company , ex religious guru or  an ordinary person , a dalit , a tribal.  Ensure equality  , equal treatment in prisons , jails.

14.    Immediately admit PILs  presented before supreme court of india by our publication . Read full details at following web pages ;

Traitors  in  Judiciary &  Police

https://www.scribd.com/document/329980170/Traitors-in-Judiciary-Police  ,


Crimes  by  Khaki



FIRST  Answer  Judges  Police



“There is a higher court than the court of justice and that is the court of conscience It supercedes all other courts. ”

- Mahatma Gandhi


“Contempt  Proceedings”  should not be used as a weapon to silence voices seeking  justice , accountability of judiciary. Respect of judiciary doesn’t come out of fear rather spontaneously it comes out of a person’s heart  when  he sees a honest judge doing his duties honestly.


Jai Hind. Vande Mataram.


Your’s ,

Nagaraja Mysuru Raghupathi


PIL –  Reservation for Dalits & Muslims






editor  Indian’s  Diary  &  Dalit’s Diary ,
# LIG 2 , No 761 ,, HUDCO First Stage , Laxmikantanagar ,
Hebbal , Mysore – 570017 , Karnataka State


Honourable Chief Secretary , Government of Karnataka ,

Honourable Pricipal Cabinet Secretary , GOI  & Others 



To ,
Hon'ble The Chief Justice of India and His Lordship's Companion
Justices of the Supreme Court of India. The Humble petition of the
Petitioner above named.


1. Facts of the case:

   Dalits & backward caste people  have suffered innumerably for centuries  at the hands of forward caste people. It  was nothing but APARTHEID policy.

   Muslims and other  people  whoes numbers were minor  also suffered persecution.

   Our constitutional framers  to provide  equal oppurtunity to all indian citizens gave certain transient  measures like reservation in schools , college , jobs , etc to these persecuted people.

   Now even after 70 years of independence &  reservation , affirmative policies of government still  many dalits , minorities are  suffering. Creamy layers of  dalits , muslims  with political connections  have over used , reservation benefits to the maximum denying their own dalit , muslim brothers , sisters of reservation benefits. As  a result  few dalits , muslims  have become well educated , rich while their  poor brothers suffer in ghettos , slums.

   Private sector   which  enjoys loans , subsidies , other benefits from government  , public banks  are not bound  by reservation policy , are not bound by social obligation to provide reservation to dalits & muslims.

   Successive governments  are indirectly  segregating people with new names & using them as vote banks. Affirmative actions of government  are creating inequalities in society, while constitution of india mandates to treat all citizens as equals.


2. Question(s) of Law:

Why NOT  reservation policy  cover all dalits , muslims & minorities ?  Why NOT uniform civil code ?

3. Grounds:

Request for  Protection of Fundamental & Human Right of Equality of all Indian Citizens  in all spheres..


4. Averment:  

a . Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to  enact UNIFORM CIVIL CODE.

b.  to  give reservation benefits like job reservation , subsidized loan , preferrential industrial / residential site allotment , etc  only once , only one benefit  that too to only one family member. This  avoids  a single dalit with political connections using multiple reservation benefits and  same  family members using reservation benefits. Once a dalit gets reservation benefit he must come up on his own and must strive to bring  up his other family members. This way reservation benefit will  reach other poor dalit families  who have not received  a single reservation policy benefit.

c. to order government to stop appeasing one minority community  by subsidized pilgrimage ,  marriage support , etc while denying the same to other community.

d. The intent of our constitutional framers was to  bring oppressed  on par with forward caste  people towards a dignified life  but never to  put them above others  crushing , oppressing  poor forward caste people. This goes against constitution & creates new  way of  APARTHEID & new outcasts.

e. to order government  to enforce reservation policy in job , school seats , to private sector also.


In the above premises, it is prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased:

a . Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to perform their duties & to legally enforce  Uniform Civil Code.

b.  to  give reservation benefits like job reservation , subsidized loan , preferrential industrial / residential site allotment , etc  only once , only one benefit  that too to only one family member. This  avoids  a single dalit with political connections using multiple reservation benefits and  same  family members using reservation benefits. Once a dalit gets reservation benefit he must come up on his own and must strive to bring  up his other family members. This way reservation benefit will  reach other poor dalit families  who have not received  a single reservation policy benefit.

c. to order government to stop appeasing one minority community  by subsidized pilgrimage ,  marriage support , etc while denying the same to other community.

d. The intent of our constitutional framers was to  bring oppressed  on par with forward caste  people towards a dignified life  but never to  put them above others  crushing , oppressing  poor forward caste people. This goes against constitution & creates new  way of  APARTHEID & new outcasts.

e. to order government  to enforce reservation policy in job , school seats , to private sector also.


f. to pass such other orders and further orders as may be deemed necessary on the facts and in the circumstances of the case. 



Dated : 05.12.2017          ………………..FILED BY: NAGARAJA.M.R.

Place : Mysuru , India…………………….PETITIONER-IN-PERSON 




Take recent cases of Maryada  Murders or  Honour killings , rape cases of women . Decades old case of rape victim, SMT. Imraana has proved that how inhuman , illogical the fatwa & shariat laws of muslim community are. It remindsus of medieval times. The so-called ardent followers of shariat laws, only force it on their women folk. The shariat laws with respect to men folk like prohibition on drinking, smoking, adultery,etc & the punishments like public stoning to death are not enforced. The muslim men are authorised by shariat to marry more women but they must look after all their needs as per shariat. They can divorce their wives by triple talaq if they are not satisfied with them. This part of shariat is carried out by menfolk however the other part of shariat which stipulates paying back of dukthari, woman's belongings,her properties all to her after talaq are not at all followed.

The male chauvinists in muslim community are the worst violators of shariat. They are suitably manipulating shariat to supress muslim women. The central government is also dancing to the tunes to safeguard it's vote bank. Take the case of shaa banoo during P.M. Rajiv gandhi's regime. Inspite of supreme court ruling to pay living expenses to her by her ex-husband, the govt passed a bill annulling the SC verdict.

The govt gives subsidy to haj pilgrims, does it give the same amount of subsidy to kashi pilgrims, bodhgaya pilgrims, bethleham & Jerusalem pilgrims ? The women folk of different religions don't enjoy same property rights in their parent's property. The govt has enacted
various laws which are itself unequal, illogical & violative of fundamental rights of citizens, all to appease a votebank.

All religions are based on humanity & equitable justice, are good, great & lead to the same supreme power. It is the subsequent interpretations which are inhuman. According to times, the medieval rituals which may be right at that time, at that place but now inhuman, illogical at this time & at this place-india, should be dropped. The religion must be within the confines of home. Before law, everybody is equal & must be treated as equals, both women & men.

Hereby, HRW urges the honourable supreme court of india to order the govt of india to enact uniform civil code within a time frame. JAI HIND. VANDE MATARAM.

Your's sincerely,

Nagaraja. M. R .


Raped at gunpoint by father-in-law, clerics order to treat her husband as her son


In a chilling reminder of the Imrana case, yet another young woman from Muzaffarnagar who allegedly fell victim to her father-in-law’s sexual assault faces a bleak future after mullahs declared that the husband of the victim will be treated as her son.

The 28-year-old victim alleged that her husband has been working in Dubai for the last two years and her father-in-law has been sexually assaulting her at gun point since 2013.

She remained silent because he used to threaten to kill her. He also video recorded his act and threatened to make it public if she opened her mouth.

When she told her husband about it, he blamed her for making a false allegation against his father.

When she finally told her parents, they suggested her to take legal action against her rapist father-in-law.

She created ruffles in the local administration and the Muslim community on Thursday by moving an application before District Magistrate Kaushal Raj Sharma to arrest her father-in-law and allow her to abort her seven-month pregnancy.

After the application by the victim, clerics jumped into the case and declared that the husband of the victim will be treated as her son.

Avoiding any comment against the father-in-law who repeatedly raped and blackmailed the victim, Maulana Mohammad Nazar of Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind said: “As per the Sharia law, the baby in her womb is her husband’s brother. Her husband must divorce her, even if his father looked at his wife with lust.”

In 2007, Imrana's case, which was broadly similar with the clerics declaring her marriage null and void after she was raped by her father-in-law, had led to a tsunami of criticism of the mullahs who have been treading cautiously on inter-personal issues ever since.


Supreme Court calls for common civil code


 The Supreme Court has expressed distress over the government's failure in enacting a common civil code to end discrimination between various religious communities in the areas of marriage, succession and property and felt that such a code would help in removing contradictions based on religious ideologies. 

The court also declared as unconstitutional section 118 of the Indian Succession Act, 1925, which applies to Christians alone and not any other community and imposes restrictions on the community from bequeathing their property for religious and charitable purposes by will. 

This is not the first time that the apex court has drawn the law makers' attention towards the unfulfilled constitutional obligation to give effect to Article 44 of the Constitution. This provision says: ``The state shall endeavour to secure for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India.'' 



In the famous Shah Bano case and later in a judgment relating to a Hindu husband converting to Islam in order to legally justify bigamy and avoid penal action, the court had hoped that Parliament would enact a common civil code. 

The present judgment is a fall out of a writ petition filed by a Roman Catholic priest, John Vallamattom, filed six years ago challenging the constitutional validity of section 118 of the Indian Succession Act on the ground of discrimination. 

Section 118 says that a person having a nephew or niece or any near relative cannot bequeath his property for religious or charitable purposes unless the will is executed not less than 12 months before his death, or the will is deposited within six months from its execution to a place provided by law and it remains in such deposit till his death. 

Justice A R Lakshmanan described the provision as ``undue, harsh and special burden on the Christian testor alone''. Chief Justice V N Khare said that the period of 12 months could not have been linked to the object of performing the philanthropic act. ``As the charitable purposes are philanthropic and since a person's freedom to dispose off property for such purposes has nothing to do with religious influence, section 118 treating bequests for both religious and charitable purposes is discriminatory and violative of Article 14 of the Constitution,'' he added. 

Justice Lakshmanan said despite the Kerala High Court declaring the provision unconstitutional as far back as 1998, Parliament had not removed it and hence the apex court must declare it as unconstitutional. 

In another significant observation dealing with the arguments against a common civil code, CJI Khare said: ``It is no matter of doubt that marriage, succession and the like matters of secular character cannot be brought within the guarantee enshrined under Articles 25 and 26 of the Constitution (right to freedom of religion).''



In india , rich people belonging to forward castes form educational trusts , proclaiming that they want to serve the society by providing education to all irrespective of caste or creed. By this declaration they get Civic Amenity sites from government authorities at concessional rates. Further they get tax , duty
exemptions on materials , machines they import for the educational institution. However , while admitting students they are purely  commercial minded , the highest bidder gets the seats.



Some institutions like industrial training institutes ( I.T.I) , polytechnics , engineering colleges & medical
colleges run by trusts floated by forward castes lack basic infrastructure , to teach students properly , they only appoint staff belonging to thier castes. Dalits , minorities , weaker section people are not at all selected. They don't publicly advertise for vacancies. They fill all posts with thier own caste people & finally even get government grant in aid. How ? These institutions are getting affiliations , yearly approvals form the government , how ? actually they should have been shut.  These trusts want government backing for tax exemptions , lands at concessional rates ,monetary benefits , etc , however the same trusts are not willing to implement the social welfare objectives of the government , by providing seats to weaker sections , by providing appointments to dalits  few posts in all category of positions ( not just group D - dalits are also brilliant & capable of performing all jobs, they have proved it ).


Hereby , we urge honourable prime minister of india , government of india  &  honourable chief minister of karnataka ,  government of karnataka to :

1. before giving lands at concessional rate , tax exemptions , to any educational trusts the government must ensure that the trust must adhere to the social welfare norms of the government from day one.
2. Before giving affiliations to educational institutions the govt must ensure , are the institutions are providing sufficient infrastructure to students ?
3. Before giving grant in aid to any institution , the government must ensure have the management provided jobs to dalits , minorities , etc as per norms from the day one . if not grant in aid should be
rejected. Here there is no meaning in giving reservation of jobs in future appointments in those institutions , as all the posts are presently filled with forward castes , there is no expansion projects.
So , dalits have to wait for another 30-40 years to get the vacancies in those institutions after the retirement of forward caste employees , which is not at all practical or realistic .
4. In karnataka state , numerous Industrial Training Institutes ( ITI) have mushroomed , some don't even have basic infrastructure. Still they are running the show , how ? these ITIs run by forward caste people have appointed only their caste people to all posts , not even a single dalit is there. Still they have got government grant in aid , how ? we urge honourable chief minister of karnataka , to look into this & in future to provide grant in aid in aid to only those I.T.Is which have proper infrastructure & dalits , weaker section employees on their pay-rolls.
5. To order all educational institutions to make public announcement of vacancies in their institutions even though not covered under grant in aid , as they have already taken sufficient monetary
benefits from the government.
6. To order all educational institutions , to admit students as per government rates of fees. Some institutions are fleecing higher fees from the students , but are giving receipts for lesser amount only.
7. If any educational institutions don't agree with the government  norms , those institutions must be asked to be registered as commercial bodies , no tax exemptions , lands at concessional rates ,
allotment of CA sites should be given to them by the government.

By these measures alone poor & weaker section people will get justice . you are aware of merited but poor  students committing suicides year after year , CET fiasco - due to their financial inability to join medical or engineering colleges. Numerous similar cases are there with regard to admission to ITIs .
polytechnics. The greed  &  casteism of these educational institutions is reigning high. In the positive hope that you will be kind enough to  put an end to this menace.




-         an appeal to honourable supreme court of India



        In India, since independence certain affirmative actions by the government like job reservations , reservations in educational institutions , loan facilities , etc are extended to the backward class , oppressed people. However , the persons who have economically, socially become stronger on the basis of these government affirmative actions are not letting their own brethren – scavenging community  to utilize the same. The politicians are just making noises about  sub caste reservation for scheduled castes & tribes , but doing nothing. As a result , today we find some sub-castes & tribes of SC / ST better off than their previous generation, some other sub-castes & tribes of SC / ST are reeling under utter  poverty , social ostracism , etc.

       A human being can be in a civilized form , healthy -  if we have scavengers to clean our toilets , drainages , if we have barbers to cut our hairs. The very same people who keep us healthy & civilized are not treated in a civilized manner by the society , why ? most of the town municiapalities , city corporations are employing scavengers on daily wages without any statuotary benefits & are paid less than the statuotary minimum wages. every  towns & cities in India are bursting with population growth , however the number of scavengers has not been increased in proportion to the growth of population , In most of the cases the existing scavengers are overburdened with the work load. ,  Most of them are suffering from occupational health hazards , are dying at young ages leaving their families in the lurch.

      Hereby, we appeal to honourable supreme court of  India to treat this as a PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION & to order government of India , all state governments , statuotary bodies

1.      to regularize the jobs of all scavengers , to provide all statuotary benefits like ESI,PF, etc.

2.      to take all necessary steps to eradicate manual scavenging – carrying human excreta on heads.

3.      to take all necessary steps to protect their health & occupational safety.


Bottomline : all the citizens , the society must learn to respect their brethren who keeps them healthy , tidy & civilized. JAI HIND.VANDE MATARAM.


Your's sincerely,



Private Sector – Its obligations to Dalits

-- By Rajindar Sachar

A lively but in my view, ill-informed, discussion is taking place in public on the question of job quota in the private sector. The controversy has become sharper by the weight of legal opinion of the Attorney General that it was not possible to provide reservation for SCs and STs in the private sector without amending the Constitution. I have my reservation on the correctness of this view. I realize that emphasis is made on job quota possibility because of our feudal and hierarchical social system which puts a job in an office whether inprivate or public sector as the highest achievement. However, I feel that though emphasis on job may be kept up, the real battle dalits need to fight is to have a share in the expanding business opportunities and that too in proprietary capacity. It is in this context that I put forward an alternative which is immediately available and which can give more affluence, recognition and opportunities to dalits not only for jobs in private sector but for expanding the opportunities to share in the growth of Indian economy, and that too without amending the Constitution. 

It is well known that Central and State Governments award thousands of crores worth of public works and contracts to the private sector. All these activities flow from the Government playing a very crucial and significant role either to make a particular avenue open to the private sector like the privatization and modernization of airports, express highways Public Works Department, Delhi Development Authority (DDA), Delhi and similar ones in number of other States for roads or even construction of Govt. properties which are to be executed by the private contractors. I am of the view that if proper steps available even under the present legal set up are taken, a very large segment ofdalits population can be absorbed and can take benefit of the rising economy. 

It is in this context that a reference to USA legislation called the "Public Works Employment Act of 1997" would be apt. That Act had a minority business enterprise clause which provided that 10% (minority population of USA) of the federal funds granted for local public works projects must be used by state and local grantees to procure services or supplies from business owned and controlled by "minority group members", the latter being defined in the Act as United States citizens who are "Negroes, Spanish-speaking, Orientals…….".

This provision was challenged as denying an equal protection clause provided under the 14th amendment of the US Constitution (from which Article 14 of our Constitution has been adopted). The Court upheld the validity of the legislation as it contained provisions designed to uplift those socially-economically disadvantaged persons to a level where they may effectively participate in the business mainstream of USA economy. 

The arguments raised as to why the private contractors should be compelled and limit their choice in this particular manner as to from where the supplies will be received and whom they will sub-contract was rejected, by holding that "legislation When effectuating a limited and properly tailored remedy to cure the effects of prior discrimination, such "a sharing of the burden by innocent parties is not impermissible".

Question of constitutional objection is totally off the mark. After 44th amendment Right to Property is no longer a fundamental right. Only Parliamentary legislation is necessary to deprive a person of it without compensation. It is also well settled that Article 19 confers no right on an individual to carry on business with the Govt. – if it wishes it has to be on terms settled by Govt. As such, no objection can be taken by the private sector to the provision making it incumbent on it to share proportionately with Dalits the funds given to it by the Govt. or local body agencies.

Similarly, governments could prescribe conditions as a part of scheme of disinvestment of public sector. It would then be permissible for the Central and State Governments to provide that out of these amounts the private contractor will have to ensure that a certain percentage which, to start with, could be fixed at 10% (though it is low as compared to the dalits population of 15-16%) to be made available to them either in the matter of sub-contracting or executing some works or in the matter of employment. Such a course would require not only no constitutional amendment but not even an Act of Parliament. The reason being that the Government, being the spending authority, it is permissible for it by executive orders to direct that a certain portion of this money available will be utilized either for providing employment or for sub-contracts to the dalits. This is what was done in USA and which while upholding the said legislation very eloquently observed – "if we are ever to become a fully integrated society, one in which the colour of a person's skin will not determine the opportunities available to him or her, we must be willing to take steps to open those doors." The same principle aptly applies to the position of dalits in our country.

Our Supreme Court has held that "economic empowerment of the poor, in particular the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, as is enjoined under Article 46, is a constitutional objective as basic human and fundamental right to enable the labourer, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to raise their economic empowerment."

I see no reason why our Supreme Court which is far more progressive and poor-oriented than the USA's Supreme Court, will not reject similar challenge. But of course the overriding question still remains – is there a political will and determination in the Central and State Governments to take on the combined forces of Big Business.

I am convinced that it is not only jobs but business opportunities that need to be opened to Dalits, to make a real change in their social and economic set up.


Legal  Notice  to  Honourable Chief Justice of India



Honourable Chief Justice of India,


New Delhi.


Honourable Sir ,

Subject : Legal Notice to Chief Justice of India

Are  Judges , Police  PERFECT ? Satya Harishchandra ?

Hereby , I challenge Chief Justice of India  in the exercise of my FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES  as a citizen of india , that subject to conditions  I will  legally prove the crimes of  few  judges , police , public servants within  the government service and other  criminals.  Is the CJI ready  to book those criminals , traitors , anti nationals ?

Since 25 years I am appealing to apex court for justice concerning various public issues , no justice in sight but injustices meted out  one after another. But the same  judges are  SHAMELESSLY  taking huge pay perks for years  now are also  poised to  get  almost  triple fold  salary increase.  Parasites  feeding  on  Indian  Public. Whenever questions of accountability are asked  judges level contempt charges  against  the  questioner  or police  fix  him in  fake cases or he is silenced by threats , murders , denial of jobs , etc.  Since 25 years  in many  ways they  are trying to silence me. Just take the recent example of Justice Karnan  who leveled corruption  charges  against specific judges  with CJI. Instead of  conducting a fair investigation into the matter , CJI  tried to silence him by  serving  him contempt notice.

Our Judges , Police are  NOT  Perfect  Not Satya Harischandras . There are  criminals  as well as honest people  side by side  in  judiciary & police.  We  whole heartedly respect honest few in judiciary , police & public service. But  we  detest  corrupt  judges , corrupt police. Honest  Judges & Police are not coming into open to  prosecute their corrupt colleagues,  why ? silenced ?

Criminalization of  all wings of government has taken place , unfit people  are in the positions of power. Corruption in judiciary , police , CBI , CVC , Public service is rampant. Now MAFIA is at work.  Only few scandals , scams become public , many  are buried. If one criminal public servant is caught  other public servant who is also a criminal conducts name sake investigation , gives  report , clean chit. Law courts rely on the government reports as evidences , courts are not bothered about credibility of reports or investigations. It is quid pro quo. Therefore technically criminal public servants are never proved for their crimes & convicted , as investigation itself is not fair.

A Crime may happen without the knowledge of police  but  cann’t  continue for years without the connivance of police.  A  Crime reported to court  cann’t  continue  for years without  connivance of judges.

At the bottom  of  the paper , I have given web sites about  few  ACB raids on government officials  and unearthing of crores worth property.  How they have earned it , by misusing their official positions. Therefore  government reports , records  prepared by these officials , investigations conducted by  corrupt police  are suspect.  But  Law courts in various cases , considers government reports , records  , statements of government officials as sacrosanct . Therefore  in many cases  injustice is meted out by court  , as they depend on  reports of corrupt government officials , corrupt police.

The public servants & the government must be role models in law abiding acts , for others to emulate & follow. if a student makes a mistake it is excusable & can be corrected by the teacher. if the teacher himself makes a mistake , all  his students will do the same mistake. if a thief steals , he can be caught  , legally punished & reformed . if a police himself commits crime , many thieves go scot-free under his patronage.  even if a police , public servant commits a crime , he can be legally prosecuted & justice can be sought by the aggrieved.  just think , if a judge himself that too  of apex court of the land  himself  commits crime - violations of RTI Act , constitutional rights & human rights of public  and obstructs the public from performing their constitutional fundamental duties , what happens ?       

"Power will go to the hands of rascals, , rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts.  They will fight among themselves for power and will be lost in political squabbles . A day would come when even air & water will be taxed." Sir Winston made this statement in the House of Commons just before the independence of India & Pakistan. Sadly , the  forewarning of  Late Winston Churchill  has been proved right by  some of our  criminal , corrupt people’s representatives , police , public servants &  Judges. 

I don’t know whether secretariat staff of CJI office & DARPG / DPG officials are forwarding my appeals for justice , e-mails to you or not. They will be held accountable for their lapses if any. This notice is against the repeated failure of constitutional duties & indirect collusion with criminals by previous CHIEF JUSTICEs OF INDIA. Notice is served against them , to the office of CJI , NOT personally against you.

Please refer my appeal for justice through DARPG ;



In india democracy is a farce , freedom a mirage. the most basic freedom RIGHT TO INFORMATION & EXPRESSION , is not honoured by the government,as the information opens up the crimes of 
V.V.I.Ps & leads to their ill-gotten wealth. The public servants are least bothered about the lives of people or justice to them. these type of fat cats , parasites are a drain on the public exchequer . these people want ,wish me to see dead , wish to see HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH closed . so that, a voice against injustices is silenced forever , the crimes of V.V.I.Ps closed , buried forever.

To my numerous appeals , HRW’s appeals to you ,you have not yet replied. It clearly shows that you are least bothered about the lives of people or justice to them .it proves that you are hell bent to protect the criminals at any cost. you are just pressurising the police to enquire me ,to take my statement, to repeatedly call me to police station all with a view to silence me.all of you enjoy “legal immunity privileges” ,why don’t you have given powers to the police / investigating officer to summon all of you for enquiry ?or else why don’t all of you are not appearing before the police voluntarily for enquiry ?at the least why don’t all of you are not sending your statement about the case to the police either through legal counsel or through post? you are aiding criminals ,by denying me job oppurtunities in R.B.I CURRENCY NOTE PRESS mysore , city civil court ,bangalore , distict court , mysore ,etc & by illegally closing my newspaper. Even  Press  accreditation  to me as a web journalist is denied till date.  there is a gross, total mismatch between your actions and your oath of office. this amounts to public cheating & moral turpitude on your part.

1.you are making contempt of the very august office you hold.
2.you are making contempt of the constitution of india.
3.you are making contempt of citizens of india.
4.you are sponsoring & aiding terorrism & organized crime.
5.you are violating the fundamental & human rights of the citizens of india and of neighbouring countries.
6.you are violating & making contempt of the U.N HUMAN RIGHTS CHARTER to which india is a signatory.
7.you are obstructing me from performing my fundamental duties as a citizen of india.
8. As a result of your gross negligence of constitutional duties you have caused me damages / losses to the tune of RUPEES TWO CRORE ONLY.

9. You are responsible for  crime cover ups mentioned in my RTI Appeals , PILs and continuation of those crimes unabated.

10. You are  responsible  for denial of information,  which  vindicates the crimes of powers that be.

11. You are responsible for physical assaults , murder attempts on me.

12. You are responsible for  job denials to me at NIE , PES Engineering college , RBI Press , Mysore , Bangalore Courts.

13. You are responsible for my  illegal retrenchment from RPG Cables ,  denial of  medical care to  me towards occupational  health  problems.

14. You are responsible for denying me legal aid.

15. You are responsible for illegal closure of my news paper.

16. You are responsible for  denial of press accreditation  to me as a web journalist till date.

17. You are responsible for repeatedly  passing on my appeals to police. So that  they can  take  statements , close the file under the threat of police power.

18. You  have violated my Human Rights & Fundamental Rights.

19. In terms  of  Integrity , Honesty  You & other public servants are  nowhere near  Baba Saheb B R Ambedkar , Mahatma Gandhi  &  Satya Harishchandra . Many Public servants are  UNFIT to be in their posts.

You are hereby called upon to Pay damages to me and SHOW-CAUSE within 30 days , why you cann’t be legally prosecuted for the above mentioned crimes . If you don’t answer  it  will be admission of the  charges  by you.   It will amount to confession of crimes on your own.

If i am repeatedly called to police station or else where for the sake of investigations , the losses i do incurr as a result like loss of wages , transportation , job , etc must be borne by the government. prevoiusly the police / IB personnel repeatedly called me the complainant (sufferer of injustices) to police station for questioning , but never called the guilty culprits even once to police station for questioning , as the culprits are high & mighty . this type of one sided questioning must not be done by police or investigating agencies . if anything untoward happens to me or to my family members like loss of job , meeting with hit & run accidents , loss of lives , etc , the jurisdictional police together with above mentioned accussed public servants , Chief Justice of India & Jurisdictional District Magistrate will be responsible for it. Even if criminal nexus levels fake charges , police file fake cases against me or my dependents to silence me , this complaint is & will be effective.

if anything untoward happens to me or my dependents , the government of india is liable to pay Rs. TWO crore as compensation to survivors of my family. if my whole family is eliminated by the criminal nexus ,then that compensation money must be donated to Indian Army Welfare Fund. afterwards , the money must be recovered by GOI as land arrears from the salary , pension , property , etc of guilty judges , police officials , public servants & Constitutional fuctionaries.

Thanking you. Jai Hind , Vande Mataram.


Send  reply to :

Nagaraja Mysuru Raghupathi

Editor , SOS e Voice for Justice & SOS e Clarion of Dalit,

LIG 2 , NO 761 , HUDCO First Stage,

Laxmikantanagar , Hebbal ,

Mysuru – 570017.

Date : 07.09.2017……………..your’s sincerely,
Place : Mysore , India   ……….Nagaraja  Mysuru Raghupathi


Judge’s  MAFIA  - Accountability  of  Judges

      Now in  India ,  along with criminalization of politics , police and executive  criminalization of Judiciary is also evident.  However  Judges  who take lakhs of rupees salary & perks  from  public exchequer  are not  accountable to public. Judges don’t respond to RTI queries  nor  reply  to legal  notices  nor  the decisions of  transfer of judges , elevation or non elevation of judges  are made public. If a judge  has adverse  observations  from Intelligence Bureau or any other statutory body  which makes him unfit for elevation in such a circumstance  that judge is even unfit  to continue in his existing post. 

    The collegiums of Judges  is behaving like a MAFIA  in league with powers that be.  The honest judges who don’t favor mafia  face dismissal  , arrest , non elevation , transfer , etc.  Judge’s  MAFIA   has time & again  sent  such  subtle message to honest  judges.  Judges  who  have committed crimes but  has the blessings of MAFIA get promotions , favorable postings , enquiries  against them will be manipulated  to save them.

      Few judges  although have committed crimes  are technically staying as INNOCENTS by manipulating  fair investigation , prosecution  against  them.  This is an appeal  to  HONEST few in judiciary to  demand  accountability of their corrupt  colleagues.

      Judges , Police – Learn Honesty

     Life of illegally terminated judge  Mr.Gwal  is a lesson of honesty for all judges & police. Inspite of being  HONEST  in his duties , Mr.Gwal  is suffering at the hands of powers that be & judicial mafia. Mr.Gwal could have choosen the easy , luxurious path of  favoring powers and could have enjoyed luxurious life with his family. He  rightly chose the path to uphold constitution ended  up even without money to pay his children’s school fees. Even  apex  court didn’t come to his rescue. SHAME  SHAME .  Except  for few  honest judges & police , many of them are leading lifestyles beyond the sources  of their legal income.  Few of  them  are successful in  manipulating legal process to continue in service , get promotions despite  grave criminal allegations against them. Some  judges  have  even entered supreme court , what a shame ? They  must learn righteousness  honesty  from  Mr.Gwal.

     There are fake lawyers ,  advocates  with uncle judge connections  who are  leading  life styles   beyond the legal sources of their income.  These advocates  are cheating the public & court  as well making contempt of them. Why not criminal prosecutions against those guilty  lawyers , advocates ?

    Above all these type of  corrupt  people in gowns of judges , advocates &  corrupt  police preach others  about honesty , integrity and prosecute  other criminals  while they themselves are criminals. It is like a PROSTITUTE  preaching about virginity , chastity to a young girl.

     Our whole hearted respects to  few honest judges , police & advocates  in public service. It is an appeal to them to prosecute their corrupt colleagues.  We once again offer our conditional services to SCI  , to apprehend legally  prosecutes criminal judges , criminal police & criminals in public service.  Is CJI  ready ?

    Jai Hind. Vande Mataram.


Your’s ,

Nagaraja Mysuru Raghupathi


PIL –   JAIL  Dipak Mishra Unfit Judge & Others

An Appeal to Honourable Supreme Court of India  &  H.E. Honourable President  of India









editor   , Indian’s  Diary  &  Dalit’s  Diary ,

# LIG 2 , No 761 ,, HUDCO First Stage , Laxmikantanagar ,

Hebbal , Mysore – 570017 , Karnataka State





Honourable  Chief   Justice  of  India   &  Others





To ,

Hon'ble The Chief Justice of India and His Lordship's Companion

Justices of the Supreme Court of India. The Humble petition of the

Petitioner above named.




1. Facts of the case:


"Power will go to the hands of rascals, , rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight among themselves for power and will be lost in political squabbles . A day would come when even air & water will be taxed." Sir Winston made this statement in the House of Commons just before the independence of India & Pakistan. Sadly , the forewarning of Late Winston Churchill has been proved right by some of our criminal , corrupt public servants.

In his death  note  Former Arunachal Pradesh  Chief Minister Mr.Kalikho  Pul  has clearly  alleged involvement of CJI Khehar , Dipak Mishra , President Mukherjee & others in the crime. 

Justice  Dipak  Mishra  has a criminal past of fraud ,  cheating the authorities   to get land allotment. . He is unfit even to be a munsiff judge let alone CJI. He has managed the crime cover up well.

 He and present CJI Khehar have helped the union government   in their  unjust  illegal  actions like  unjust  imposition of president  rule and change of chief miniser   in few states,  cover up of Corporate scams like  Birla - Sahara ,  lake , forest , revenue land encroachments by  powerful ,  etc. In turn  as a payout  Union government has made them Chief Justice of India and  helped  the judges in cover up of their own crimes. Quid Pro Quo.

  CJI Khehar & Dipak Mishra have  effectively stalled proper investigations  into crimes committed by them. They have even stalled the legal prosecution. All through Union Government and respective state governments have helped them inspite of clinching evidences  against two  judges.

  Nowadays   judges  who don't  dance to the  tune of corrupt  higher judges , corrupt ministers  , don't get promotions. Even may  loose their jobs  or land up  in jail for upholding justice.

  If  Dipak Mishra  is made CJI , it  will be  roaring business for corrupt mafia. Innocents , commoners will be sent  to jail , may even be hanged while the rich criminals roams free.

    Since 20 years  we are appealing  to Chief Justice of India   concerning public issues  , seeking justice from him. Till date  no action instead more injustices meted out  to silence me after appealing to supreme court and authorities. This  itself proves the criminal nexus of judges , police and public sevants.

   Police show full bravery , courage , use  full might of law while acting against innocents , commoners. Even  takes suo motto action. Frequently crosses legal limits  while acting against commoners like 3rd degree torture , arrest / search  , seizure without warrant , arrest in mid night , etc . While they are supposed to take action against rich crooks , their own corrupt colleagues  no suo motto action , delayed action inspite of complaint  allowing time for rich crook to get anticipatory bail , no 3rd degree torture on him , no arrest , search , seizure without warrant. Where is the bravery , courage of police ?

Judges show their full wisdom , apply rigid law book while  judging cases of commoners , take suo motto action  where as  cases involving rich crooks comes before them inspite of repeated PILs they don’t consider it , let alone take suo motto action. Judges make far fetched interpretations of law , ultimately benefitting the rich crook. Where is the wisdom of Judges ?



2. Question(s) of Law:

 As per constitution of India , are not all citizens of india equal before  law ?  Why no action against JS Khehar , Dipak Mishra & Pranab Mukherjee ? Are they special ? WHERE IS THE BRAVERY , COURAGE OF POLICE ? Before  big crooks CBI , Police are zeroes.


3. Grounds:

Requests for equitable justice. Prosecution of  corrupt  Judges , CJI  J S Khehar ,  Supreme Court Judge Dipak Mishra , Former President  Mukherjee    &  Corrupt  Public  Servants.


4. Averment:

Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the  cases to perform their duties.




In the above premises, it is prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased:

 a . Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants , in the case to perform their duties.

b. To register FIR  against Chief Justice of India JS Khehar, Supreme Court Judge Dipak Mishra , Former President of India Mukherjee & others and arrest them for legal prosecution with respect to Orissa Land allotment scam , Arunachal Pradesh Chief minister change over , death of CM Kalikho Pul, Cover up of  Birla Sahara Scam ,  Reliance Oil Basin Scam , Lake & Land Encroachments in bangalore , Karnataka., etc.

c. To constitute an impartial  investigation team to investigate the crimes. The team must be accountable to the public.

d. Till investigation is over , hold the promotion of Dipak Mishra  to the post of Chief Justice of India.

e . to pass such other orders and further orders as may be deemed necessary on the facts and in the circumstances of the case.




Dated 12th    August  2017 …………………. FILED BY: NAGARAJA.M.R.


Place : Mysuru , India…………………….      PETITIONER-IN-PERSON


PIL –   Collegium  or  Judge’s  Mafia ?

An Appeal to Honourable Supreme Court of India  &  H.E. Honourable President  of India









editor   , Indian’s  Diary  &  Dalit’s  Diary ,

# LIG 2 , No 761 ,, HUDCO First Stage , Laxmikantanagar ,

Hebbal , Mysore – 570017 , Karnataka State





Honourable  Chief   Justice  of  India   &  Others





To ,

Hon'ble The Chief Justice of India and His Lordship's Companion

Justices of the Supreme Court of India. The Humble petition of the

Petitioner above named.




1. Facts of the case:

       Now in  India ,  along with criminalization of politics , police and executive  criminalization of Judiciary is also evident.  However  Judges  who take lakhs of rupees salary & perks  from  public exchequer  are not  accountable to public. Judges don’t respond to RTI queries  nor  reply  to legal  notices  nor  the decisions of  transfer of judges , elevation or non elevation of judges  are made public. If a judge  has adverse  observations  from Intelligence Bureau or any other statutory body  which makes him unfit for elevation in such a circumstance  that judge is even unfit  to continue in his existing post. 

    The collegiums of Judges  is behaving like a MAFIA  in league with powers that be.  The honest judges who don’t favor mafia  face dismissal  , arrest , non elevation , transfer , etc.  Judge’s  MAFIA   has time & again  sent  such  subtle message to honest  judges.  Judges  who  have committed crimes but  has the blessings of MAFIA get promotions , favorable postings , enquiries  against them will be manipulated  to save them.

      Few judges  although have committed crimes  are technically staying as INNOCENTS by manipulating  fair investigation , prosecution  against  them.  This is an appeal  to  HONEST few in judiciary to  demand  accountability of their corrupt  colleagues.


2. Question(s) of Law:

 As per constitution of India , are not all citizens of india equal before  law ?  Why  no action against Judge’s MAFIA ? Are they special ? WHERE IS THE BRAVERY , COURAGE OF POLICE ? Before  big crooks CBI , Police are zeroes.


3. Grounds:

Requests for equitable justice. Prosecution of  corrupt  Judges  &  Corrupt  Public  Servants.


4. Averment:

Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the  cases to perform their duties.




In the above premises, it is prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased:

 a . Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants , in the case to perform their duties.

b. to make public  the  Judge’s collegium decision first to transfer  Justice Jayant Patel from Gujarath High Court to Karnataka High Court and  afterwards from  Karnataka High Court to  Allahabad High Court.

c. to make public  the  Judge’s collegium decision  NOT  to  elevate Uttarakhand chief  Justice K M Joseph , Orissa High Court Judge  B P Das , Karnataka High Court Judge Jayant Patel.

d. to make public  collegium’s decision against Justice Karnan & Sukma Judge Prabhakar Gwal.

e. certain judges although facing grave criminal charges ,  allegations  but in favorable terms with ruling establishment are elevated example Justice  Dinakaran , Justice Dipak Mishra , Mysore Roost Resort  SEX  scandal fame  Judges , etc. What  is  so special about those judges  which deserves promotion. Also  fair investigation , enquiry , prosecution  against such special judges are stalled , buried  by higher judges , ruling government , why ? make the reasons for stalling investigations , prosecution public .  what is   so SPECIAL ?  Make that special collegium’s decision public.

f. Is It  not shameful to collegium judges that they are  public servants , taking huge salaries , perks from public exchequer  but unaccountable to public. To make  it mandatory accountability of judges to public , accountability of Judge’s collegium to public..

g. to make public  the list of judges  since independence till date  who faced   allegations , actions  taken or not taken against them with reasons thereof.

h. To build  safeguarding mechanism  which  reassures  HONEST  JUDGEs that they will not be victimized , persecuted by higher judges , judge’s collegium or ruling government.

i. In many instances  relatives  of  judges  are being  appointed as judges  from bar. To make public the selection criteria for appointment of judges  from bar.

j. In many  instances  the senior advocates get a patient hearing in courts while  fair hearing is no given to  junior lawyers. Sometimes although junior lawters are making logical argument  presiding judge makes harsh comment  as though  judge himself is more brilliant , wise in the universe.  It is unjust & against law. To make public criteria adopted for designating  lawyers  as seniors &  allocating time for  senior lawyers / junior lawyers.


k. to pass such other orders and further orders as may be deemed necessary on the facts and in the circumstances of the case.




Dated  30th September 2017 …………………. FILED BY: NAGARAJA.M.R.


Place : Mysuru , India…………………….      PETITIONER-IN-PERSON



Edited, printed , published  owned  by  NAGARAJA.M.R. @  # LIG-2   No  761, HUDCO  FIRST  STAGE , OPP WATER WORKS , LAXMIKANTANAGAR , HEBBAL , MYSURU – 570017  KARNATAKA  INDIA


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Contact  :   Naag@protonmail.com ,  Naag@dalitonline.in  , 






Posted by naghrw at 5:08 PM
Tuesday, 5 December 2017
Reservation Dalits Muslims
Dalit’s  Diary  -   e  News   Weekly  
Working  For  The  Rights  &  Survival  Of  The Oppressed
Editor: NAGARAJA.M.R… VOL.11 issue.48…… . 13 / 12 / 2017

 PIL –  Reservation for Dalits & Muslims




editor  Indian’s  Diary  &  Dalit’s Diary ,
# LIG 2 , No 761 ,, HUDCO First Stage , Laxmikantanagar ,
Hebbal , Mysore – 570017 , Karnataka State


Honourable Chief Secretary , Government of Karnataka ,
Honourable Pricipal Cabinet Secretary , GOI  & Others 



To ,
Hon'ble The Chief Justice of India and His Lordship's Companion
Justices of the Supreme Court of India. The Humble petition of the
Petitioner above named.


1. Facts of the case:
   Dalits & backward caste people  have suffered innumerably for centuries  at the hands of forward caste people. It  was nothing but APARTHEID policy. 
   Muslims and other  people  whoes numbers were minor  also suffered persecution.
   Our constitutional framers  to provide  equal oppurtunity to all indian citizens gave certain transient  measures like reservation in schools , college , jobs , etc to these persecuted people.
   Now even after 70 years of independence &  reservation , affirmative policies of government still  many dalits , minorities are  suffering. Creamy layers of  dalits , muslims  with political connections  have over used , reservation benefits to the maximum denying their own dalit , muslim brothers , sisters of reservation benefits. As  a result  few dalits , muslims  have become well educated , rich while their  poor brothers suffer in ghettos , slums.
   Private sector   which  enjoys loans , subsidies , other benefits from government  , public banks  are not bound  by reservation policy , are not bound by social obligation to provide reservation to dalits & muslims.
   Successive governments  are indirectly  segregating people with new names & using them as vote banks. Affirmative actions of government  are creating inequalities in society, while constitution of india mandates to treat all citizens as equals.
2. Question(s) of Law:
Why NOT  reservation policy  cover all dalits , muslims & minorities ?  Why NOT uniform civil code ?

3. Grounds:

Request for  Protection of Fundamental & Human Right of Equality of all Indian Citizens  in all spheres..
4. Averment:  
a . Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to  enact UNIFORM CIVIL CODE.
b.  to  give reservation benefits like job reservation , subsidized loan , preferrential industrial / residential site allotment , etc  only once , only one benefit  that too to only one family member. This  avoids  a single dalit with political connections using multiple reservation benefits and  same  family members using reservation benefits. Once a dalit gets reservation benefit he must come up on his own and must strive to bring  up his other family members. This way reservation benefit will  reach other poor dalit families  who have not received  a single reservation policy benefit.
c. to order government to stop appeasing one minority community  by subsidized pilgrimage ,  marriage support , etc while denying the same to other community.
d. The intent of our constitutional framers was to  bring oppressed  on par with forward caste  people towards a dignified life  but never to  put them above others  crushing , oppressing  poor forward caste people. This goes against constitution & creates new  way of  APARTHEID & new outcasts.
e. to order government  to enforce reservation policy in job , school seats , to private sector also.

In the above premises, it is prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased:

a . Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to perform their duties & to legally enforce  Uniform Civil Code.
b.  to  give reservation benefits like job reservation , subsidized loan , preferrential industrial / residential site allotment , etc  only once , only one benefit  that too to only one family member. This  avoids  a single dalit with political connections using multiple reservation benefits and  same  family members using reservation benefits. Once a dalit gets reservation benefit he must come up on his own and must strive to bring  up his other family members. This way reservation benefit will  reach other poor dalit families  who have not received  a single reservation policy benefit.
c. to order government to stop appeasing one minority community  by subsidized pilgrimage ,  marriage support , etc while denying the same to other community.
d. The intent of our constitutional framers was to  bring oppressed  on par with forward caste  people towards a dignified life  but never to  put them above others  crushing , oppressing  poor forward caste people. This goes against constitution & creates new  way of  APARTHEID & new outcasts.
e. to order government  to enforce reservation policy in job , school seats , to private sector also.

f. to pass such other orders and further orders as may be deemed necessary on the facts and in the circumstances of the case. 


Dated : 05.12.2017          ………………..FILED BY: NAGARAJA.M.R.

Place : Mysuru , India…………………….PETITIONER-IN-PERSON 

Take recent cases of Maryada  Murders or  Honour killings , rape cases of women . Decades old case of rape victim, SMT. Imraana has proved that how inhuman , illogical the fatwa & shariat laws of muslim community are. It remindsus of medieval times. The so-called ardent followers of shariat laws, only force it on their women folk. The shariat laws with respect to men folk like prohibition on drinking, smoking, adultery,etc & the punishments like public stoning to death are not enforced. The muslim men are authorised by shariat to marry more women but they must look after all their needs as per shariat. They can divorce their wives by triple talaq if they are not satisfied with them. This part of shariat is carried out by menfolk however the other part of shariat which stipulates paying back of dukthari, woman's belongings,her properties all to her after talaq are not at all followed.
The male chauvinists in muslim community are the worst violators of shariat. They are suitably manipulating shariat to supress muslim women. The central government is also dancing to the tunes to safeguard it's vote bank. Take the case of shaa banoo during P.M. Rajiv gandhi's regime. Inspite of supreme court ruling to pay living expenses to her by her ex-husband, the govt passed a bill annulling the SC verdict.
The govt gives subsidy to haj pilgrims, does it give the same amount of subsidy to kashi pilgrims, bodhgaya pilgrims, bethleham & Jerusalem pilgrims ? The women folk of different religions don't enjoy same property rights in their parent's property. The govt has enacted
various laws which are itself unequal, illogical & violative of fundamental rights of citizens, all to appease a votebank.
All religions are based on humanity & equitable justice, are good, great & lead to the same supreme power. It is the subsequent interpretations which are inhuman. According to times, the medieval rituals which may be right at that time, at that place but now inhuman, illogical at this time & at this place-india, should be dropped. The religion must be within the confines of home. Before law, everybody is equal & must be treated as equals, both women & men.
Hereby, HRW urges the honourable supreme court of india to order the govt of india to enact uniform civil code within a time frame. JAI HIND. VANDE MATARAM.
Your's sincerely,
Nagaraja. M. R .
Raped at gunpoint by father-in-law, clerics order to treat her husband as her son
In a chilling reminder of the Imrana case, yet another young woman from Muzaffarnagar who allegedly fell victim to her father-in-law’s sexual assault faces a bleak future after mullahs declared that the husband of the victim will be treated as her son.
The 28-year-old victim alleged that her husband has been working in Dubai for the last two years and her father-in-law has been sexually assaulting her at gun point since 2013.
She remained silent because he used to threaten to kill her. He also video recorded his act and threatened to make it public if she opened her mouth.
When she told her husband about it, he blamed her for making a false allegation against his father.
When she finally told her parents, they suggested her to take legal action against her rapist father-in-law.
She created ruffles in the local administration and the Muslim community on Thursday by moving an application before District Magistrate Kaushal Raj Sharma to arrest her father-in-law and allow her to abort her seven-month pregnancy.
After the application by the victim, clerics jumped into the case and declared that the husband of the victim will be treated as her son.
Avoiding any comment against the father-in-law who repeatedly raped and blackmailed the victim, Maulana Mohammad Nazar of Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind said: “As per the Sharia law, the baby in her womb is her husband’s brother. Her husband must divorce her, even if his father looked at his wife with lust.”
In 2007, Imrana's case, which was broadly similar with the clerics declaring her marriage null and void after she was raped by her father-in-law, had led to a tsunami of criticism of the mullahs who have been treading cautiously on inter-personal issues ever since.
Supreme Court calls for common civil code
 The Supreme Court has expressed distress over the government's failure in enacting a common civil code to end discrimination between various religious communities in the areas of marriage, succession and property and felt that such a code would help in removing contradictions based on religious ideologies. 

The court also declared as unconstitutional section 118 of the Indian Succession Act, 1925, which applies to Christians alone and not any other community and imposes restrictions on the community from bequeathing their property for religious and charitable purposes by will. 

This is not the first time that the apex court has drawn the law makers' attention towards the unfulfilled constitutional obligation to give effect to Article 44 of the Constitution. This provision says: ``The state shall endeavour to secure for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India.'' 
In the famous Shah Bano case and later in a judgment relating to a Hindu husband converting to Islam in order to legally justify bigamy and avoid penal action, the court had hoped that Parliament would enact a common civil code. 

The present judgment is a fall out of a writ petition filed by a Roman Catholic priest, John Vallamattom, filed six years ago challenging the constitutional validity of section 118 of the Indian Succession Act on the ground of discrimination. 

Section 118 says that a person having a nephew or niece or any near relative cannot bequeath his property for religious or charitable purposes unless the will is executed not less than 12 months before his death, or the will is deposited within six months from its execution to a place provided by law and it remains in such deposit till his death. 

Justice A R Lakshmanan described the provision as ``undue, harsh and special burden on the Christian testor alone''. Chief Justice V N Khare said that the period of 12 months could not have been linked to the object of performing the philanthropic act. ``As the charitable purposes are philanthropic and since a person's freedom to dispose off property for such purposes has nothing to do with religious influence, section 118 treating bequests for both religious and charitable purposes is discriminatory and violative of Article 14 of the Constitution,'' he added. 

Justice Lakshmanan said despite the Kerala High Court declaring the provision unconstitutional as far back as 1998, Parliament had not removed it and hence the apex court must declare it as unconstitutional. 

In another significant observation dealing with the arguments against a common civil code, CJI Khare said: ``It is no matter of doubt that marriage, succession and the like matters of secular character cannot be brought within the guarantee enshrined under Articles 25 and 26 of the Constitution (right to freedom of religion).''

In india , rich people belonging to forward castes form educational trusts , proclaiming that they want to serve the society by providing education to all irrespective of caste or creed. By this declaration they get Civic Amenity sites from government authorities at concessional rates. Further they get tax , duty
exemptions on materials , machines they import for the educational institution. However , while admitting students they are purely  commercial minded , the highest bidder gets the seats.

Some institutions like industrial training institutes ( I.T.I) , polytechnics , engineering colleges & medical
colleges run by trusts floated by forward castes lack basic infrastructure , to teach students properly , they only appoint staff belonging to thier castes. Dalits , minorities , weaker section people are not at all selected. They don't publicly advertise for vacancies. They fill all posts with thier own caste people & finally even get government grant in aid. How ? These institutions are getting affiliations , yearly approvals form the government , how ? actually they should have been shut.  These trusts want government backing for tax exemptions , lands at concessional rates ,monetary benefits , etc , however the same trusts are not willing to implement the social welfare objectives of the government , by providing seats to weaker sections , by providing appointments to dalits  few posts in all category of positions ( not just group D - dalits are also brilliant & capable of performing all jobs, they have proved it ).

Hereby , we urge honourable prime minister of india , government of india  &  honourable chief minister of karnataka ,  government of karnataka to :

1. before giving lands at concessional rate , tax exemptions , to any educational trusts the government must ensure that the trust must adhere to the social welfare norms of the government from day one.
2. Before giving affiliations to educational institutions the govt must ensure , are the institutions are providing sufficient infrastructure to students ?
3. Before giving grant in aid to any institution , the government must ensure have the management provided jobs to dalits , minorities , etc as per norms from the day one . if not grant in aid should be
rejected. Here there is no meaning in giving reservation of jobs in future appointments in those institutions , as all the posts are presently filled with forward castes , there is no expansion projects.
So , dalits have to wait for another 30-40 years to get the vacancies in those institutions after the retirement of forward caste employees , which is not at all practical or realistic .
4. In karnataka state , numerous Industrial Training Institutes ( ITI) have mushroomed , some don't even have basic infrastructure. Still they are running the show , how ? these ITIs run by forward caste people have appointed only their caste people to all posts , not even a single dalit is there. Still they have got government grant in aid , how ? we urge honourable chief minister of karnataka , to look into this & in future to provide grant in aid in aid to only those I.T.Is which have proper infrastructure & dalits , weaker section employees on their pay-rolls.
5. To order all educational institutions to make public announcement of vacancies in their institutions even though not covered under grant in aid , as they have already taken sufficient monetary
benefits from the government.
6. To order all educational institutions , to admit students as per government rates of fees. Some institutions are fleecing higher fees from the students , but are giving receipts for lesser amount only.
7. If any educational institutions don't agree with the government  norms , those institutions must be asked to be registered as commercial bodies , no tax exemptions , lands at concessional rates ,
allotment of CA sites should be given to them by the government.

By these measures alone poor & weaker section people will get justice . you are aware of merited but poor  students committing suicides year after year , CET fiasco - due to their financial inability to join medical or engineering colleges. Numerous similar cases are there with regard to admission to ITIs .
polytechnics. The greed  &  casteism of these educational institutions is reigning high. In the positive hope that you will be kind enough to  put an end to this menace.
-         an appeal to honourable supreme court of India
        In India, since independence certain affirmative actions by the government like job reservations , reservations in educational institutions , loan facilities , etc are extended to the backward class , oppressed people. However , the persons who have economically, socially become stronger on the basis of these government affirmative actions are not letting their own brethren – scavenging community  to utilize the same. The politicians are just making noises about  sub caste reservation for scheduled castes & tribes , but doing nothing. As a result , today we find some sub-castes & tribes of SC / ST better off than their previous generation, some other sub-castes & tribes of SC / ST are reeling under utter  poverty , social ostracism , etc.
       A human being can be in a civilized form , healthy -  if we have scavengers to clean our toilets , drainages , if we have barbers to cut our hairs. The very same people who keep us healthy & civilized are not treated in a civilized manner by the society , why ? most of the town municiapalities , city corporations are employing scavengers on daily wages without any statuotary benefits & are paid less than the statuotary minimum wages. every  towns & cities in India are bursting with population growth , however the number of scavengers has not been increased in proportion to the growth of population , In most of the cases the existing scavengers are overburdened with the work load. ,  Most of them are suffering from occupational health hazards , are dying at young ages leaving their families in the lurch.
      Hereby, we appeal to honourable supreme court of  India to treat this as a PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION & to order government of India , all state governments , statuotary bodies
1.      to regularize the jobs of all scavengers , to provide all statuotary benefits like ESI,PF, etc.
2.      to take all necessary steps to eradicate manual scavenging – carrying human excreta on heads.
3.      to take all necessary steps to protect their health & occupational safety.
Bottomline : all the citizens , the society must learn to respect their brethren who keeps them healthy , tidy & civilized. JAI HIND.VANDE MATARAM.
Your's sincerely,
Private Sector – Its obligations to Dalits
-- By Rajindar Sachar

A lively but in my view, ill-informed, discussion is taking place in public on the question of job quota in the private sector. The controversy has become sharper by the weight of legal opinion of the Attorney General that it was not possible to provide reservation for SCs and STs in the private sector without amending the Constitution. I have my reservation on the correctness of this view. I realize that emphasis is made on job quota possibility because of our feudal and hierarchical social system which puts a job in an office whether inprivate or public sector as the highest achievement. However, I feel that though emphasis on job may be kept up, the real battle dalits need to fight is to have a share in the expanding business opportunities and that too in proprietary capacity. It is in this context that I put forward an alternative which is immediately available and which can give more affluence, recognition and opportunities to dalits not only for jobs in private sector but for expanding the opportunities to share in the growth of Indian economy, and that too without amending the Constitution. 

It is well known that Central and State Governments award thousands of crores worth of public works and contracts to the private sector. All these activities flow from the Government playing a very crucial and significant role either to make a particular avenue open to the private sector like the privatization and modernization of airports, express highways Public Works Department, Delhi Development Authority (DDA), Delhi and similar ones in number of other States for roads or even construction of Govt. properties which are to be executed by the private contractors. I am of the view that if proper steps available even under the present legal set up are taken, a very large segment ofdalits population can be absorbed and can take benefit of the rising economy. 

It is in this context that a reference to USA legislation called the "Public Works Employment Act of 1997" would be apt. That Act had a minority business enterprise clause which provided that 10% (minority population of USA) of the federal funds granted for local public works projects must be used by state and local grantees to procure services or supplies from business owned and controlled by "minority group members", the latter being defined in the Act as United States citizens who are "Negroes, Spanish-speaking, Orientals…….".

This provision was challenged as denying an equal protection clause provided under the 14th amendment of the US Constitution (from which Article 14 of our Constitution has been adopted). The Court upheld the validity of the legislation as it contained provisions designed to uplift those socially-economically disadvantaged persons to a level where they may effectively participate in the business mainstream of USA economy. 

The arguments raised as to why the private contractors should be compelled and limit their choice in this particular manner as to from where the supplies will be received and whom they will sub-contract was rejected, by holding that "legislation When effectuating a limited and properly tailored remedy to cure the effects of prior discrimination, such "a sharing of the burden by innocent parties is not impermissible".

Question of constitutional objection is totally off the mark. After 44th amendment Right to Property is no longer a fundamental right. Only Parliamentary legislation is necessary to deprive a person of it without compensation. It is also well settled that Article 19 confers no right on an individual to carry on business with the Govt. – if it wishes it has to be on terms settled by Govt. As such, no objection can be taken by the private sector to the provision making it incumbent on it to share proportionately with Dalits the funds given to it by the Govt. or local body agencies.

Similarly, governments could prescribe conditions as a part of scheme of disinvestment of public sector. It would then be permissible for the Central and State Governments to provide that out of these amounts the private contractor will have to ensure that a certain percentage which, to start with, could be fixed at 10% (though it is low as compared to the dalits population of 15-16%) to be made available to them either in the matter of sub-contracting or executing some works or in the matter of employment. Such a course would require not only no constitutional amendment but not even an Act of Parliament. The reason being that the Government, being the spending authority, it is permissible for it by executive orders to direct that a certain portion of this money available will be utilized either for providing employment or for sub-contracts to the dalits. This is what was done in USA and which while upholding the said legislation very eloquently observed – "if we are ever to become a fully integrated society, one in which the colour of a person's skin will not determine the opportunities available to him or her, we must be willing to take steps to open those doors." The same principle aptly applies to the position of dalits in our country.

Our Supreme Court has held that "economic empowerment of the poor, in particular the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, as is enjoined under Article 46, is a constitutional objective as basic human and fundamental right to enable the labourer, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to raise their economic empowerment."

I see no reason why our Supreme Court which is far more progressive and poor-oriented than the USA's Supreme Court, will not reject similar challenge. But of course the overriding question still remains – is there a political will and determination in the Central and State Governments to take on the combined forces of Big Business.

I am convinced that it is not only jobs but business opportunities that need to be opened to Dalits, to make a real change in their social and economic set up.

Edited, printed , published  owned  by  NAGARAJA.M.R. @  # LIG-2   No  761, HUDCO  FIRST  STAGE , OPP WATER WORKS , LAXMIKANTANAGAR , HEBBAL , MYSURU – 570017  KARNATAKA  INDIA
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Posted by naghrw at 12:48 PM
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
Contempt by MPs MLAs

Indian’s  Diary  –  e  News  Weekly

Spreading the light of humanity freedom

Editor: Nagaraja.M.R.. Vol.13..Issue.48........02  / 12 / 2017


Editorial : Contempt  of House  by MPs  MLAs , no punishment ?

-         An appeal to Speaker of Loksabha & all state legislative assemblies


   As per constitution of india , Law is above all. All Indians are subservient to it , nobody not even MLAs , MPs , Ministers are great & above law ? All citizens of india are equal & have equal rights. Constitution of  India has given certain specific privileges  to MPs , MLAs , Ministers  & Judges  to perform their constitutional duties freely without interruptions. It has not given them  privileges  to escape from legal prosecution. However  few MPs , MLAs , Judges are misusing privileges to escape from accountability , legal prosecution. They are PUBLIC  SERVANTS  not  PUBLIC  MASTERS.

   We have utmost respect to all constitutional institutions & Public servants. But we have   right to question accountability of all constitutional institutions & public servants. In few cases contempt of house , degradation of house standards is  done by members of house themselves. They use derogatory , unparliamentary language against each other , don’t respect the findings of house committees and don’t act upon  house committees recommendations , engage in fisticuffs with each other , still no criminal legal prosecution , contempt proceedings against such members who have brought down house standards , why ? Silence of speaker of house in all such cases is emboldening such deviant MPs , MLAs  to commit more such crimes , therefore speaker of such house is also guilty of indirectly aiding such members.

   When  MPs , MLAs fail to live up to their oath of office & commit contempt of constitution of india , contempt  of house , contempt of Indian citizens , what contempt proceedings against such MPs , MLAs ?

   Please read & answer following questionnaire.



Let the Legislators of states, members of parliament, High courts & Supreme Court Judges & other constitutional functionaries answer the following questions which are vital in a democracy.

1) What are the fundamental rights of a citizen guaranteed under the constitution (Article 21) ?

2) What are the privileges conferred on legislators & parliamentarians by the constitution of India?

a) Inside the House b) Outside the House

3) What are privileges conferred on constitutional functionaries, like

a) President of India b) Prime Minister of India

c) Chief Justice of India d) Chairman of NHRC

e) Central Vigilance Commissioners.

4) Are the privileges legal immunity conferred on above mentioned constitutional functionaries ?

a) Cover all their official actions irrespective of merit.

b) Cover both their official & personal actions.

5) Are the privileges defined & codified ?

6) Are these privileges above freedom of the press ?

7) Are the liberty & fundamental rights of the citizens guaranteed by the constitution, above the privileges of the constitutional functionaries or equal or below ?

8) Can the Indian legislatures & parliament be equated to the House of commons in England which is considered to be a superior court and court of records ?

9) Can the division of powers, namely the legislature, the executive and the Judiciary, be equated to the functioning of the House of commons and House of Lords in England ?

10) Can a citizen be said to have committed breach of privilege of the House or court and causing contempt of the house or court by raising the issues of accountability of constitutional functionaries ?

11) Can a Legislature or Parliament enact a new law, to circumvent or to nullify the Judicial orders with respect to wrongdoings by peoples representatives & executive ? does not it amount to infringement of Judicial powers & contempt of the court by the House.

12) Are the FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES of a citizen more important than constitutional duties of a constitutional functionary or equal in importance to it ?

13) Can a constitutional functionary commit crimes, anti-national activities in the name of constitutional duties, behind the legal veil of official's secret act & go unaccountable for his actions and go unpunished by his legal immunity privileges ?

14) Are the Legislators members of parliament, High court & Supreme court Judges and other constitutional functionaries not willing to codify their privileges for the reason that if codified their privileges would be curtailed and their action would be subjected to legal scrutiny. ?

15) By votes of citizens Legislators and parliamentarians get seats in the legislature and Parliament out of tax payer's money, they get their pay, perks & lead 5-Star luxurious lifestyles. Hence whether a vote of a citizen is above (More valid) or a seat of legislator or parliamentarian is above or more valid in a democracy ?

16) Judges & Constitutional functionaries are indirectly appointed by voters / tax payers. Out of tax payers money, they get their pay, perks & lead 5-star luxurious lifestyles. Hence, whether the vote of a citizen, fundamental duties of a tax payer is above (more valid) or a seat of judge / constitutional functionary is above (more
valid) in a democracy ?

17) If there is a vacuum in the Legislature or parliament, who is to fill up that vacuum till such time that the legislature or parliament acts provide a solution by performing its role by enacting proper legislation to cover the field (vacuum) ?

18) While it is an unhealthy practice for a Judge to claim to be a Judge in his own cause, is it not worse for the members of the legislature and parliament to be judges in their own cause ?

19) Are the Technicalities of the case more important to a judge or Justice to a citizen, protection of fundamental rights of citizen.?

20) Why not the constitutional functionaries initiate suo moto action with respect to numerous cases of injustices reported in Media ?

21) Why not the Judges admit various cases of Injustices affecting public, as the Public Interest Litigation" ? In some cases, the Public or the person representing them is unable to afford the high cost of the case. Why not free legal aid is given ?.

22) What is the criteria for admitting a P.I.L. & giving free legal aid ?

23) Communication - free flow of information is the lifeline of a democracy. Why the constitutional functionaries are not honouring the Right to Information of Citizens ?


A B C D of Democracy – A Lesson for all people’s representatives


People are the kings , self rulers in a democracy . Peoples representatives must just represent the wishes ,  aspirations of people. When  people in Jaitapur , Maharashtra state of India  are totally against a nuke plant in their area  and they don’t want it , still the authorities are forcing this project over their head. 
Since 63 years of independence , In India the learned IAS babus & Netas are forcing their agendas , SEZs , Projects over the people for their own selfish gains , against the wishes of people. This is not DEMOCRACY.

In india, indirect democracy is the form of governance. In this form, people's representatives are bound to raise the questions , issues concerning their constituents on their behalf , on the floor of the house. However the sad part in india even after  63  years of democracy , is the lobbying is at it's peak. The lobbying is a gentleman's white collared crook's way of forming favour seeker's group , creating a corpus to pay lumpsum bribe & influencing decision making.

The people's representatives are bound to represent their people first , then their party & party think tanks. India has come to this sorry state of affairs , widespread corruption , huge black economy & rampant poverty, all due to inefficient legislations & enforcements.
These think tanks & IAS lobby, consider themselves as most super brains on earth & gives out suggestions . the present state of affairs is a barometer of their brilliance. These think tanks & IAS lobby are the hand maidens of lobbyists / bribers.

Now consider the following example :
Mr.raj gandhi is a member of parliament from mandya constituency in karnataka state. He is a MBA graduate & member of ruling Indian progressive party. The multinational giant M/S GREY HOUND CORPORATION wants to enter into paper manufacturing business in india. It's sight falls on the public sector paper giant mandya national paper mills (MNPM) in mandya district of karnataka. The MNC effectively lobbies with the government. The ruling party think tank & the cabinet advisory group recommends to the government to make strategic
disinvestment in the PSU M/S MNPM. They bring out graph with full power point presentation stating that it is good for the company as well as the government. The lobbyists follows it up with media reports on the positive aspect of strategic disinvestment. A favourable impression is created in the minds of literate public. The cabinet
committee okays it.

The " strategic dis investment issue " comes before the parliament for legislation / approval. The ruling party issues a party whip to it's members to vote in favour of dis investment. However M.P mr.raj gandhi who is an MBA in his own wisdom also favours the dis investment. However ,most importantly the constituents – people in mandya parliamentary constituency through protest marches , mass post card campaigns lakhs in numbers expresses their disagreement with the dis investment & urges their MP mr.gandhi to vote against the disinvestment legislation.

On the D-day in parliament , mr. Raj gandhi as per his party whip & his own wisdom votes in favour of strategic disinvestment legislation, much against the wishes of his people , constituents & mis represents them in parliament. the democracy has failed here. in This way democracy is being derailed since 62 years in india.

In democracy, party whip , MP or MLA's own wisdom / brilliance, think tank & IAS lobby recommendations are all secondary , the constituent's of his constituency , people's wishes aspirations are of primary importance & supreme. What people need is a honest
representative, who simply delivers the people's aspirations on the floor of the house back & forth , without superimposing it with his own ideas & party ideas. For true democracy , the people's representatives must be true postmans.

Towards this end , the people must be educated about their democratic rights & responsibilities. This is an appeal to the honest few in the parliament & state legislatures to weed out their corrupt colleagues , lobbyists, to uphold the dignity of the house & to install democracy in it's true form.



https://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/porn-people-s-representatives ,



Fight in Indian Parliament

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkdezEAqAz0 ,



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fu8uqMEmyRE ,



MPs shame India, vandalise Parliament over Telangana


They streamed out, in quick succession, holding handkerchiefs to their noses. Some emerged with their eyes watering. Others were coughing. The evacuation followed a liberal spritzing of pepper spray inside parliament by law-maker L Rajagopal.  (Track LIVE updates here)

A little after 12 pm, an ambulance tore away, its siren blaring the coda to what had unfolded inside the Lok Sabha. A glass table-top had been smashed. A mic had been yanked from a table and flung.  And Mr Rajagopal, age 49, had sprung with his aerosol can in a scrum of parliamentarians fighting in the centre or the Well of the House. Reports that a knife had been pulled by an MP added to the chaos. (First pepper spray, then gas masks in Parliament: 10 developments)

Three parliamentarians were moved to hospital complaining of burning eyes. A fourth was admitted for severe chest pains.

At 12 pm, Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde tabled the bill that blueprints the creation of the Telangana state. Within seconds, the violence began. (Blog: A reporter's account of today's Lok Sabha violence)

The five-minute riot in Parliament was constructed by those who say they will not allow Parliament to discuss or vote on the  proposal that bifurcates Andhra Pradesh by carving out one of its three regions, Telangana, as a new southern state. The architects of today's violence were unrepentant. "Why should I apologize?" asked Venugopal Reddy, who is a member of the Telugu Desam Party. "The government should apologize for the Telangana bill," he said defiantly, while rejecting allegations that he brandished a knife during the clashes. "I pulled out a mic," he said, with a sense of accomplishment. (Watch)

Politicians opposed to a Telangana state have been bingeing on bad behaviour since this Parliament session began on February 5, but today's exhibit of total anomie is unprecedented in the history of the Indian Parliament. "They have shamed India, they have shamed us," said Speaker Meira Kumar, who later suspended 16 lawmakers for the violence. (Acted in self-defense, says L Rajagopal, the 'pepper-spray MP')

"What happened today....the Congress has to take responsibility for it," said Rajnath Singh, the chief of the main opposition party, the BJP. (Read: On Telangana, government gets no help from BJP)

The move to downsize Andhra Pradesh, designed as vote-bait before the national election by the Congress, has proven so far to be a gross miscalculation, resulting in strident dissent from its own chief minister, Kiran Kumar Reddy. Like other politicians who want the plan nixed, his constituency lies in the non-Telangana regions of Seemandhra, which will form the residuary state.

The Congress needs the support of the BJP to push the Telangana proposal through Parliament before it wraps on February 21. The BJP had so far suggested it would back the bill if the Congress could ensure order in Parliament to allow for a debate, and if the government made special financial provisions to help Seemandhra, which is worried about a smaller share of water, power and revenue from Telangana once the new state is created.

After today's debacle, the BJP said the government has lost the right to try and clear any legislation other than the interim budget.


Two BJP MLAs accused of watching porn in Gujarat assembly

 REUTERS - The image of India's politicians took another beating on Wednesday after two Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLAs were accused of watching pornography in the Gujarat assembly, just weeks after three Karnataka lawmakers were caught viewing obscene videos and resigned.

News channels broadcast footage on Wednesday showing Shankarbhai Chaudhary allegedly watching porn on a tablet computer with his colleague Jethabhai Bharwad while sitting in the state assembly.

Both politicians said the reports were "baseless".

"Nothing of this sort happened," Chaudhary told reporters. "This is being done to malign me."

Outrage over the incident, with a dose of mockery, fuelled updates on social media, with ‘#porngate', ‘BJP MLAs' and ‘Gujarat Assembly' trending on Twitter in India.

"So all buildings of state assembly have excellent Internet speeds," commented Twitter user @wastrelette.

Three BJP MLAs in Karnataka, including a women's affairs minister, resigned in February after being caught watching pornography on a mobile phone during a state assembly session.

Porn row: Three BJP ministers resign, barred from Assembly

 A day after being caught on camera watching a porn clip in the Karnataka Assembly, three BJP ministers resigned today after an embarrassed party leadership cracked the whip.

A red-faced BJP swiftly went into a damage control mode asking Cooperation Minister Laxman Savadi and Women and Child Development Minister C C Patil to quit while Minister for Ports, Science and Technology Krishna Palemar was axed for allegedly providing the blue film to them.

The three ministers were also barred by Speaker K G Bopaiah from attending proceedings of the Assembly till a House inquiry committee submits report on March 12.

In his ruling, Bopaiah asked the three to give an explanation by February 13 and their reply would be placed before the proposed six-member inquiry committee, comprising two members each from BJP, Congress and JDS.

Till then, the three are barred from attending the Assembly, Bopaiah said in his order as the unsavoury episode rocked the House and provided a fodder to the opposition to take on the ruling party.

Savadi and Patil were caught on camera yesterday while they were viewing the porn video footage inside the state assembly during the proceedings, an incident that battered the image of the Sadananda Gowda Government and BJP and triggering widespread condemnation across the state.

"We don't want the party and the government to face further embarrassment. All of us have decided to resign. We have handed over our resignation letters to Chief Minister with a request to accept it," Savadi, Patil and Palemar told reporters. Savadi claimed they have done no wrong.

The direction to the ministers to quit came after the BJP summoned the trio and told them to put in their papers at a meeting attended by top leaders including Gowda, state BJP President KS Eswarappa and former chief minister B S Yeddyurappa.

The meeting took place close on the heels of BJP President Nitin Gadkari speaking to Gowda and Eswarappa and directing them to initiate action against the three ministers, party sources said.

Losing no time after the ministers fell in line, Chief Minister DV Sadananda forwarded the resignations to Governor HR Bhardwaj who accepted them immediately but that did not satisfy the opposition which created a big ruckus in the assembly demanding the disqualification of the three as MLAs.

BJP Government, already hit by a series of corruption charges, faced acute embarrassment as the fresh controversy exploded in its face after regional TV channels, which recorded the act of the ministers flipping through the porn clippings on their mobile phones, aired the footage yesterday.

Sadananda Gowda said the three ministers had sought a probe into the issue as they maintain that they only watched a clipping that was sent to their mobile and were confident of proving their innocence.

After meeting the party leaders, the three described themselves as "loyal soldiers of the party" and said, "We do not want to further embarrass the government and the party... But we have not committed any crime".

The exit of the ministers did not satisfy an agressive opposition which also demanded registering criminal cases against them apart from summary disqualification.

Speaker's announcement of a committee to probe the issue also failed to pacify the agitated opposition members with the Congress announcing boycott of the panel.

"Why should there be a committee. They have admitted to watching the clips. Please disqualify them," Opposition Congress leader Siddaramaiah insisted and staged dharna in the company of JDS members in the House.

The incident led to curtailing of the assembly session by two days, as Bopaiah adjourned it sine die.

"Yes the incident has embarrassed the party", Eswarappa admitted even as Gowda maintained that the three ministers resigned on their "own".

Karnataka witnessed protests at several places by Congress activists who condmened the incident.

With the exit of three more ministers, the list of BJP Ministers in the state who have made dishonourable exit in the last four years has risen to seven.

The present row has brought down the strength of the Gowda ministry to 24, leaving 10 ministerial vacancies.

The central leadership showed the door to BS Yeddyurappa based on the Lokayukta report on illegal mining.

Former minister SN Krishnaiah Setty had to resign from the Yeddyurappa ministry after he faced charges of land scam, followed by Katta Subramanya Naidu on similar allegations while rape charges forced H Halappa to quit as minister.


Two Karnataka ministers caught watching porn film in assembly


BANGALORE: Two BJP ministers in Karnataka - Lakshman Savdi and C C Patil - were allegedly caught watching porn film clips on the former's mobile phone on the floor the state legislative assembly on Tuesday. While Savdi holds the cooperatives' portfolio, Patil is the minister for women and child development.


The ministers were caught in the act even as the house was in the middle of a heated debate on the recent hoisting of the Pakistani flag at Sindagi in Bijapur district. Close-up shots of the ministers watching blue films were beamed on television channels in the evening and sparked a furore. The television visuals showed both the ministers sitting next to each other, gazing into Savdi's handset and bantering on. This is for the first time that the Karnataka assembly is rocked by such a scandal.

Soon after the news broke, Opposition leader Siddaramaiah and JD(S) leader YSV Datta demanded resignation of the ministers. They said the ministers were elected by the people and such an act is nothing short of an insult to the people. "Disgraceful. This should not have happened," said D H Shankaramurthy, chairman of the legislative council.

The issue expected to generate lot of heat since the legislature will be in session up to Friday. Speaker K G Bopaiah and both the ministers could not be reached immediately for comments.


QUESTIONS FOR MONEY - PARLIAMENTARY ACTS / LEGISLATIONS FOR ???? - improper functioning of democracy in india


The vohra committee report has proved the criminalisation of politics 
in india. There are many number of criminals in the parliament & state 
legislatures. Some of those criminals are cabinet ministers as well as 
members of vital parliamentary committees. Thereby, they are in a 
position to manipulate , enact laws favouring , benefitting the 
criminals their cronies. 
Just see how the GOI gave export incentive of Rs.1800 crore to 
reliance petroleum although it didn't even export a barrel. Reliance 
infocom & tata teleservices were CDMA mobile service providers & have 
paid license fee of few crores only equal to landline fees without any 
competitive bidding . They were supposed to provide mobile service to 
operate like fixed phones within a radius of 40k.m. however they were 
providing service like mobile service from one state to another like 
GSM mobile service providers. By this act of RIC & TTSL , the GSM 
providers who have paid thousands of license fee in competitive 
bidding were economically hurt , the dispute went to court. The court 
was on the verge of pronouncing it's verdict awarding damages worth 
Rs.18000 crore to GSM players & Rs. 3000 crore of license fees with 
penalty to GOI. The government announced a unified telecom license 
regime with retrospective effect. Thereby, the GOI lost thousands of 
crores of rupees & the share holders of GSM players lost thousands of 
crores. Onceagain the RIC was charged by PSU bsnl THAT RELIANCE IS 
This time too, GOI bailed it out. during the dispute between ambani 
brothers the younger ambani mr. Anil ambani director of reliance 
himself has stated that for the favours received from the GOI , the 
company gifted some shares to then IT & 
COMMUNICATIONS MINISTER mr.Pramod mahajan. Various indian & 
multinational companies are lootingindian exchequer to the tune of 
thousands of crores of rupees , through lobbying / bribing.

In india, indirect democracy is the form of governance. In this form, 
people's representatives are bound to raise the questions , issues 
concerning their constituents on their behalf , on the floor of the 
house. However the sad part in india even after 58 years of democracy 
, is the lobbying is at it's peak. The lobbying is a gentleman's white 
collared crook's way of forming favour seeker's group , creating a 
corpus to pay lumpsum bribe & influencing decision making. The 
people's representatives are bound to represent their people first , 
then their party & party think tanks. India has come to this sorry 
state of affairs , widespread corruption , huge black economy & 
rampant poverty, all due to inefficient legislations & enforcements. 
These think tanks & IAS lobby, consider themselves as most super 
brains on earth & gives out suggestions . the present state of affairs 
is a barometer of their brilliance. These think tanks & IAS lobby are 
the hand maidens of lobbyists / bribers.


When everybody else does the mistake , wrong doing  , indulges in corruption , judiciary alone must be pure like  virgin  to punish & guide the wrong doers. Now , the apex court of the land  & the highest judicial officer of the land , the conscience keeper  , protector of rights , Constitutional guardian of  the land – The Honourable Chief Justice of India  himself Has been found guilty .  SHAME SHAME.

Nowadays , we  are seeing criminalization of  politics , judiciary & police. The rowdy elements have become MLAs & MPs & frequestly indulge in fisticuffs , vulgar abuses  in the precincts of the house itself  . These rowdy elements take money for asking questions in the parliament , to vote for bills & for a price pass legislations  favouring lobbies of rich crooks. The police frame , torture  innocents & let out rich crooks for a price . For a price police destroy evidences , records  and create fake records , evidences. Finally there are judges  who issue arrest warrants , give bail , give acquittal  & pass favourable judgements   ALL FOR A PRICE . SHAME SHAME . These corrupt  judges , police , MPs , MLAs  each take  salary & perks far exceeding lakhs per annum , but serve rich crooks instead of   Indian Public. These corrupt are parasites & deadlier , state enemies  than naxalites , terrorists. Democracy in our country , our hard won  national independence is  endangered by these parasites , corrupt judges , police & people’s representatives only. These  parasites  themselves are responsible for origin & growth of  naxalism / terrorism in india .

These corrupt  parasites will feel  , understand the pain only when they also suffer in the same manner. Let us pray to almighty – In  whose  Court of justice  MATCH FIXING is not there & every body is equal , let us pray to that god to give these corrupt parasites ghastly deaths nothing less nothing more.


Xeroxing Corruption

By Ashutosh Sinha
Special to India Resource Center
September 30, 2002


Not many in India might have actually seen the field gun from Bofors AB, either standing sentinel on the borders or in operation. The guns played a key role in the skirmishes at Kargil in 1999. The same anonymity does not hold good for Xerox, which has now entered the dictionary as a verb in its own right for photocopying documents.

Since its name has become synonymous with the allegations of kickbacks, few companies would like to be compared with Bofors. But since the deal was a big commercial success for arms dealers, some companies would, perhaps, be tempted to employ the same tactics as the Bofors middlemen.

The Swedish firm Bofors AB allegedly paid Rs.640 million ($13 million) in bribes to middlemen to get the contracts for the deal signed in 1986. Nearly a decade later, Enron India spent US$ 20 million in "educating" Indian bureaucrats about the role of private companies in power generation, an euphemism for bribes. Two telecom companies, Essar and Swisscom, were alleged to have paid a former minister, Sukh Ram, a hefty amount during early 1996 to help change the original license conditions, which it had signed with the Department of Telecommunications. There was no case against Sukh Ram, simply because this deal was never investigated.

Significantly, none of the allegations made above have yet been proven in a court of law.

Xerox India was treading on familiar path, something which its US headquarters got to know later. According to the parent company's own admission, which emerged during its audit, it paid over $600,000 as bribes to various government employees to win contracts. In essence, the modus operandi was just a 'photocopy' of the way some other companies operate.

Under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), it is a serious criminal offence for a US company to pay bribes in a foreign country to obtain contracts. Being managed by the BK Modi group, one of Indias oldest family run business empires, at the time when the bribes were paid, it is now like a sword hanging at the neck of Xerox. The BK Modi group has denied having paid any bribes. Xerox Modicorp Limited (as the company is now called) completes 19 years in India this September. It changed its name from Modi Xerox Limited to Xerox Modicorp Limited in 2000.

The Indian government was quick to order an inquiry. A promise that accompanied the order was that the inquiry would be completed in two weeks. Over a month later, the two weeks are not yet over. Now, the million-dollar question - for a company that calls itself 'The Document Company' - is there enough documentary evidence to prosecute the company?

The Department of Company Affairs (DCA), the arm of the government that wields the stick to ensure that companies meet their stated objectives and do not dupe the shareholders, is looking into the details. Xerox was not duping shareholders, much the same way as the military hardware company AB Bofors. Both were, in fact, trying to reward their shareholders by giving the extra edge to their sales team by "taking care" of those taking a final decision on the purchase of their products. DCA is still not sure whether the bribes were actually paid or if the amount was pocketed by Modi or his men.

There is a stark difference between the two cases, though. Bofors is a European company, Xerox an American. Their products are proverbially as different as chalk and cheese - one sold military hardware, the other office automation products. While the Bofors payoffs involved the government official right at the top in the government, the Xerox payoffs appear to have been made to the operations level people in government. Besides, the nature of arms deals is such that the best deal has to be sewn in one shot. Office automation products are regularly purchased by companies and governments. So, if a few people can be identified, their palms can be greased regularly to put the product. The agents who helped Bofors are still trying to block investigations and any information into their money laundering. The amount involved in the Xerox case is far smaller.

Xerox, however, does deserve a pat on the back for having the courage to admit the payoffs in public.

There are some parallels between the two companies. Bofors money found its way to exotic places that you would find difficult to locate on the world map - Luxembourg, Bahamas, Liechtenstein, Channel Islands. The Xerox India payoffs did not have such exotic addresses. Two of the companies to which payments were made had slum areas of Delhi as their addresses while two others were located in the western Indian state of Gujarat.

While the Bofors deal had strong political linkages, there is talk of the involvement of a Samajwadi Party politician, who has interests in the paper business, in the Xerox case. That allegation is yet to be probed, though.

AE Services, Svenska, Lotus, Tulip and Mont Blanc are some of the names of bank accounts that are associated with the alleged Bofors payoffs. The money has gone into a variety of accounts before disappearing various pockets. Officials of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), India's premier investigating agency, suspect that these people include the late Win Chadha, an Italian called Ottavio Quattrochchi and the Hinduja brothers. If the Xerox India deal had been bigger, with international ramifications, it would not have chosen names like Charu Paper Ltd., Chadha Paper Ltd., Pioneer Enterprises and Elite Commercial Services.

At the time when these bribes were paid, the company was controlled by the BK Modi group, which owned majority shares in the joint venture. When Xerox acquired control of the company (it now owns 68 per cent while BK Modi controls 28 per cent in the joint venture) in 2000, it ordered an inspection of the books by the audit firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers, which raised disturbing questions. The audit firm said that it was not sure the organizations existed and, if they did, who owns or controls them. BK Modi Group has interests in telecom, entertainment and manufacturing.

Xerox has over 50 per cent market share in photocopiers in India. 1998 was a landmark year for the photocopier industry. Of the estimated 40,000 machines sold that year, an estimated 27,000 were Xerox machines. However, that was an aberration and nearly 30,000 machines are sold in the market each year at present. Nearly 60 per cent of the sales are made to government organisations.

Incidentally, the bribes are alleged to have been paid in 1998 and 1999. In 1998, the 15-year tie-up between Modis and Xerox ended. Xerox had entered India after a tie up with the BK Modi Group and Modi Xerox Limited was incorporated in 1983.

The Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC), which had looked into the Bofors deal before CBI started its investigations of bribery charges, had similarly not given a clean chit to the Rajiv Gandhi government. The government survived the day but since then, the Congress party has never won a majority in the Indian Parliament. Bofors has also entered India's political lexicon as a synonym for bribery.

DCA officials are tight-lipped about the direction in which their Xerox investigation is meandering. These are just four names that have tumbled out of the closet. Reports suggest that it is a web of 85 companies through which payments have been made. The challenge before DCA is to verify whether payments were made to individuals in the government or did some officials of Modi Xerox (as the company was then called) pocket the money.

While it is still to be established where the money actually went, DCA officials admit in private that siphoning money out of the company is a routine affair. Just like every official worth his salt in the CBI knows that big arms deals do have an element of an underhand deal.

Since payoffs are now a part of business, this is where the interest of the average person comes in. Hapless investors have seen scores of cases where the companies get sick and promoters healthier by the day.

For all the arms deal that have happened in India, whose defence spending is over US$ 14 billion every year, only one case has been brought to light. None have been prosecuted. Of nearly 7,000 publicly listed companies in India, a little over 2,000 actively trade on the Bombay Stock Exchange. The rest are companies which have turned sick, while some of their promoters get healthier.



Don’t misuse House privileges to muzzle press

By Manish Tewari


A press that cannot criticise those is power is no press.

The recent decision of the Karnataka Assembly in sentencing journalists Ravi Belagere and Anil Raju to imprisonment for one year for contempt of the House and a member, and therefore breach of privilege of the House, is unfortunate, to say the least.

The framers of the Constitution knew that free speech is the friend of change and revolution. But they also knew that it is always the deadliest enemy of tyranny. Freedom of speech means that you shall not do something to people either for the views they have, or the views they express, or the words they speak or write. Only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government. And paramount among the responsibilities of a free press is the duty to prevent any part of the government from deceiving the people. The press was to serve the governed, not the governors…” These words of United States Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black are more relevant today in India’s context than perhaps the day they were penned for preserving and upholding the freedom of the press guaranteed under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. 

The press may be the fourth pillar of democracy. But a press that is not free is no press. A press that cannot criticise those is power is no press. A press that is intimidated by political power or sucks up to it is no press. For even our constitutional scheme recognises the freedom of speech and expression, and therefore by implication the freedom of press. However, more often than not, political parties in India irrespective of their ideology seek to proscribe the free press, for their collective DNA is thin-skinned to censure. Even though to do so is constitutionally amoral. 

The recent decision of the Karnataka Assembly in sentencing journalists Ravi Belagere and Anil Raju to imprisonment for one year for contempt of the House and a member, and therefore breach of privilege of the House, is unfortunate, to say the least. 

It is not that legislative bodies in the past have not acted in this manner earlier too and their decisions have been held to be constitutional abridgements. Déjà vu. In 1964, the UP Assembly found one Keshav Singh of being guilty of contempt of the House and the members of the House, and sentenced him to a week in prison. Keshav Singh’s crime was similar to the one that Mr Belagere and Mr Raju are charged of — writing stuff that was considered by the UP Assembly to be defamatory to one of its members. 

When Keshav Singh applied for and obtained bail from the Allahabad high court, the Assembly went one step further and sought to imprison the advocate who filed the bail petition and the two judges  who granted bail. The entire Allahabad high court consisting of 28 judges unanimously, and in a mark of solidarity, stayed the operation of the sentence passed by the UP Assembly. The unprecedented situation was surmounted only when the President made a reference to the Supreme Court. In the presidential reference, the Supreme Court observed: “In conclusion, we ought to add that throughout our discussion we have consistently attempted to make it clear that the main point which we are discussing is the right of the House to claim that a general warrant issued by it in respect of its contempt alleged to have been committed by a citizen who is not a member of the House outside the four walls of the House, is conclusive, for it is on that claim that the House has chosen to take the view that the judges, the advocate and the party have committed contempt by reference to the conduct in the habeas corpus petition pending before the Lucknow bench of the Allahabad high court. Since we have held that in the present case no contempt was committed either by the judges, or the advocate, or the party respectively”. 

The court therefore was clear that criticism, even if unwarranted, does not constitute either contempt of the House or its members, thus allowing them to invoke the yet uncodified privileges under Articles 105 (3) for Parliament and Article 194 (3) for the state legislatures. The privileges need to be spelt out in black and white. Over the years, the Supreme Court has repeatedly laid down the law circumscribing the powers and privileges of the legislatures. 

The freedom of the press is the heart of social and political intercourse while privileges of the legislative institutions are one of the undefined silences in the text of the Constitution, and have been exculpated and transported into the Indian Constitution straight from the traditions of the House of Commons. 

The object of parliamentary privileges is to ensure that the smooth functioning of legislative institutions is not hampered. The power to sentence to imprisonment for the contempt of the House or its members is undoubtedly a privilege of the House, a power that has been exercised by the House of Commons in the past, but when the Supreme Court of India has categorically held that actions outside the House, which have no direct effect of impinging on the functioning of the legislative chamber, cannot be a trigger for invoking constitutional privileges, is it then justified for the House to punish journalists whose opinions may be unpalatable or in the worst case even slanted or downright defamatory? The answer is no.

The Karnataka Assembly has overshot its constitutional mandate under Article 194 in sentencing Mr Belagere and Mr Raju for publishing some articles. An article being disrespectful to a member or the House cannot be cause for the invoking the power of privilege, specially when it is in exercise of the basic human right of free speech. This is more so when such an action for such alleged defamation would find remedy in both civil and criminal law, in the nature of a defamation suit or a criminal complaint, coupled with a prayer for injuncting such person from publishing such defamatory material in future. It is in this context the exercise of the constitutional power of parliamentary/ legislative privilege, and to find guilty a journalist of contempt of the House would tantamount to giving a special status to a member of such a legislative body and providing him or her a remedy apart from what is prescribed by law. The privilege to punish for the contempt of the House is a power that must be scarcely called into use in the most extreme of situations when the majesty or the functioning of the House is under stress or severe strain. Allegedly defamatory writing hardly falls into that category.

The judicious use of a constitutional privilege becomes all the more relevant when a wave of tyranny has been unleashed by the BJP government against independent sections of the media.

Orchestrated repression by the State — if you are not with us, then you are against us —has divided the Indian media into the “kept” and the “unkept” media. 

On the one hand, broadcasting entities that are functioning in a manner that make even North Korean TV channels blush with shame are patronised by the government, and those who speak truth to power are being hounded and persecuted. 

In such a situation, any action by any constitutional body that reinforces this spectre of fear, repression and intimidation is avoidable, even though that may not have been the intent at all in this particular case and the journalist duo just managed to get under the skin of some members of the House. 

The Karnataka Assembly would therefore be well-advised to suo motu withdraw its resolution.


Edited, printed , published owned by NAGARAJA.M.R. @  # LIG-2   No  761, HUDCO  FIRST  STAGE , OPP WATER WORKS , LAXMIKANTANAGAR , HEBBAL ,MYSURU – 570017  KARNATAKA  INDIA


Cell : 91 8970318202


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Contact  :   Naag@protonmail.com ,  Naag@dalitonline.in  , 


Posted by naghrw at 8:04 PM
Saturday, 25 November 2017
JAIL Doctors ?

Dalit’s  Diary  -   e  News   Weekly  

Working  For  The  Rights  &  Survival  Of  The Oppressed

Editor: NAGARAJA.M.R… VOL.11 issue.46… . 29 / 11 / 2017



Editorial : Doctors  are  NOT  Divine gods

              People , society treated  doctors as gods. Nowadays by their own unfair practices doctors themselves have proved otherwise. Their governing bodies have failed  to punish their  deviant colleagues. Doctors  are frequently  violating their oath.  It is high time to bell the cat.

            Gone are the days when doctors used to treat poor patients free of cost / subsidized rate ,  missionary doctors  giving free treatment to poor. There are many allegations  against  doctors / hospitals about cheating  / improper service.  When doctors / hospital managements are running the  MEDICAL PROFESSION  as a business , they should  be  brought under  law  just like other businesses. Hospitals & doctors  are accountable to their customers / patients for the services given. They must give proper  billing  with breakups not consolidated one. They must  maintain proper profit & loss account and must pay taxes to the government. For the violations of the above , doctors & hospitals must be legally prosecuted. When  doctors & hospitals  endangers the life of a customer / patient ,  they must be charged for homicide.

     Few doctors & hospitals , who are actually doing noble  service to poor & needy  shouldd be given tax exemptions, government subsidies. Even such doctors / hospitals are accountable to patients &  government. Nobody is above law. If a doctor  & hospital is  complying with law , why they  are afraid of it. Karnataka state doctors & hospitals must explain to public.


IMA Pledge


Every member should get it frames in his or her office
It should never by violated in its letter and spirit.

I solemnly pledge myself to consecrate my life to service of humanity.


  • Even under threat, I will not use my medical knowledge contrary to the laws of Humanity.
  • I will maintain the utmost respect for human life from the time of conception.
  • I will not permit considerations of religion, nationality, race, party politics or social standing to intervene between my duty and my patient.
  • I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity.
  • The health of my patient will be my first consideration.
  • I will respect the secrets which are confined in me.
  • I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude which is their due.
  • I will maintain by all means in my power, the honour and noble traditions of medical profession.
  • I will treat my colleagues with all respect and dignity.
  • I shall abide by the code of medical ethics as enunciated in the Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations 2002.

I make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my honour.



 PIL –  Criminal Prosecution of Doctors & Hospitals






editor  Indian’s  Diary  &  Dalit’s Diary ,
# LIG 2 , No 761 ,, HUDCO First Stage , Laxmikantanagar ,
Hebbal , Mysore – 570017 , Karnataka State


Honourable Chief Secretary , Government of Karnataka & Others 



To ,
Hon'ble The Chief Justice of India and His Lordship's Companion
Justices of the Supreme Court of India. The Humble petition of the
Petitioner above named.


1. Facts of the case:

   Medical field  is basically meant not as a  PROFESSION  to  earn  profit  but as a  SERVICE  to  humanity.  Except for honest few doctors , honest few medical  hospitals , Many doctors , Hospitals in india  are running the  medical profession  like greedy businessmen to make quick bucks.  They  are grossly violating  oath of  DOCTOR. Many doctors have utilized  subsidized  education by government  by way of preferential  medical seat on the basis of caste , religion , etc , by way of scholarships  , education loans , etc. Many hospitals have utilized  government subsidy while setting up hospitals. If at all  doctors are not inclined to serve humanity  but only interested  to  earn money , they should go to other professions.


2. Question(s) of Law:

Are  patient’s lives not valuable ?  Are not doctors accountable ?  Are not hospitals  accountabble to patients , government & tax authorities ? Legal enforcement  of CODE  OF  CONDUCT  to doctors. Accountability  of  Hospital  Management.

3. Grounds:

Requests for  protection  of  patient’s right to life , criminal prosecution of guilty doctors & hospital management.


4. Averment:  

Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to perform their duties & to answer the questions. 
a . Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to perform their duties b. to legally enforce model code of conduct for doctors

c.  to  ask hospital management to make public their rate chart for different treatment , different  inserts , equipments used.

d. to ask the doctor to provide complete details of treatment  given , inserts used , equipments used along with the  cost breakup  to each patient at the time of discharge.

e. to bring hospitals under tax net.

f. to control black money thriving in medical profession.

In the above premises, it is prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased:

a . Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to perform their duties & to legally enforce model code of conduct for doctors and  to  ask hospital management to make public their rate chart for different treatment , different  inserts , equipments used. To ask the doctor to provide complete details of treatment  given , inserts used , equipments used along with the  cost breakup  to each patient at the time of discharge. To bring hospitals under tax net.

b. To control black money thriving in medical profession.

c. to pass such other orders and further orders as may be deemed necessary on the facts and in the circumstances of the case. 



Dated : 16.11.2017          ………………..FILED BY: NAGARAJA.M.R.

Place : Mysuru , India…………………….PETITIONER-IN-PERSON 



OATH   FORGOTTEN  by  Doctors


I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:

I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.

I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures [that] are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.

I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug.

I will not be ashamed to say "I know not," nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient's recovery.

I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.

I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.

I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.

I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.

If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.


Edited, printed , published  owned  by  NAGARAJA.M.R. @  # LIG-2   No  761, HUDCO  FIRST  STAGE , OPP WATER WORKS , LAXMIKANTANAGAR , HEBBAL , MYSURU – 570017  KARNATAKA  INDIA


Cell : 91 8970318202


Home page :  



















Contact  :   Naag@protonmail.com ,  Naag@dalitonline.in  , 


Posted by naghrw at 12:32 PM
Monday, 20 November 2017
Prosecute Doctors

Indian’s  Diary  –  e  News  Weekly

Spreading the light of humanity freedom

Editor: Nagaraja.M.R.. Vol.13..Issue.47........25  / 11 / 2017



Editorial : Doctors  are  Divine gods

  People , society treated  doctors as gods. Nowadays by their own unfair practices doctors themselves have proved otherwise. Their governing bodies have failed  to punish their  deviant colleagues. Doctors  are frequently  violating their oath.  It is high time to bell the cat.         


IMA Pledge


Every member should get it frames in his or her office
It should never by violated in its letter and spirit.

I solemnly pledge myself to consecrate my life to service of humanity.


  • Even under threat, I will not use my medical knowledge contrary to the laws of Humanity.
  • I will maintain the utmost respect for human life from the time of conception.
  • I will not permit considerations of religion, nationality, race, party politics or social standing to intervene between my duty and my patient.
  • I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity.
  • The health of my patient will be my first consideration.
  • I will respect the secrets which are confined in me.
  • I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude which is their due.
  • I will maintain by all means in my power, the honour and noble traditions of medical profession.
  • I will treat my colleagues with all respect and dignity.
  • I shall abide by the code of medical ethics as enunciated in the Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations 2002.

I make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my honour.



 PIL –  Criminal Prosecution of Doctors & Hospitals






editor  Indian’s  Diary  &  Dalit’s Diary ,
# LIG 2 , No 761 ,, HUDCO First Stage , Laxmikantanagar ,
Hebbal , Mysore – 570017 , Karnataka State


Honourable Chief Secretary , Government of Karnataka & Others 



To ,
Hon'ble The Chief Justice of India and His Lordship's Companion
Justices of the Supreme Court of India. The Humble petition of the
Petitioner above named.


1. Facts of the case:

   Medical field  is basically meant not as a  PROFESSION  to  earn  profit  but as a  SERVICE  to  humanity.  Except for honest few doctors , honest few medical  hospitals , Many doctors , Hospitals in india  are running the  medical profession  like greedy businessmen to make quick bucks.  They  are grossly violating  oath of  DOCTOR. Many doctors have utilized  subsidized  education by government  by way of preferential  medical seat on the basis of caste , religion , etc , by way of scholarships  , education loans , etc. Many hospitals have utilized  government subsidy while setting up hospitals. If at all  doctors are not inclined to serve humanity  but only interested  to  earn money , they should go to other professions.


2. Question(s) of Law:

Are  patient’s lives not valuable ?  Are not doctors accountable ?  Are not hospitals  accountabble to patients , government & tax authorities ? Legal enforcement  of CODE  OF  CONDUCT  to doctors. Accountability  of  Hospital  Management.

3. Grounds:

Requests for  protection  of  patient’s right to life , criminal prosecution of guilty doctors & hospital management.


4. Averment:  

Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to perform their duties & to answer the questions. 
a . Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to perform their duties b. to legally enforce model code of conduct for doctors

c.  to  ask hospital management to make public their rate chart for different treatment , different  inserts , equipments used.

d. to ask the doctor to provide complete details of treatment  given , inserts used , equipments used along with the  cost breakup  to each patient at the time of discharge.

e. to bring hospitals under tax net.

f. to control black money thriving in medical profession.

In the above premises, it is prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased:

a . Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to perform their duties & to legally enforce model code of conduct for doctors and  to  ask hospital management to make public their rate chart for different treatment , different  inserts , equipments used. To ask the doctor to provide complete details of treatment  given , inserts used , equipments used along with the  cost breakup  to each patient at the time of discharge. To bring hospitals under tax net.

b. To control black money thriving in medical profession.

c. to pass such other orders and further orders as may be deemed necessary on the facts and in the circumstances of the case. 



Dated : 16.11.2017          ………………..FILED BY: NAGARAJA.M.R.

Place : Mysuru , India…………………….PETITIONER-IN-PERSON 



OATH   FORGOTTEN  by  Doctors


I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:

I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.

I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures [that] are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.

I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug.

I will not be ashamed to say "I know not," nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient's recovery.

I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.

I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.

I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.

I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.

If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.



Edited, printed , published owned by NAGARAJA.M.R. @  # LIG-2   No  761, HUDCO  FIRST  STAGE , OPP WATER WORKS , LAXMIKANTANAGAR , HEBBAL ,MYSURU – 570017  KARNATAKA  INDIA


Cell : 91 8970318202


Home page :  

















Contact  :   Naag@protonmail.com ,  Naag@dalitonline.in  , 


Posted by naghrw at 12:15 PM
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
PRESS silenced ?

Indian’s  Diary  –  e  News  Weekly

Spreading the light of humanity freedom

Editor: Nagaraja.M.R.. Vol.13..Issue.44........18  / 11 / 2017


Nagaraja Mysuru Raghupathi ,

Editor , Indian’s Diary & Dalit’s Diary ,

# LIG 2 , No 761, HUDCO  First Stage,

Laxmikantanagar , Hebbal ,

Mysuru – 570017.



 Honourable District Magistrate ,

Mysuru District ,

Mysuru – 570001


Dear Sir ,

 Subject :  Web Paper Registration & Press  Accreditation

           Journalists  are those  who collect , analyze ,  report  & publish  news.    As per law  in India, Journalists are not granted any special rights or privileges and are on par with the  Citizens of India. Every citizen of India has the right to question the government , public servants about their public duties.  Journalists & citizens have the same , equal rights & responsibilities as per law.  Paradox is  those questioning citizens are made fun of & silenced by authorities.

           As per law in India , Digital News Papers are  not registered. Since years our publication is  not registered  and even press accreditation is denied to us ( at the behest of powers that be / mafia ? ) , whereas even those  journalists  covering  cookery , lottery  , movies are given press accreditation.  Press Accreditation is  an administrative convenience mechanism  by authorities  giving access to journalists.  If a Journalist or Citizen  does not have press accreditation  that does not entitle authorities to deny him access to information , news. Sadly , authorities are doing that which is against law.

         Hereby , I  am  once again submitting declaration  about my two web news paper publications  and request you for  officially noting it ( as registration is not  legally possible )  and to issue me press accreditation. I am herewith submitting  my  application digitally signed by me together  with  ID proofs , for your needful.


Date : 31.10.2017                                                                                   Thanking You,

Place : Mysuru                                                                                         Nagaraja Mysuru Raghupathi.

                                                                                                                 ( Nagaraja.M.R. )

Copies sent to :

1.       Honourable Chief Justice of India , Supreme Court of India , New Delhi.

2.       Honourable Chairman , National Human Rights Commission , New Dehi.

3.       Honourable High Commissioner , OHCHR , United Nations , Geneva , Switzerland.



                                                           DECLARATION 1


Name : ...........................NAGARAJA.M.R. 

Address : ...................LIG-2 / 761 , HUDCO FIRST STAGE , OPP

Old  Professional / Trade Title : S.O.S - e – Clarion Of Dalit

New   Professional / Trade Title :  Dalit’s  Diary

Periodicity : WEEKLY


Donations : NOT ACCEPTED. Self financing . Never accepted any donations , subscriptions either for ourselves or on behalf of other organizations / individuals .

Monetary Gains : nil , never made any monetary gain by way of advertisements on my websites or web news paper or otherwise.

Owner/Editor/Printer/Publisher : NAGARAJA.M.R.

Nationality : INDIAN

Body Donation : Physical Body of Nagaraja M R , Editor , Dalit’s  Diary  is donated to JSS Medical College , Mysore ( Donation No. 167 dated 22 / 10 / 2003 ) , In case of either Unnatural death or Natural Death at the hands of criminal nexus , my body must be handed over to JSS Medical College , Mysore for the study purposes of medical students. 

Eye Donation : Both EYES of Nagaraja M R , Editor ,  Dalit’s  Diary  are donated to Mysore Eye Bank , Mysore , In case of either Unnatural death or Natural Death at the hands of criminal nexus , my eyes must be handed over to Mysore Eye Bank , Mysore WITHIN 6 Hours for immediate eye transplantation to the needy. 

Old  Home page : 
http://eclarionofdalit.dalitonline.in/  ,

http://sites.google.com/site/eclarionofdalit/Home ,
http://groups.google.co.in/group/e-clarion-of-dalit  ,
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http://in.groups.yahoo.com/group/e-clarionofdalit/ ,    

http://paper.li/f-1367938674      ,      


New  Home  Page :


















Contact :  
Naag@protonmail.com ,  Naag@dalitonline.in  , 

UID Aadhaar No : 5703 5339 3479 

Cell :   91  8970318202 

It is the duty of Supreme Court of India to Protect , Guard the constitutional rights , fundamental rights of every Indian citizen . Since 25 years  I am  appealing  to SCI  about  issues concerning public welfare , national security , etc and as a result suffering injustices , my constitutional rights , human rights are repeatedly violated  but SCI is mum even when repeated appeals were made to it. Paradoxically , after these appeals for justice , I have suffered more injustices , attempts on my life were made ,  physically assaulted , livelihood  / jobs were  denied , news publication closed , press accreditation denied ,  received threatening  calls , blank calls, even to date  rough elements follow us , rough elements  scout  near home at mid night. Does  not these indicate some ties between rough elements & SCI  Judges ?


Public Interest Litigation is an appeal  for justice  to the courts , to redress  the injustices meted out to  the public.  Individual cases of injustices  pertaining to an individual are not covered under PIL, however  an individual an activist  who  is fighting for public causes  suffering  injustices  as a result of   his struggle  ,caused by powers that be to silence him  can club  his individual case under the public causes  (PIL ) he is  appealing.


Nowadays people of questionable character , integrity  are being selected to public posts , end result is present day india.  In the following web sites I have shown  few actual cases of crimes by judges & police , just imagine what type of justice common man gets.

Traitors  in   Indian  Judiciary & Police


Crimes  by  Khaki

https://www.scribd.com/document/334590032/Crimes-by-Khaki  ,

 Police show full bravery , courage , use  full might of law while acting against innocents , commoners. Even  takes suo motto action. Frequently crosses legal limits  while acting against commoners like 3rd degree torture , arrest / search  , seizure without warrant , arrest in mid night , etc . While they are supposed to take action against rich crooks , their own corrupt colleagues  no suo motto action , delayed action inspite of complaint  allowing time for rich crook to get anticipatory bail , no 3rd degree torture on him , no arrest , search , seizure without warrant. Where is the bravery , courage of police ?

Judges show their full wisdom , apply rigid law book while  judging cases of commoners , take suo motto action  where as  cases involving rich crooks comes before them inspite of repeated PILs they don’t consider it , let alone take suo motto action. Judges make far fetched interpretations of law , ultimately benefitting the rich crook. Where is the wisdom of Judges ?

I ,NAGARAJA.M.R. hereby do declare that information given above are true to the best of my knowledge & belief. If i am repeatedly called to police station or else where for the sake of investigations , the losses i do incurr as a result like loss of wages , transportation , job , etc must be borne by the government. prevoiusly the police / IB personnel repeatedly called me the complainant (sufferer of injustices) to police station for questioning , but never called the guilty culprits , rich crooks , criminals even once to police station for questioning , as the culprits are high & mighty . this type of one sided questioning must not be done by police or investigating agencies . if anything untoward happens to me or to my family members like loss of job , meeting with hit & run accidents , loss of lives , death due to improper medical care , etc , the jurisdictional police together with above mentioned accussed public servants will be responsible for it. Even if criminal nexus levels fake charges , police file fake cases against me or my dependents to silence me , this complaint is & will be effective. 

   Powers that  be , higher ups have referred all my previous cases to police although in most of the cases  police don’t  have jurisdiction over it.  It  sends  a subtle message by police force to  the  complainant  to keep silent . In the remaining cases  which are under their jurisdiction police  don’t act against higher ups , high & mighty. In such cases police lack  practical powers , their hands are tied although they  are  honest.  As a end result , police  have repeatedly called   me to police station  number of  times  ( have never called guilty  influential persons even once)  took  statement  from  me and closed  the files.  Hereby , I do make it clear  the statements made by me  in my original petitions , PILs , news papers  , etc  while I was in  a free & fair atmosphere  are  TRUE  , over rides , prevails over all the statements made by me before police  earlier and  which will be made by me  in future before police.

If I or my family members or my dependents are denied our fundamental rights , human rights , denied proper medical care for ourselves , If anything untoward happens to me or to my dependents or to my family members - In such case Chief Justice of India together with the jurisdictional revenue & police officials will be responsible for it , in such case the government of india is liable to pay Rs. TWO crore as compensation to survivors of my family. if my whole family is eliminated by the criminal nexus ,then that compensation money must be donated to Indian Army Welfare Fund. Afterwards , the money must be recovered by GOI as land arrears from the salary , pension , property , etc of guilty police officials , Judges , public servants & Constitutional functionaries. 


date :  31.10.2017…………………………..Your's sincerely,

place : India…………………………………...Nagaraja.M.R. 


                                                   DECLARATION 2


Name : ...........................NAGARAJA.M.R.


Old  Professional / Trade Title : S.O.S - e – Voice For Justice


New  Professional / Trade Title :   Indian’s  Diary


Periodicity : WEEKLY


Donations : NOT ACCEPTED. Self financing . Never accepted any donations , subscriptions either for ourselves or on behalf of other organizations / individuals .

Monetary gains : nil , never made any monetary gain by way of advertisements on my websites or web news paper or otherwise.

Owner/editor/printer/publisher : NAGARAJA.M.R.

Nationality : INDIAN

Body Donation : Physical Body of Nagaraja M R , Editor ,  Indian’s  Diary  is donated to JSS Medical College , Mysore             ( Donation No. 167 dated 22 / 10 / 2003 ) , In case of either Unnatural death or Natural Death at the hands of criminal nexus , my body must be handed over to JSS Medical College , Mysore for the study purposes of medical students.

Eye Donation : Both EYES of Nagaraja M R , Editor ,  Indian’s  Diary  are donated to Mysore Eye Bank , Mysore , In case of either Unnatural death or Natural Death at the hands of criminal nexus , my eyes must be handed over to Mysore Eye Bank , Mysore WITHIN 6 Hours for immediate eye transplantation to the needy.

Old  Home page : 

http://evoiceforjustice.dalitonline.in/  ,

 http://in.groups.yahoo.com/group/sosevoiceforjustice/ ,  http://groups.google.co.in/group/hrwepaper / , 

 http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice / , http://evoiceofhumanrightswatch.wordpress.com / ,  

https://naghrw.tripod.com/evoice/  ,  http://e-voiceofhumanrightswatch.blogspot.com  


New  Home  Page :

















Contact :  Naag@protonmail.com ,  Naag@dalitonline.in  ,

UID Aadhaar No : 5703 5339 3479 
Cell : 91 8970318202

It is the duty of Supreme Court of India to Protect , Guard the constitutional rights , fundamental rights of every Indian citizen . Since 25 years  I am  appealing  to SCI  about  issues concerning public welfare , national security , etc and as a result suffering injustices , my constitutional rights , human rights are repeatedly violated  but SCI is mum even when repeated appeals were made to it. Paradoxically , after these appeals for justice , I have suffered more injustices , attempts on my life were made ,  physically assaulted , livelihood  / jobs were  denied , news publication closed , press accreditation denied ,  received threatening  calls , blank calls, even to date  rough elements follow us , rough elements  scout  near home at mid night. Does  not these indicate some ties between rough elements & SCI  Judges ?


Public Interest Litigation is an appeal  for justice  to the courts , to redress  the injustices meted out to  the public.  Individual cases of injustices  pertaining to an individual are not covered under PIL, however  an individual an activist  who  is fighting for public causes  suffering  injustices  as a result of   his struggle  ,caused by powers that be to silence him  can club  his individual case under the public causes  (PIL ) he is  appealing.


Nowadays people of questionable character , integrity  are being selected to public posts , end result is present day india.  In the following web sites I have shown  few actual cases of crimes by judges & police , just imagine what type of justice common man gets.

Traitors  in   Indian  Judiciary & Police


Crimes  by  Khaki

https://www.scribd.com/document/334590032/Crimes-by-Khaki  ,

Police show full bravery , courage , use  full might of law while acting against innocents , commoners. Even  takes suo motto action. Frequently crosses legal limits  while acting against commoners like 3rd degree torture , arrest / search  , seizure without warrant , arrest in mid night , etc . While they are supposed to take action against rich crooks , their own corrupt colleagues  no suo motto action , delayed action inspite of complaint  allowing time for rich crook to get anticipatory bail , no 3rd degree torture on him , no arrest , search , seizure without warrant. Where is the bravery , courage of police ?

Judges show their full wisdom , apply rigid law book while  judging cases of commoners , take suo motto action  where as  cases involving rich crooks comes before them inspite of repeated PILs they don’t consider it , let alone take suo motto action. Judges make far fetched interpretations of law , ultimately benefitting the rich crook. Where is the wisdom of Judges ?

I ,NAGARAJA.M.R. hereby do declare that information given above are true to the best of my knowledge & belief. If i am repeatedly called to police station or else where for the sake of investigations , the losses i do incurr as a result like loss of wages , transportation , job , etc must be borne by the government. prevoiusly the police / IB personnel repeatedly called me the complainant (sufferer of injustices) to police station for questioning , but never called the guilty culprits , rich crooks , criminals even once to police station for questioning , as the culprits are high & mighty . this type of one sided questioning must not be done by police or investigating agencies . if anything untoward happens to me or to my family members like loss of job , meeting with hit & run accidents , loss of lives , death due to improper medical care , etc , the jurisdictional police together with above mentioned accussed public servants will be responsible for it. Even if criminal nexus levels fake charges , police file fake cases against me or my dependents to silence me , this complaint is & will be effective.

Powers that  be , higher ups have referred all my previous cases to police although in most of the cases  police don’t  have jurisdiction over it.  It  sends  a subtle message by police force to  the  complainant  to keep silent . In the remaining cases  which are under their jurisdiction police  don’t act against higher ups , high & mighty. In such cases police lack  practical powers , their hands are tied although they  are  honest.  As a end result , police  have repeatedly called   me to police station  number of  times  ( have never called guilty  influential persons even once)  took  statement  from  me and closed  the files.


Hereby , I do make it clear  the statements made by me  in my original petitions , PILs , news papers  , etc  while I was in  a free & fair atmosphere  are  TRUE  , over rides , prevails over all the statements made by me before police  earlier and  which will be made by me  in future before police.


If I or my family members or my dependents are denied our fundamental rights , human rights , denied proper medical care for ourselves , If anything untoward happens to me or to my dependents or to my family members – In such case Chief Justice of India together with the jurisdictional revenue & police officials will be responsible for it , in such case the government of india is liable to pay Rs. TWO crore as compensation to survivors of my family. if my whole family is eliminated by the criminal nexus ,then that compensation money must be donated to Indian Army Welfare Fund. Afterwards , the money must be recovered by GOI as land arrears from the salary , pension , property , etc of guilty police officials , Judges , public servants & Constitutional functionaries.


date :  31.10.2017…………………………..Your’s sincerely,

place : India……………………………………Nagaraja.M.R.





 Edited, printed , published owned by NAGARAJA.M.R. @  # LIG-2   No  761, HUDCO  FIRST  STAGE , OPP WATER WORKS , LAXMIKANTANAGAR , HEBBAL ,MYSURU – 570017  KARNATAKA  INDIA


Cell : 91 8970318202


Home page :  


















Contact  :   Naag@protonmail.com ,  Naag@dalitonline.in  , 

Secure  Mail :  Naag@torbox3uiot6wchz.onion ,    


Posted by naghrw at 11:58 AM
FAKE Advocates

Indian’s  Diary  –  e  News  Weekly

Spreading the light of humanity freedom

Editor: Nagaraja.M.R.. Vol.13..Issue.44........11  / 11 / 2017

45% Of Lawyers In India Are Fake: Chairman Of Bar Council


The Chairman of the Bar Council of India (BCI) told Supreme Court (SC) judges that, according to statistics from the BCI’s ongoing verification process, 45% of lawyers in India are fake.

The SC judges voiced concern over the prevalence of fake lawyers in the country. The Chief Justice said “I am so happy that BCI has started the verification process. But it is not only about people with false degrees, but also those with no degrees. These people work without a licence. They go to court and practice without any authority. We need to start much before, right from the institutions.”

In August 2015, Mishra had reported that as many as 30% of lawyers could be fake, adding that acquiring certain numbers would take some more months. The verification drive was mildly controversial and prolonged, even causing the postponement of BCI elections. The Supreme Court had given the BCI till January 2017 to complete its verification drive.


Editorial :  UNFIT   people  selected as Judges , Police ,  Prosecutors

        Our whole hearted respects to honest few in judiciary , bar , legal profession  , police & public service.  This article is only  directed towards few rogues in the legal profession , police , Read the following web pages  , it is only the tip of ice berg.  UNFIT  candidates  lacking merit , honesty , integrity  are being selected as judges , police , public prosecutors ,  taluk / district magistrates through illegal means.   On top of all , these  people  behave like rogues  on common people   while kowtowing  before rich  crooks.

    Therefore , all the people arrested , charge sheeted  by police are NOT criminals , in the same way all people convicted by  judges are NOT criminals. As  there may be CRIMINALS  in Khaki , Judicial robe , lawyer’s gown itself.

   During trial of a case , as  accused is subjected to   thorough background check  by prosecution , police & judges. In the same way people  , defendants  , parties in cases have a right to examine thoroughly  the  antecedents , back  grounds  of public prosecutors , lawyers , police , judges handling the case to ascertain  whether they are honest or  rogues.

    Jai Hind. Vande Mataram.


Your’s sincerely ,

Nagaraja   Mysuru   Raghupathi.



11 Years After Famous SC Judgement On Police Reforms, Know What The Judgement Was & Where Do We Stand

By  The Logical Indian


Even after eleven years of the supreme court asking all states and the Centre to bring in reforms to make the police force more people-centric than ruler-centric not much has changed on the ground.

During our colonial time common people like farmers, small business owners, activists among others had to fear the sound of Police. Colonial police structure is based on mistrust, and the image associated with it was tough. Did this change after independence?? Do we see police as a sign of relief or trouble?? Can we go to a police station and register a complaint without fear or “money”? When faced with danger do we call police or friends?

Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi was correct in saying that we need a SMART police. Police should be sensitive, mobile, alert, reliable and techno-savvy. But, the real question is how long we are supposed to wait to get such a police force? After almost 70 years of independence, we are still governed majorly by Indian Police Act (IPA) of 1861.

British colonisers drafted IPA as a direct consequence of the Revolt of 1857. It was based on colonial distrust of the lower ranks. The decision making lies with few high-placed police officers while constables merely followed orders. After Independence, efforts were made to change, but the police system still remains almost intact.

Supreme Court Judgement
On 22nd Dec 2006, the Supreme Court of India delivered a historic judgement in Prakash Singh Vs Union of India instructing the central and state governments to comply with a set of seven directives that laid down practical mechanism to kick-start police reforms.

The court sought to achieve functional autonomy to the police and enhanced police accountability through its directives. The court’s directives in a nutshell are:

  • Constitute a State Security Commission (SSC) to ensure that the state government does not exercise unwarranted influence or pressure on the police. SSC will also lay down broad policy guideline and evaluate the performance of the state police.
  • Ensure that the DGP is appointed through the merit-based transparent process and secure a minimum tenure of two years.
  • Even police officers on operational duties (Including Superintendents of Police in-charge of Districts and Station House Officer in-charge of a police station) are also provided minimum tenure of 2 years.
  • Separation of investigative and law and order Functions of the police.
  • Set up a Police Establishment Board to decide on transfers, postings, promotions and other service related matters of police officers of and below the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) and recommend the same for officers above the rank of DSP.
  • Set up Police Complaints Authority at state and district level to inquire into public complaints against police officers in cases of serious misconduct.
  • Set up National Security Commission at the Union level to prepare a panel for selection and placement of Chiefs of the Central Police Organisations with a minimum tenure of two years

Did we see any change after the judgement??
Power is something very important for our politicians. How can they lose such power and influence over our powerful police??

First of all, the judgement rattled our politicians. They feared the loss of power and eight states (Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh) in an attempt to hold on to that power filed review petitions. However, all these petitions were dismissed by Supreme Court on Aug 23rd, 2007. They had no intention to reform our police force unless forced.

Since the order, 17 states have passed new Acts while 12 have issued executive orders. Almost none followed the SC order either in letter or spirit. These Acts, unfortunately, were passed to circumvent the implementation of the court’s directions. The states took advantage of a provision in the judgement that its orders would be operative “till such time a new Model Police Act is prepared by the central government and/or the state government pass the requisite legislation”.

“When the supreme court order came, the states quickly latched on to the part of it which said the order must be followed until new acts are passed. Thus states quickly passed new acts in order to not to follow SC directions on police reforms” says former Uttar Pradesh DG Prakash Singh who fought for 10 years to get SC pass the orders.

On May 17th, 2008 the SC constituted a monitoring committee headed by Justice KT Thomas to oversee the implementation of its directives. The committee in its report submitted in 2010 said: “practically no state has fully complied with those directives so far, in letter and spirit.” It also expressed its “dismay over the total indifference to the issue of reforms in the functioning of police being exhibited by the states”.

In many states, the composition of State Security Commission is not independent of the political influence of ruling party. Most states have avoided having the opposition leader in the commission, and independent members were kept away. Independence of DGP is of paramount importance. Many states have refused to give more than one-year fixed tenure to DGP. Even reasons for his removal have been kept vague with grounds ranging from public interest, administrative exigencies and incapacitation.

Model Police Act was drafted by Former Attorney Soli Sorabjee way back in 2006. Instead of hearing news of Model Police Act being implemented we are still hearing about pleas that are being filed in SC for implementation.

Demand for police reforms is not a new one. People have demanded reforms in police even before our independence. Various commissions and committees like Ribero Committee, Padmanabhaiah Committee, Malinath Committee, National Police Commission, etc. have submitted multiple recommendations and reports. These reports are just collecting specks of dust with none completely implemented.

If the states and centre took the judgement of our SC as an opportunity to undo their historical mistakes, we would have seen a better police force. It is not all that bad, some positive changes have been made and incorporated into our Police Acts, it is just that they are not good enough.

To those politicians saying that judiciary is stepping beyond its boundary into legislative and executive functions, let us not forget that judiciary reacted after our legislative failed to act for 60 years. Our politicians should move beyond questions like who should control Delhi Police? Who should control CBI? They should not fight with Election Commission for transferring their favourites before elections.

Autonomy of our police forces, independence from political influence is a must for police to perform their job professionally. They should not fear frequent transfers and “punishment postings”. Let us hope that our politicians will realise that they are behaving in the same way our colonial masters behaved. Let us hope that they rise above desires like power and start valuing autonomy when it comes to the functioning of our police.

Let us request Prime Minister Narendra Modi to implement the directives by Supreme Court, you can sign the petition here: Implement Supreme Court’s Directives on Police Reforms


Implement Supreme Court's Directives on Police Reforms





Honorable Prime Minister of India
Honorable Lieutenant Governors and Administrators of Union Territories of India
Honorable Chief Ministers of all States of India

We live in an age where the paper is disappearing away from our lives. When information can fit in the palm of our hands. But, articles written in 1861 are still governing us. We are standing mute and doing nothing to improve our policing ( Indian Police Act). We need a big step to modernize our police. Sadly, the British Colonial Policing system is still ruling our policing, and so the distrust we had for the British India continues for our police. Our Investigation process is slothful. Mob lynching is rampant in our country as violators are not scared of law enforcement agency. Today, A victim lacks access to justice; the criminal is not afraid at all.

The global average ratio of police-population is 270 to 100,000, where it’s 120 in India. Under List II, Section 7 of the Indian constitution, only States have powers to implement or amend laws on Police.

In 1996, two retired DGPs Prakash Singh, and NK Singh filed a PIL seeking Supreme court's order to Center and states for massive overhauling of their police. After ten long years of reviewing, The Supreme Court issued seven directives to states and UTs of India in 2006 to implement, which have not been followed by state government

The Seven Directives by The Supreme Court.   

1.Constitute a State Security Commission (SSC) to ensure that the state government does not exercise unwarranted influence or pressure on the police. SSC will also lay down broad policy guideline and evaluate the performance of the state police.

2. Ensure that the DGP is appointed through the merit-based transparent process and secure a minimum tenure of two years.

3.Even police officers on operational duties (Including Superintendents of Police in-charge of Districts and Station House Officer in-charge of a police station) are also provided minimum tenure of 2 years.

4. Separation of investigative and law and order Functions of the police.

5.Set up a Police Establishment Board to decide on transfers, postings, promotions and other service related matters of police officers of and below the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) and recommend the same for officers above the rank of DSP.

6.Set up a Police Complaints Authority at state and district level to inquire into public complaints against police officers in cases of serious misconduct.

7.Set up National Security Commission at the Union level to prepare a panel for selection and placement of Chiefs of the Central Police Organisations with a minimum tenure of two years

My Suggestion:

8. Promote community policing among the citizens. 
9. Install CCTV and Biometric system in all 20,000 or more police stations in India. 

Recently, Chief Justice of India, Justice Khehar, expressed his anguish over the reluctance of states for not implementing the Directives on Police reforms announced in 2006. Earlier, many committees like Gore Committee on Police Training, the National Police Commission, The Ribeiro Committee on Police Reforms, The Padmanabhaiah Committee on Police Reforms have been able to break the dichotomy between the State Governments and the Supreme Court.

India is vulnerable to both Internal and external security threats. While our Jawans in Olive Green are taking charge to prevent external threats, it's the time to empower our Jawans in khaki to clear internal threats. Training and engagement are critical prerequisites; our police require to become world-class.  We cannot achieve economic sustainability unless we make our policing sound. We need a safe and healthy environment for the growth of our country. I urge and request that every state government implement the Supreme Court's directives on police reforms in the country.



Democracy demands police reform


Civilisations across the world have, in their evolution over the centuries, witnessed the progressive transfer of the power of governance to the people themselves. Democracy has now come to be the most acceptable form of self-governance .

Political parties have a major role to play in democracies. They may avowedly pursue different ideologies and project some long-term objectives of national significance. But, as a matter of strategy, they get focused on short-term temporal gains in order to gain the support of influential political groups and individuals. In such a context, bribery and corruption become fair game.

Corruption of this kind inevitably spills over onto the administrative structure of a democracy. The permanent services, which actually run the government, function under the close view of expectant politicians in power at different levels, and are frequently pressured to behave in a partisan manner. Even senior functionaries in the services are not exempt from this pressure. Yet, even if a few among them succumb to such pressure, the system gets weakened and vulnerable to extraneous influences and considerations — which is prejudicial to public interest, fair play and justice.

Every country has its own formalised mechanism to check, investigate and penalise corruption in the services; but in practice this is mostly seen to be effective only at the lower levels in the administration, leaving the higher echelons with political connections free from exposure and punishment. The fruits of democracy are thus ultimately denied to a gullible people, who are taken in by the eloquent rhetoric and passionate appeal of the politicians, most of whom focus on emotive issues. Over time, in people's perception, politicians benefit directly from the system, more visibly and substantially than the people themselves. This difference gets more marked in countries where large sections of the voting people are more ignorant and poor by middle-class standards.


International transactions of a commercial nature, even between governments, have also now become susceptible to venal practices. The infamous Bofors deal of the last decade and the outrageous oil-for-food scam connected with Iraq in recent years have pointed to corrupt links between the power brokers and influence peddlers in the contracting countries. Corruption is now perceived as a global malaise, seriously impeding the desired growth of the developed as well as developing nations. The Corruption Perceptions Index for 2006 compiled by Transparency International shows a "significant worsening in perceived levels of corruption in several countries, including the US, Israel and Brazil". In recent elections to the House and the Senate in the US, it has been reported that the perceived increase in corruption in administration and public life had considerably influenced the voting against the party in power.

In this context it is very welcome that the Supreme Court of India delivered a landmark judgment in September, categorically directing the police system in the country to be freed from the exclusive control of politically oriented governments, and made to function with professional autonomy and accountability to an independent authority. This model delineating the command and control of investigating agencies needs to be enforced in all countries if democracy is to survive the onslaught of power politics. So those chief ministers protesting against the apex court's order are on the wrong track.

But how is this reform to be achieved? The pressure for reform has to come from outside the system, namely from the people who have voted the system into place. As the ultimate victims of corruption, they would require advice, guidance and support from former members of the system who are knowledgeable and public-spirited.

Therefore, it makes sense for the former chiefs of law enforcement agencies in some important democratic countries to get together and evolve measures to secure the professional autonomy of these agencies so that they can be people-oriented in their performance. It is now an appropriate time to make such a move. Multilateral agencies like the IMF and World Bank should support such a step, since it would ensure that their funds to aid community development the world over are protected.



Public Prosecutor   Appointment Scam

http://starofmysore.com/assistant-public-prosecutors-appointment-scam-unearthed/ ,

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAEBJsp_Zsg ,


Four Arrested in  Delhi Police Recruitment Scam

http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-news-india/four-arrested-in-delhi-police-recruitment-scam-2998152/  ,

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vyapam_scam ,


KPSC  , Scam

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/indiahome/indianews/article-2362317/CID-probe-exposes-jobs-marriage-scam-KPSC.html  ,

http://bangalore.citizenmatters.in/articles/kpsc-recruitment-scam-cid-report-confirms-malpractice ,


Judge   Selection   Illegal

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/indiahome/indianews/article-3300929/Did-judges-children-special-treatment-Supreme-Court-examine-answer-sheets-Delhi-judicial-exam-2014-favouritism-complaints.html  ,

http://www.timesnow.tv/india/video/sc-judge-rips-into-cji-headed-collegium-shuns-selection-meetings/48804  ,

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/kochi/Discrepancies-in-magistrate-test-evaluation-HC-asks-for-registrys-views/articleshow/46470410.cms  ,


Top police official in Kerala allegedly caught red-handed while copying in LL.M. exam

http://www.livelaw.in/top-police-official-in-kerala-allegedly-caught-red-handed-while-copying-in-ll-m-exam/  ,


Judges Suspended For Mass Copying

http://news.fullhyderabad.com/hyderabad-news/five-judges-suspended-for-mass-copying-1434.html   ,

 Edited, printed , published owned by NAGARAJA.M.R. @  # LIG-2   No  761, HUDCO  FIRST  STAGE , OPP WATER WORKS , LAXMIKANTANAGAR , HEBBAL ,MYSURU – 570017  KARNATAKA  INDIA


Cell : 91 8970318202


Home page :  


















Contact  :   Naag@protonmail.com ,  Naag@dalitonline.in  , 

Secure  Mail :  Naag@torbox3uiot6wchz.onion ,    


Posted by naghrw at 11:57 AM
FAKE Advocates

Indian’s  Diary  –  e  News  Weekly

Spreading the light of humanity freedom

Editor: Nagaraja.M.R.. Vol.13..Issue.44........11  / 11 / 2017

45% Of Lawyers In India Are Fake: Chairman Of Bar Council


The Chairman of the Bar Council of India (BCI) told Supreme Court (SC) judges that, according to statistics from the BCI’s ongoing verification process, 45% of lawyers in India are fake.

The SC judges voiced concern over the prevalence of fake lawyers in the country. The Chief Justice said “I am so happy that BCI has started the verification process. But it is not only about people with false degrees, but also those with no degrees. These people work without a licence. They go to court and practice without any authority. We need to start much before, right from the institutions.”

In August 2015, Mishra had reported that as many as 30% of lawyers could be fake, adding that acquiring certain numbers would take some more months. The verification drive was mildly controversial and prolonged, even causing the postponement of BCI elections. The Supreme Court had given the BCI till January 2017 to complete its verification drive.


Editorial :  UNFIT   people  selected as Judges , Police ,  Prosecutors

        Our whole hearted respects to honest few in judiciary , bar , legal profession  , police & public service.  This article is only  directed towards few rogues in the legal profession , police , Read the following web pages  , it is only the tip of ice berg.  UNFIT  candidates  lacking merit , honesty , integrity  are being selected as judges , police , public prosecutors ,  taluk / district magistrates through illegal means.   On top of all , these  people  behave like rogues  on common people   while kowtowing  before rich  crooks.

    Therefore , all the people arrested , charge sheeted  by police are NOT criminals , in the same way all people convicted by  judges are NOT criminals. As  there may be CRIMINALS  in Khaki , Judicial robe , lawyer’s gown itself.

   During trial of a case , as  accused is subjected to   thorough background check  by prosecution , police & judges. In the same way people  , defendants  , parties in cases have a right to examine thoroughly  the  antecedents , back  grounds  of public prosecutors , lawyers , police , judges handling the case to ascertain  whether they are honest or  rogues.

    Jai Hind. Vande Mataram.


Your’s sincerely ,

Nagaraja   Mysuru   Raghupathi.



11 Years After Famous SC Judgement On Police Reforms, Know What The Judgement Was & Where Do We Stand

By  The Logical Indian


Even after eleven years of the supreme court asking all states and the Centre to bring in reforms to make the police force more people-centric than ruler-centric not much has changed on the ground.

During our colonial time common people like farmers, small business owners, activists among others had to fear the sound of Police. Colonial police structure is based on mistrust, and the image associated with it was tough. Did this change after independence?? Do we see police as a sign of relief or trouble?? Can we go to a police station and register a complaint without fear or “money”? When faced with danger do we call police or friends?

Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi was correct in saying that we need a SMART police. Police should be sensitive, mobile, alert, reliable and techno-savvy. But, the real question is how long we are supposed to wait to get such a police force? After almost 70 years of independence, we are still governed majorly by Indian Police Act (IPA) of 1861.

British colonisers drafted IPA as a direct consequence of the Revolt of 1857. It was based on colonial distrust of the lower ranks. The decision making lies with few high-placed police officers while constables merely followed orders. After Independence, efforts were made to change, but the police system still remains almost intact.

Supreme Court Judgement
On 22nd Dec 2006, the Supreme Court of India delivered a historic judgement in Prakash Singh Vs Union of India instructing the central and state governments to comply with a set of seven directives that laid down practical mechanism to kick-start police reforms.

The court sought to achieve functional autonomy to the police and enhanced police accountability through its directives. The court’s directives in a nutshell are:

  • Constitute a State Security Commission (SSC) to ensure that the state government does not exercise unwarranted influence or pressure on the police. SSC will also lay down broad policy guideline and evaluate the performance of the state police.
  • Ensure that the DGP is appointed through the merit-based transparent process and secure a minimum tenure of two years.
  • Even police officers on operational duties (Including Superintendents of Police in-charge of Districts and Station House Officer in-charge of a police station) are also provided minimum tenure of 2 years.
  • Separation of investigative and law and order Functions of the police.
  • Set up a Police Establishment Board to decide on transfers, postings, promotions and other service related matters of police officers of and below the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) and recommend the same for officers above the rank of DSP.
  • Set up Police Complaints Authority at state and district level to inquire into public complaints against police officers in cases of serious misconduct.
  • Set up National Security Commission at the Union level to prepare a panel for selection and placement of Chiefs of the Central Police Organisations with a minimum tenure of two years

Did we see any change after the judgement??
Power is something very important for our politicians. How can they lose such power and influence over our powerful police??

First of all, the judgement rattled our politicians. They feared the loss of power and eight states (Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh) in an attempt to hold on to that power filed review petitions. However, all these petitions were dismissed by Supreme Court on Aug 23rd, 2007. They had no intention to reform our police force unless forced.

Since the order, 17 states have passed new Acts while 12 have issued executive orders. Almost none followed the SC order either in letter or spirit. These Acts, unfortunately, were passed to circumvent the implementation of the court’s directions. The states took advantage of a provision in the judgement that its orders would be operative “till such time a new Model Police Act is prepared by the central government and/or the state government pass the requisite legislation”.

“When the supreme court order came, the states quickly latched on to the part of it which said the order must be followed until new acts are passed. Thus states quickly passed new acts in order to not to follow SC directions on police reforms” says former Uttar Pradesh DG Prakash Singh who fought for 10 years to get SC pass the orders.

On May 17th, 2008 the SC constituted a monitoring committee headed by Justice KT Thomas to oversee the implementation of its directives. The committee in its report submitted in 2010 said: “practically no state has fully complied with those directives so far, in letter and spirit.” It also expressed its “dismay over the total indifference to the issue of reforms in the functioning of police being exhibited by the states”.

In many states, the composition of State Security Commission is not independent of the political influence of ruling party. Most states have avoided having the opposition leader in the commission, and independent members were kept away. Independence of DGP is of paramount importance. Many states have refused to give more than one-year fixed tenure to DGP. Even reasons for his removal have been kept vague with grounds ranging from public interest, administrative exigencies and incapacitation.

Model Police Act was drafted by Former Attorney Soli Sorabjee way back in 2006. Instead of hearing news of Model Police Act being implemented we are still hearing about pleas that are being filed in SC for implementation.

Demand for police reforms is not a new one. People have demanded reforms in police even before our independence. Various commissions and committees like Ribero Committee, Padmanabhaiah Committee, Malinath Committee, National Police Commission, etc. have submitted multiple recommendations and reports. These reports are just collecting specks of dust with none completely implemented.

If the states and centre took the judgement of our SC as an opportunity to undo their historical mistakes, we would have seen a better police force. It is not all that bad, some positive changes have been made and incorporated into our Police Acts, it is just that they are not good enough.

To those politicians saying that judiciary is stepping beyond its boundary into legislative and executive functions, let us not forget that judiciary reacted after our legislative failed to act for 60 years. Our politicians should move beyond questions like who should control Delhi Police? Who should control CBI? They should not fight with Election Commission for transferring their favourites before elections.

Autonomy of our police forces, independence from political influence is a must for police to perform their job professionally. They should not fear frequent transfers and “punishment postings”. Let us hope that our politicians will realise that they are behaving in the same way our colonial masters behaved. Let us hope that they rise above desires like power and start valuing autonomy when it comes to the functioning of our police.

Let us request Prime Minister Narendra Modi to implement the directives by Supreme Court, you can sign the petition here: Implement Supreme Court’s Directives on Police Reforms


Implement Supreme Court's Directives on Police Reforms





Honorable Prime Minister of India
Honorable Lieutenant Governors and Administrators of Union Territories of India
Honorable Chief Ministers of all States of India

We live in an age where the paper is disappearing away from our lives. When information can fit in the palm of our hands. But, articles written in 1861 are still governing us. We are standing mute and doing nothing to improve our policing ( Indian Police Act). We need a big step to modernize our police. Sadly, the British Colonial Policing system is still ruling our policing, and so the distrust we had for the British India continues for our police. Our Investigation process is slothful. Mob lynching is rampant in our country as violators are not scared of law enforcement agency. Today, A victim lacks access to justice; the criminal is not afraid at all.

The global average ratio of police-population is 270 to 100,000, where it’s 120 in India. Under List II, Section 7 of the Indian constitution, only States have powers to implement or amend laws on Police.

In 1996, two retired DGPs Prakash Singh, and NK Singh filed a PIL seeking Supreme court's order to Center and states for massive overhauling of their police. After ten long years of reviewing, The Supreme Court issued seven directives to states and UTs of India in 2006 to implement, which have not been followed by state government

The Seven Directives by The Supreme Court.   

1.Constitute a State Security Commission (SSC) to ensure that the state government does not exercise unwarranted influence or pressure on the police. SSC will also lay down broad policy guideline and evaluate the performance of the state police.

2. Ensure that the DGP is appointed through the merit-based transparent process and secure a minimum tenure of two years.

3.Even police officers on operational duties (Including Superintendents of Police in-charge of Districts and Station House Officer in-charge of a police station) are also provided minimum tenure of 2 years.

4. Separation of investigative and law and order Functions of the police.

5.Set up a Police Establishment Board to decide on transfers, postings, promotions and other service related matters of police officers of and below the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) and recommend the same for officers above the rank of DSP.

6.Set up a Police Complaints Authority at state and district level to inquire into public complaints against police officers in cases of serious misconduct.

7.Set up National Security Commission at the Union level to prepare a panel for selection and placement of Chiefs of the Central Police Organisations with a minimum tenure of two years

My Suggestion:

8. Promote community policing among the citizens. 
9. Install CCTV and Biometric system in all 20,000 or more police stations in India. 

Recently, Chief Justice of India, Justice Khehar, expressed his anguish over the reluctance of states for not implementing the Directives on Police reforms announced in 2006. Earlier, many committees like Gore Committee on Police Training, the National Police Commission, The Ribeiro Committee on Police Reforms, The Padmanabhaiah Committee on Police Reforms have been able to break the dichotomy between the State Governments and the Supreme Court.

India is vulnerable to both Internal and external security threats. While our Jawans in Olive Green are taking charge to prevent external threats, it's the time to empower our Jawans in khaki to clear internal threats. Training and engagement are critical prerequisites; our police require to become world-class.  We cannot achieve economic sustainability unless we make our policing sound. We need a safe and healthy environment for the growth of our country. I urge and request that every state government implement the Supreme Court's directives on police reforms in the country.



Democracy demands police reform


Civilisations across the world have, in their evolution over the centuries, witnessed the progressive transfer of the power of governance to the people themselves. Democracy has now come to be the most acceptable form of self-governance .

Political parties have a major role to play in democracies. They may avowedly pursue different ideologies and project some long-term objectives of national significance. But, as a matter of strategy, they get focused on short-term temporal gains in order to gain the support of influential political groups and individuals. In such a context, bribery and corruption become fair game.

Corruption of this kind inevitably spills over onto the administrative structure of a democracy. The permanent services, which actually run the government, function under the close view of expectant politicians in power at different levels, and are frequently pressured to behave in a partisan manner. Even senior functionaries in the services are not exempt from this pressure. Yet, even if a few among them succumb to such pressure, the system gets weakened and vulnerable to extraneous influences and considerations — which is prejudicial to public interest, fair play and justice.

Every country has its own formalised mechanism to check, investigate and penalise corruption in the services; but in practice this is mostly seen to be effective only at the lower levels in the administration, leaving the higher echelons with political connections free from exposure and punishment. The fruits of democracy are thus ultimately denied to a gullible people, who are taken in by the eloquent rhetoric and passionate appeal of the politicians, most of whom focus on emotive issues. Over time, in people's perception, politicians benefit directly from the system, more visibly and substantially than the people themselves. This difference gets more marked in countries where large sections of the voting people are more ignorant and poor by middle-class standards.


International transactions of a commercial nature, even between governments, have also now become susceptible to venal practices. The infamous Bofors deal of the last decade and the outrageous oil-for-food scam connected with Iraq in recent years have pointed to corrupt links between the power brokers and influence peddlers in the contracting countries. Corruption is now perceived as a global malaise, seriously impeding the desired growth of the developed as well as developing nations. The Corruption Perceptions Index for 2006 compiled by Transparency International shows a "significant worsening in perceived levels of corruption in several countries, including the US, Israel and Brazil". In recent elections to the House and the Senate in the US, it has been reported that the perceived increase in corruption in administration and public life had considerably influenced the voting against the party in power.

In this context it is very welcome that the Supreme Court of India delivered a landmark judgment in September, categorically directing the police system in the country to be freed from the exclusive control of politically oriented governments, and made to function with professional autonomy and accountability to an independent authority. This model delineating the command and control of investigating agencies needs to be enforced in all countries if democracy is to survive the onslaught of power politics. So those chief ministers protesting against the apex court's order are on the wrong track.

But how is this reform to be achieved? The pressure for reform has to come from outside the system, namely from the people who have voted the system into place. As the ultimate victims of corruption, they would require advice, guidance and support from former members of the system who are knowledgeable and public-spirited.

Therefore, it makes sense for the former chiefs of law enforcement agencies in some important democratic countries to get together and evolve measures to secure the professional autonomy of these agencies so that they can be people-oriented in their performance. It is now an appropriate time to make such a move. Multilateral agencies like the IMF and World Bank should support such a step, since it would ensure that their funds to aid community development the world over are protected.



Public Prosecutor   Appointment Scam

http://starofmysore.com/assistant-public-prosecutors-appointment-scam-unearthed/ ,

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAEBJsp_Zsg ,


Four Arrested in  Delhi Police Recruitment Scam

http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-news-india/four-arrested-in-delhi-police-recruitment-scam-2998152/  ,

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vyapam_scam ,


KPSC  , Scam

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/indiahome/indianews/article-2362317/CID-probe-exposes-jobs-marriage-scam-KPSC.html  ,

http://bangalore.citizenmatters.in/articles/kpsc-recruitment-scam-cid-report-confirms-malpractice ,


Judge   Selection   Illegal

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/indiahome/indianews/article-3300929/Did-judges-children-special-treatment-Supreme-Court-examine-answer-sheets-Delhi-judicial-exam-2014-favouritism-complaints.html  ,

http://www.timesnow.tv/india/video/sc-judge-rips-into-cji-headed-collegium-shuns-selection-meetings/48804  ,

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/kochi/Discrepancies-in-magistrate-test-evaluation-HC-asks-for-registrys-views/articleshow/46470410.cms  ,


Top police official in Kerala allegedly caught red-handed while copying in LL.M. exam

http://www.livelaw.in/top-police-official-in-kerala-allegedly-caught-red-handed-while-copying-in-ll-m-exam/  ,


Judges Suspended For Mass Copying

http://news.fullhyderabad.com/hyderabad-news/five-judges-suspended-for-mass-copying-1434.html   ,

 Edited, printed , published owned by NAGARAJA.M.R. @  # LIG-2   No  761, HUDCO  FIRST  STAGE , OPP WATER WORKS , LAXMIKANTANAGAR , HEBBAL ,MYSURU – 570017  KARNATAKA  INDIA


Cell : 91 8970318202


Home page :  


















Contact  :   Naag@protonmail.com ,  Naag@dalitonline.in  , 

Secure  Mail :  Naag@torbox3uiot6wchz.onion ,    


Posted by naghrw at 11:57 AM

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